FLO Living Blog

A self-guided set of resources to help you better understand your own hormone journey.
Birth Control
Cycle Syncing®
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Hormone Health Series
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Our Most-Loved Articles of 2018

Whether you’re a FLO Living veteran (thank you! we love you!) or brand new to our group of empowered and hormonally savvy women (welcome! we love you!), we hope you’ve had a wonderful, happy, and hormone healthy 2018. We’re so grateful to have been part of your journey, wherever you are on the path, and we plan to bring you SO MUCH MORE in 2019. We have a lot of wonderful new content in store. We’ll be covering topics that will help you speed up your hormonal recovery and feel better, faster. Meanwhile, we’ve gathered together our most-read articles of 2018. These are the posts that women found most valuable over the course of the year and that they returned to again and again. We hope you’ll take advantage of this list as a go-to resource that you can refer to whenever you need support. And if FLO Living has made a difference in your life this year, or ever, please spread the love and share this post with anyone you feel might benefit from our blog and programs! And please, please, PLEASE leave a comment below (or over on Instagram) to tell me what kinds of hormonal health topics you’d like me to cover in 2018.

Our Top 10 Must-Read Articles of 2018

  1. How To Get Clearer Skin and a Flatter Tummy in Time for Summer (May 22, 2018)

When summer hits, it seems like every magazine, blog, and social media post is trying to sell you a fad diet or new fitness craze to get you ready for swimsuit season. But buying into deprivation diets or crazy workout plans that ignore the importance of cycle syncing your exercise will only hurt your chances of true hormonal healing and the benefits that come with it: clearer skin, less bloating, and steady, sustainable weight loss. Looking and feeling your best is all about biohacking.

  1. Why Your Hardcore New Year's Workout Plan is Failing You—And What To Do Instead (January 25, 2018)

Have you ever launched enthusiastically into a high-intensity regimen only to find yourself feeling drained, depleted, and somehow up a pant size? What gives? The key to making exercise work for you instead of against you is to understand your hormones and tailor the intensity and the timing of your workouts to your shifting hormonal needs each week.

  1. The Connection Between Women's Hormones and Intermittent Fasting (October 23, 2018)

Intermittent fasting is all the rage. But fasting isn’t the same for men and women. If women try fasting but don’t do it properly, it can cause more harm than good. At the same time, when you know how to use intermittent fasting in a way that is safe for your unique female biochemistry—that is, when you know how to biohack intermittent fasting to improve hormone health instead of harm it—you can reap some amazing benefits.

  1. Five Acne Cures That Actually Make Your Skin Worse (July 23, 2018)

I suffered from severe cystic acne for many years and I went to my doctor desperate for answers. Not only did their “solutions” not work, they made my acne — and my other symptoms — even worse. Don’t make the mistakes I made: address the real root cause of your acne and get the clear skin you deserve.

  1. The Real Reason Behind Your Period Problems (April 5, 2018)

Have you ever wondered about the cause of your hormonal problems? The underlying issue affecting your weight, skin, fertility, health, and happiness? What if I told you that no matter what kind of hormonal dysfunction you’re dealing with — be it endometriosis, PCOS, PMS, or something else — you’re almost certainly struggling with one single cause? And that all it takes to overcome your issues once and for all is to understand how to outsmart the problem?

  1. The 5 Supplements You MUST Have To Boost Your Sex Drive (February 7, 2018)

When it comes to healing hormonal dysfunction, food is always your best ally. But supplements can add critical extra support. Think of them as tools that will fasttrack your healing so you feel motivated, empowered, and in the mood.

  1. Suffering From Adult Acne? The 5 Secret Fixes You Need (April 25, 2018)

Hormonal acne can accompany natural shifts in the menstrual cycle—for example, when you’re moving from your ovulation phase into your pre-menstruation phase. It can also be triggered by high levels of androgens (male hormones), chronically high insulin levels, and stress. But there are powerful lifestyle strategies you can use to address these root causes and heal your skin.

  1. The 5 Ways Stress Affects Your Period (March 3, 2018)

Stress wreaks havoc on hormonal health. Here’s what’s happening to your hormones when you’re chronically stressed, and how you can take steps to address it.

  1. Three Secret Reasons Women Shouldn't Drink Coffee (March 28, 2018)

If you have PMS, are trying to conceive, or have a diagnosed menstrual issue, you shouldn’t be drinking coffee or caffeine in general. Here’s the inside scoop on coffee’s corrosive effect on female reproductive hormones.

  1. The 5 Healthy Foods That Are Secretly Sabotaging Your Hormones (April 11, 2018)

Before I made it my mission to fix my hormones and help other women do the same, I had no idea that some of the foods I believed to be “healthy” were actually making my problems worse. Now I see how shocked my clients are when I tell them that some of the hyped-up health foods in their grocery carts might be hindering their progress in reversing symptoms.Please leave me a note below and tell me what hormonal health topics you’d like me to cover in 2018. What would you like to know more? What symptoms are you experiencing? Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!

Is Your Period Healthy?

How do you know if your hormones are healthy? The answer is in your 5th vital sign – your period.The color of your flow, frequency of your period, and symptoms you have each month can tell you a lot about your health. There are 5 different V-SIGN TYPES, and knowing which one you have will help you get healthy now and prevent disease in the future.Click here to take The V-SIGN TYPE™ Quiz NOW

Why You Should Resolve to Never Set New Year’s Resolutions

I love New Year’s. It’s the time of year when the feminine energy of creativity and creation takes center stage. It’s when we step back—when the culture expects us to step back—and envision what we want for ourselves in the next 12 months. We tap into our desires to create something out of nothing, to tap into the void, and aspire to new possibilities, opportunities, and connections.

New Year’s is so different than the rest of the year, when the expectation is that we just keep plugging along at our to-do lists without reflection. January 1st is our chance to think about what we really want, how we want to feel, and what we most want to do in the new year.

I’m not always comfortable calling the big-picture planning that happens at New Year “making resolutions.” To “resolve” to do something can feel heavy and uninspiring. Also, most resolutions don’t stick. The vast majority are abandoned by the end of January.

As you look ahead, I encourage you to envision a new reality in which your body is your compass—a reality in which your own innate feminine wisdom guides you (and you listen!). It can help to think of these more as “intentions” or “aspirations” than “resolutions,” (which feels more self-loving and inspirational). I like to list out my aspirations in the present tense, as if they are already happening. Words are so powerful that acting “as if” goes a long way to helping manifest what we want to happen.

Here are some of the aspirations I have for myself and for the whole FLO Living community in the new year:

  • We're eating cyclically
  • We're exercising based on what's best for our hormonal changes
  • We're fully aware that the latest studies in nutrition and fitness didn't include women in their reproductive years, so we keep coming back to doing what's right for our own hormonal reality (instead of blindly following the recommendations set for men)
  • We're honoring our need for rest
  • We're fully engaging our creativity
  • We're being compassionate with our bodies
  • We're exploring how to amplify our feminine energy and balance it with our masculine
  • We're having more orgasms
  • We're planning our work life so we can be productive with less stress
  • We're on our phone less and IRL more
  • We're spending lots of time with girlfriends
  • We're getting into our bodies with dance and fun and raw cacao and CBD
  • We're dedicating some of our time and talents to solving some of the world's problems (environmental issues, child trafficking, women's rights, eliminating racism/sexism, dismantling the patriarchy)

What are you aspiring to in the new year? What energy do you want to invite into your life? How do you want to feel? Please tell me in the comments below or leave me a comment on Instagram (or both!).  

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!


Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a confusing name for a complicated condition. First of all, you can have PCOS and not have cysts on your ovaries. At the same time, studies show that healthy women have cysts on their ovaries 25 percent of the time. So you can be in perfect hormonal health and have ovarian cysts and/or you can be cyst-free and have PCOS. It’s, well….confusing.Another common misperception about PCOS? That it’s an ovarian disease, or a problem with the ovaries. In fact, the ovaries are simply responding to a system-wide hormone imbalance. In other words, your ovaries aren’t causing the problem. They’re victims of the wider hormone imbalance happening in your body.You might be thinking, Well, that’s all fine and good, but what I really care about is healing my PCOS symptoms. How does knowing about what PCOS is and isn’t help me? Here’s how: When you know that ovaries aren’t the cause of your problem—and what you’re experiencing is a larger hormonal imbalance—healing your PCOS and erasing your symptoms becomes much easier. The root cause of your symptoms—hormone imbalance—can be addressed with nutrition and lifestyle. (Whereas it is significantly harder, if not impossible, to address a clinical ovarian problem with nutrition and lifestyle modifications alone.) And if you have PCOS, that’s good news! It means you can heal your PCOS and erase your symptoms with what’s on your plate, how and when you move your body, and other lifestyle choices. The best treatment plan for PCOS is the one you already have the power to do at home. Plus, lifestyle modifications cost no extra money and they have absolutely no side effects. Best of all? They really work.

PCOS Symptoms & The Importance of Food as Medicine

PCOS affects as many as five million women in the United States and it is one of the most common causes of infertility among women of childbearing age. PCOS symptoms—including weight gain, weight loss resistance, acne, missing or irregular periods, thinning hair on the top of the head and excess hair on the face and chest—can be annoying at best and debilitating at worst. As if that weren’t enough, PCOS can come with long-term consequences. The condition can set the stage for other chronic conditions, like diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and stroke. PCOS has also been associated with increased risk of anxiety and depression. This is why addressing PCOS with lifestyle choices is so important, both for your health and fertility now AND in the future. Whenever I’m working with a client who has been diagnosed with PCOS, the first changes I recommend are food and nutrition. Food is medicine when it comes to PCOS. One of the biggest pieces of the nutrition puzzle for PCOS is blood sugar stability and insulin sensitivity. That’s because high insulin levels interfere with ovulation. And while a lot of factors affect blood sugar and insulin, including genetics and the health of your microbiome, the single biggest factor is what you eat. A diet high in processed carbs and simple sugars will send your blood sugar and insulin surging. A diet high in healthy fats, phytonutrient-rich vegetables and other complex carbohydrates, and high-quality protein will keep blood sugar stable. When you eat certain foods also makes a difference. I call the concept of matching your nutrition with your unique hormonal needs each week “Cycle Syncing®,” and it is one of the most important parts of any diet plan for women with hormone imbalances. If you don’t currently track your cycle and match your food with your shifting hormonal needs, get the MyFlo app and start tracking your 28-day cycle and aligning your food with your hormones.

Natural Strategies for PCOS

PCOS is best addressed with food and lifestyle modifications. Here are my top recommendations for healing the hormone imbalances associated with PCOS and erasing your symptoms:Have healthy protein and healthy fat at breakfast. Try to eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up to help keep blood sugar steady and keep you feeling full until lunch. Eggs and avocado make a good combo. Consider adding some leafy greens or other veggies so your plate is brimming with inflammation-fighting phytonutrients....But don’t overdo animal protein. A Harvard study showed that women improved their chances of fertility when they got more of their protein from vegetable sources than animal sources. For the absolute best sources of protein for your hormones, click here. (Spoiler alert: eggs are okay! They appear to be the exception to the rule when it comes to animal protein.)Embrace the RIGHT kind of carbs. Not all carbs are created equal. While some carbs are notoriously bad for health—think baked goods, white bread, pasta—others are important for hormonal harmony. Most women with PCOS struggle on a low-carb diet, like Atkins or Paleo. I recommend making rice, quinoa, buckwheat and millet part of your regular diet. Ditch caffeine. Caffeine is a catastrophe for your hormones. Numerous studies link caffeine with impaired fertility (which is a hallmark of PCOS) and general hormonal discord that it’s hard to keep up with them all. Here’s just a few: research shows that drinking 3 cups of coffee a day (consumed by either men or women) increases the risk of miscarriage by 74%. Coffee is considered equal to drinking alcohol and smoking in terms of impairing fertility. And coffee depletes the B vitamins that are so necessary for healthy ovulation and hormone balance. If you suspect you’re low on B vitamins, you can find the formula I recommend in my Balance Supplement Kit. Tiptoe around toxins (and try to avoid them altogether!). Many of the everyday chemicals we’re exposed to through cleaning products, conventional health and body care products, lawn care products and household pesticides are endocrine disruptors and are known to to have negative reproductive, neurological, and immune system effects. The Environmental Working Group lists 12 of the worst endocrine offenders. Read labels on cleaning products carefully or, better yet, make your own products with vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils. A study commissioned by the independent research group, Women’s Voices for the Earth, found that a large number of popular cleaning products contained toxic chemicals that weren’t listed on the labels.Sync your life to your cycle. When you live your life in accordance with your natural hormonal rhythms, your hormones are happier—and so are you. It’s as simple as that. Sync your life with the MyFLO tracker, the first ever hormone balancing app. Tend your microbiome. A healthy microbiome, the group of bacteria that lives in your gut, means a healthy estrobolome, the colony of bacteria in the microbiome that help metabolize estrogen. Hormonal healing is impossible if your gut is out of balance. The best way to bring your microbiome into balance is to supplement with probiotics. Patch up nutrient deficiencies. Micronutrient support is critical for women with PCOS. Our bodies need the B vitamins that can help with mood and progesterone production; the liver support that helps detox estrogen; the magnesium that helps balance the production of progesterone, estrogen and testosterone; the probiotics that help heal the gut; and vitamins D, K1, and K2 to support healthy immune function and regular ovulation. You can find all these supplements together in the Balance Supplement Kit I created specifically to bring hormones back into balance. Focus on strength training. Some studies suggest that resistance training may have a therapeutic effect for women with PCOS. Get some sleep. Sleep helps pretty much everything, including hormone regulation. Make getting more sleep a priority!Always remember that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!


Get Actionable Advice in a FLO Coach ConsultationWe believe that no woman should suffer simply because she has a period. And we also know that it’s not always possible to get access to functional and holistic healthcare solutions — sometimes they’re too far away and most of the time they are way too expensive. That’s why we offer phone and Skype consultation sessions with our FLO coaches. In your consultation session, your coach will go over your health history and symptoms, get feedback on any health changes you’ve implemented from our resource library, review your hormone test analysis if applicable, and help you develop a plan of action to solve your symptoms. [BOOK YOUR SESSION NOW]

What the color of your period blood can tell you about your health/fertility

It’s a taboo topic that we need to normalize: period blood. The color, consistency, and texture of your flow can reveal way more about your overall health than you realize. It’s time to destigmatize this essential vital sign and start decoding symptoms. Period blood is not something we’re taught to talk about. In fact, we’re pretty much raised to hide from it. Pay attention to any maxi pad or tampon commercial and all you’ll see is the same blue liquid over and over again.The truth is: periods matter. They matter SO much, in fact, that the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has declared menstruation a vital sign. the appearance, frequency, and consistency of your menstrual blood provides invaluable clues into your overall health, and if you want to finally banish symptoms and feel amazing, it’s time to get familiar with your flow. Think of checking your flow every month like being able to access free lab work for your hormone levels. Knowing the color tells you which hormones are in and out of balance and if your eating is synced with your hormones. Your period provides genius (and free!) biofeedback for you.

Your Guide to Interpreting the Color of Your Period Blood

Ready to recognize what’s normal and what’s not? Check out my guide to period blood:

  • The color: Bright, cranberry-red
  • The consistency: Like jello mix that hasn’t set (medium viscosity: not too thin, not too thick)
  • The length: 5-7 days
  • The frequency: Every 28-30 days

What it means: Congratulations! This is what’s considered a normal, healthy period. If you’re already cycle-synching and eating nutrient-rich, FLO-supportive foods, keep it up. Make sure to also incorporate all the necessary lifestyle tweaks and essential supplements to ensure your cycle stays on track.

  • The color: Brown
  • The consistency: Thin/streaky
  • The length: Varies
  • The frequency: Varies

What it means: That brown stuff is old oxidized blood that didn’t make it out of your uterus during your last cycle and it’s caused by low progesterone levels. These low levels may be at the root of your period symptoms and may also cause you to struggle with regular ovulation.

  • The color: Dark, purple/blue
  • The consistency: Thick with clots
  • The length: Longer than a week
  • The frequency: Varies

What it means: This frozen blueberry color is a sign of too much estrogen. Estrogen levels that are higher in proportion to progesterone cause a lot of the typical symptoms associated with problematic periods, and potentially lead to endometriosis, cysts, or fibroids. Over the long term, excess estrogen can lead to more serious health consequences.

  • The color: Barely-there pink
  • The consistency: Too light to tell
  • The length: 3 days or less
  • The frequency: Varies

What it means: A super-short period and extra light bleeding may indicate low estrogen levels. Your hormones are made from the food you eat, so your low estrogen is likely due to vitamin and nutrient deficiencies from improper and extreme dieting as well as from adrenal burnout.

So now what?

Whether your period is the perfect shade of cranberry-red or a different less-than-ideal color of the rainbow, it’s crucial to know which foods, supplements, and lifestyle habits will support your menstrual health and your overall well-being. Start small: take my free V-Sign Quiz to confirm your period type and get a lot more information about what the color, consistency, and more mean for you. Then be sure to download the MyFLO app to immediately start troubleshooting your issues today. And when you’re ready to kick your healing into high gear, stock up on the supplements every woman needs to keep her hormones balanced, and find the FLO Living program that will help you squash your symptoms, reclaim your sex drive, and optimize your fertility. Menstruation matters, so let’s stop the secrecy and get real about periods! By paying attention to the clues that your brilliant, beautiful body is giving you, you’ll have all the clues to overcome hormonal issues once and for all and look and feel your best.

Introducing the BALANCE by FLO Living Hormone Supplement Kit

You’ve been asking me for hormone-friendly supplement recommendations, and I finally have created a solution that I am so thrilled to be able to offer to you on your hormonal balancing journey:

Balance by FLO Living Supplements are a complete package that work together to keep your hormone levels healthy. They include a 2 month (2 cycle) supply of the following formulations so you’re never caught short in any phase of your cycle.When you take these 5 supplements daily, you’ll be giving your body excellent micronutrients to support healthier hormone levels. Which means that you’ll start to see your worst period symptoms get better… and even disappear after a while.

Click here to learn more about the brand-new BALANCE Supplement Kit.

Your Cure For The Sex Recession

If you rarely feel in the mood, you’re not the only one. Studies overwhelming show that Americans, and especially young people, are having less sex than they were even a decade ago. Experts say we’re in the middle of a sex recession.

That’s right, we’re in the middle of a full-blown, nationwide slowdown in doing it.

Now, I’m the first to admit there are likely many (many, many) reasons why we’re having less sex, from the screens that go with us everywhere (including bed) to emotional problems in our intimate relationships that pave over our desire to be intimate. There are even very, very positive reasons we might be having less sex: young women (and men) are feeling more empowered to say no or to set better boundaries around what they want—and what they don’t—in the boudoir.

But, for many women, low libido is directly related to imbalanced hormones—a fact that this recent article on the sex recession completely ignores. Hormone dysfunction is at epidemic levels, thanks to common environmental triggers and lifestyle choices. And if we don’t address these underlying hormone issues by adjusting our environment and lifestyle, we will never be able to reclaim our libidos.

So if you’re having less sex than you would like to—if you’re never feeling “in the mood”—the fix starts on the inside. Yes, a whole bunch of factors might be at play, and they all need to be addressed, but the starting place for women with low libido is hormones—and the very first step every woman should take to balance her hormones is by changing what is on her dinner plate.

From the Kitchen to the Bedroom

Sex is often the first thing to get de-prioritized in our busy lives. I think that’s a shame because not only is sex fun, it’s also great for your health. Sex and orgasm play important roles in regulating your cycle and sustaining your fertility.

You’re not always going to feel like tearing your partner’s clothes off, of course, because sex drive and desire ebb and flow with your natural 28-day hormone cycle. When you are tracking your cycle and paying attention to the changes you notice each week, you’ll find that you have natural shifts in how you feel about your partner, how interested you are in sex, and how much energy you have for gettin’ it on. This is to be expected! You’re likely to notice more desire during the first half of your cycle. That usually peaks at ovulation. Then during the second half of your period, desire slowly wanes until you find yourself less interested during your period.

But if you’re interest in sex during the first half of your cycle has disappeared, or if your desire during this time is lackluster at best, you can reclaim your sex drive by cycle syncing what you eat and when you eat it.  Matching your food to your unique needs during each phase of your cycle will support hormone health and boost sex drive.

Click here to find out which foods to eat (and when) to help reclaim your sex drive, and for more help with cycle syncing your diet in general click here. New moms who are struggling to reclaim their libido can find support here.

Although a new, so-called “female Viagra” was released a couple years ago (with much fanfare), prescription numbers have stayed low—and thank goodness. That’s because we know women’s sexuality is not as simple as taking a pill—and that any kind of pill that wants to mess with our libido is going to have a lot of unwanted side effects. What women need doesn’t come in a bottle. We need to be nourished from the inside out, and that starts with what’s on your dinner plate.  

Food is the single best way to reset your hormones and rediscover your sex drive. Make hormone-friendly eating your first step on the path to a more libidinous life.

The Best Supplements for Boosting Sex Drive

Supplements offer fantastic support for hormone balance and overall hormonal health, but supplements alone, without any other lifestyle changes, will have limited impact. That’s why I never recommend supplements in isolation. Food first, and then if you need more support, you can look to herbs, adaptogens, and essential micronutrients.

Here are the supplements I recommend if you are looking for more support in addition to your nutrition changes:

The 4 best supplements to boost your sexual health

(1) Rhodiola

  • How you feel now: You have symptoms of adrenal fatigue with moodiness, PMS, and low-level depression.
  • How rhodiola helps: Rhodiola supports the adrenal glands by preventing the breakdown of too much dopamine and serotonin during stressful times, leaving enough for us to remain buoyant and energized. A bonus benefit of rhodiola? It can work fast to change your energy levels (in as little as 30 minutes), so take one if you sense a romantic interlude in your near future!

(2) Zinc

  • How you feel now: You are experiencing symptoms of estrogen dominance, which include weight gain, severe PMS, cramps, bloating, acne, infertility, fibroids, cysts, and irregular or heavy periods.
  • How zinc helps: Zinc helps to boost your testosterone production and blocks the enzyme that turns testosterone into estrogen.

(3) Evening Primrose Oil

  • How you feel now: You may feel sexual desire, but the sex itself doesn’t feel as good as it used to and you’re not getting big orgasms like you did before.
  • How evening primrose oil helps: Evening primrose oil will balance out your progesterone and estrogen levels, increase dopamine, and help you produce more nitric oxide. This is absolutely essential for the dilation of blood vessels and tumescence that leads to bigger and better orgasms.

(4) Magnesium

  • How you feel now: Symptoms of magnesium deficiency include muscle cramping, facial tics, restless legs, migraines, poor sleep, fatigue, and PMS. You can ask your doctor for a test for your magnesium levels.
  • How magnesium helps: Magnesium makes it harder for your testosterone to bind to proteins and allows for more of it to remain “free” in your bloodstream—which is exactly how you want it to be for a higher sex drive. Higher levels of free testosterone make for more desire. Magnesium also combats anxiety and promotes a positive mood, helping you enjoy yourself more. Magnesium promotes good sleep, too, and studies show that getting enough high quality sleep is essential for healthy sexual desire and genital response.If your magnesium levels are very low, I recommend taking 360g a day in the form of a supplement. If your levels are within the optimal range, keep them there with a daily serving of dark chocolate (!) and greens.

Share this Sex-Boosting Advice With the Men in Your Life

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Literally! Men can benefit just as much from these supplements as women do, especially magnesium and evening primrose oil. In fact, these two supplements can help men with issues like premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

Bonus! What Food to Remove From Your Diet for Better Sex

All this talk of what to add to your nutrition and supplement routine brings me to the opposite: what you should remove from your diet right away.

For Women:

Canola Oil. It’s in everything and it raises your levels of omega 6 fatty acids, which crowds out room in your cells for health-promoting omega 3 fatty acids.  Studies suggest that boosting omega 3s can increase sexual desire and response in women. So stick to clean fats like olive oil and coconut oil and you’ll feel sexier pronto!

For Men:

Soy. Soy is full of phytoestrogens, which can dampen male sex drive. An ex-boyfriend and I experimented with this when he decided to become vegan. He ate and drank soy products for a month and by the end of that time he had zero libido. Within two weeks of stopping all soy, he was back to normal.Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!

Natural Treatments for Missing Periods

You’re young, you’re active, and you have no plans to get pregnant soon, so when your period stopped coming, you weren’t too worried. Maybe you even thought, Well, this is kinda great... no messy period to deal with! But no period means no ovulation—and ovulation is part of a healthy hormone cycle. A missing period is a sign of a hormonal imbalance, or trouble brewing beneath the surface. It’s a problem that you need to take seriously, whether you ever plan to get pregnant or not.Ovulation is a key indicator of a woman’s overall health and not ovulating can bring a host of unpleasant symptoms, including acne, weight loss resistance, bloating, headaches, and mood swings. The American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists considers the menstrual cycle a vital sign, like blood pressure and temperature.And if you do hope to have kids one day, getting your period back is absolutely essential. The longer you go without one, the more you put your future fertility in danger.

Where did your period go?

There are some well-known, “textbook” reasons that periods disappear, like pregnancy, breastfeeding, and menopause. There’s also engaging in too much exercise. Many women think a hard workout everyday is healthy, but there can be too much of a good thing. Extreme exercise can tip you into hormonal imbalance. So can eating too little and/or being underweight. Finally, a condition called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), in which cysts grow on your ovaries, can stop ovulation in young women.One of the top triggers for missing periods is coming off hormonal birth control. And stopping the pill doesn’t guarantee that your period will come right back. In fact, without making a concentrated effort through food and lifestyle modifications, many women who quit the pill do not start bleeding again for months or years.

What If Your Period is Missing, but You Don’t Have One of the Main “Causes”?

There are less talked about (but no less real) causes of missing or irregular periods, including stress. Chronic stress raises cortisol and messes up blood sugar, which disrupts ovulation. Studies also show that women with stressful jobs are at double the risk for anovulation (not ovulating) and menstrual cycle variability. Other research shows that women with high levels of stress around the time of ovulation have a harder time getting pregnant.The blood sugar roller coaster, when your blood sugar is constantly going up and down thanks to eating high-sugar and refined carbohydrate foods, can also fuel missing or irregular periods. Imbalanced blood sugar is linked to infertility, and diabetes drugs like Metformin are often prescribed to women with PCOS to trigger ovulation. If you are considering taking Metformin for PCOS or infertility, I strongly recommend regulating your blood sugar levels with the FLO protocol and prepping your body for a healthy pregnancy ahead of time. You may discover you don’t need the drugs. (It’s also worth noting that, for many of the women I’ve worked with, Metformin hasn’t worked at all.)

Here’s How to Get Your Period Back

Bringing your period back online is something you can do with nutrition and lifestyle modifications. I’ve seen women who haven’t had periods in years engage the FLO Protocol and start bleeding in three to four months. With the right lifestyle and nutrition changes, this could become your story, too!Your journey to reclaim your period should always start with what’s on your dinner plate, and for more on how to eat to balance your hormones and get your back your period, go here, here, and here. I also recommend these three key strategies:

  1. Take self-care seriously. The more stressed you are (and who isn’t?), the harder you need to work to manage and mitigate stress. If you’ve been meaning to get back to your Yoga or Pilates class, do it today. Make sure you schedule dedicated non-work time—write it into your planner if you have to!—and engage in leisure activities you love. Some stresses in life aren’t modifiable (sick children or caring for elderly parents), but some are—perhaps certain friendships are no longer serving you and you can let them go or maybe the time is right to make a job switch? Scan your life for stressors you can change, and then do so!
  2. Get off the blood sugar roller coaster. The single best (and side effect-free!) way to address blood sugar problems is with food. Emphasize healthy complex (and non-gluten) carbs, eat enough healthy, high-quality fats and proteins, and make sure you front-load non-starchy vegetables in all colors of the rainbow. One great tip for keeping blood sugar steady all day is to eat a low-glycemic breakfast within 90 minutes of waking up. And remember: sugar hides out in a lot of processed foods—even ones you wouldn’t expect. So read labels carefully, and stick to whole foods when you can.
  3. Go to bed earlier! Hormones are hugely affected by sleep—or, more specifically, by lack thereof. The 24-hour circadian cycle has a direct influence on, and is directly influenced by, our bodies master hormones. When we’re short on sleep, it’s almost impossible to get our hormones balanced. So make sleep a priority tonight (and every night!).

If you are someone struggling with your period, now you know that change is possible! We’d love to hear what you’re struggling with and we’d love to help. Email us at [email protected] to connect with us for a consultation. You’ll get symptom analysis and feedback and direct, actionable tips to take your hormonal healing into your own hands.Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!

Is Your Period Healthy?

How do you know if your hormones are healthy? The answer is in your 5th vital sign – your period.The color of your flow, frequency of your period, and symptoms you have each month can tell you a lot about your health. There are 5 different V-SIGN TYPES, and knowing which one you have will help you get healthy now and prevent disease in the future.Click here to take The V-SIGN TYPE™ Quiz NOW

8 Ways To Rediscover Your Sex Drive

If you’re a young woman in your 20s or 30s and your sex drives is low (or missing altogether), you might feel like an outlier. Why?Because social media, TV and movies, and other cultural cues suggest that youth is synonymous with wanting to get it on. And that’s not fair, because everyone’s sex drive is different.But the truth is that when we’re young (and even when we’re older)—and if our hormones are in balance—we should have times when, in the immortal words of 1970’s rock band Bad Company, we feel like makin’ love. So if you’re a young woman with a low (or missing) sex drive, what gives?Where the &#*!&! did your sex drive go? Your Not Alone: Low Sex Drive is Common in WomenFirst things first, if your sex drive is low or completely absent, you are not abnormal—and you are not alone. Studies suggest that one in four women of reproductive age have low libido. Other research shows that Americans are having less sex now than they did a decade ago, and that fewer heterosexual women are having orgasms than any other demographic.Not to sound alarmist but...young women are living in a sexual state of emergency! At the same time, many women with low sex drive—and many of the doctors they talk to about it—don’t treat the issue with urgency. And that’s a mistake because a missing sex drive can be a sign of serious hormone imbalances that can wreak havoc on overall health. It’s also a mistake to ignore low libido because having a sex drive—and, specifically, having orgasms, is critical to hormone health and overall quality of life. You need orgasms to improve hormone health, and you need good hormonal health to want to have orgasms! So what is a girl with a missing sex drive to do? The first step is to understand the underlying factors that might be contributing to your missing urge to make out. 6 Factors That Affect Low Sex DriveThere are many factors that can contribute to low sex drive and some of them are emotional and relational. These can include your relationship status, how you feel about your relationship, how you feel about your body (body image), your historical experience of sex, and any history of trauma or sexual abuse.Other factors can be psychological and environmental, like high levels of stress and anxiety, feelings of depression and low mood, or an extremely pressure-filled work environment or the stress of raising young children or taking care of aging parents. If any of these factors are part of your experience of low sex drive, I recommend working with a therapist or working with another healing professional to tend to these complex issues.Some of the other factors that contribute to the low sex drive are physical, which means you can make lifestyle changes to address these factors. Here are some of the physical roadblocks you might be running into on your way to rediscovering your sex drive:

  1. Taking hormonal birth control. Low libido can be a side effect of taking hormonal birth control (HBC) or of having taken it in the past. That’s because HBC works by decreasing the production of testosterone in your body (and testosterone plays an important role in sex drive in both men and women) and because the Pill makes it harder for your body to use the testosterone that you are still making (HBC locks up the testosterone so your body can’t use it).
  2. A history of low-fat dieting. The body makes sex hormones from a precursor compound in the body. And guess what that precursor is? Cholesterol. That’s right, the compound so long villainized in the health headlines is actually necessary for producing enough estrogen and testosterone in the body.
  3. A history of taking antidepressants. These medications can be critically important for some women in maintaining mood, but they can come with side effects—and a notorious one is lower libido. Luckily, some herbs can help with this side effect. (More on herbal strategies for SSRI-related low libido below.)
  4. Hormone imbalances. If you suffer from symptoms like acne, severe PMS, painful or heavy periods, irregular periods, bloating, migraines and/or hormonal headaches, it’s likely that you’re living with an underlying hormone imbalance (one that you can take steps to heal by using key lifestyle and biohacking strategies). This imbalance is also likely contributing to your low libido.
  5. You’re not getting enough exercise. A raft of research has shown that exercise can help improve sexual desire and arousal.
  6. You’re low on iron. Iron deficiency has been connected to low libido. If you’re never in the mood, you might want to get your iron checked and ask your healthcare provider about taking iron supplements or maximizing the iron you get through whole foods.

How to Get Your Sex Drive BackYou can take some simple but powerful steps to reclaim your hormonal health—and rediscover your sex drive. Here’s what I recommend:

  1. Start cycle syncing. You can use certain lifestyle strategies to bring your hormones back into balance naturally, and one of the most important is syncing your life to your 28-day menstrual cycle. When you start to eat, move, and live according to your unique hormonal needs each week, you can experience a profound and positive shift in your hormonal symptoms, including low libido. I consider cycle syncing the first, best thing you can do to balance your hormones and bring your sex life back to life. If the idea of even tracking your cycle is new to you, use the MyFLO app to track your natural hormone shifts.
  2. If you’ve ever taken birth control, run some labs. Consult with your healthcare provider about running some blood tests. Specifically, I suggest looking at your testosterone levels and your SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin). The pill can wreak hormonal havoc in general, but it is especially rough on these two biomarkers—both of of which are important for having a healthy sex drive.
  3. Do a detox.The pill can cause a flood of excess hormones in the body. And even if you don’t have a history of taking HBC, you might be estrogen dominant, which can cause system-wide symptoms including low libido. So you will also want to do a gentle, natural detox in order to get excess hormones movin’ on out—and your sex drive movin’ on up!
  4. Embrace healthy fats. Healthy fats—like the kind found in avocados, coconut oil, olive oil, nuts and seeds, and small oily fish like sardines—help support healthy levels of good cholesterol in the body. You need good cholesterol to manufacture sex hormones—and you need healthy levels of sex hormones to… want to have sex!
  5. Consider taking Maca. Studies suggest that the South American plant maca may be beneficial in boosting libido, perhaps especially for women who take a selective serotonin uptake inhibitor.
  6. Get moving. Make healthy movement a part of your everyday life. Exercise can be helpful in boosting libido. Just don’t forget to match your movement to where you are in your cycle. When you move can be just as important as how and how often you move.
  7. Patch up micronutrient deficiencies. Getting enough iron can be especially important for sex drive, but you’ll want to make sure you have healthy levels of all the key micronutrients that support hormonal health. If you think you’re low in essential micronutrients, ask your doctor to run some labs and consider taking a high quality supplement.
  8. Don’t discount the emotional, psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions to low libido. Remember that it isn’t just physical factors that affect sex drive. If something else is weighing on you—relationship dissatisfaction, an intensely crazy workload, unremitting stress, etc.—carve out time for self-care and consider talking with a therapist or other professional. In our crazy-busy mody culture, stress recovery can take a village.

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!

Need more Hormone Help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a 4-day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.Click here to get your FREE detox and evaluation.

Intermittent Fasting and Women's Health: What You Need to Know

If you pay attention to the health headlines, you’ve probably heard about intermittent fasting - it has been linked with several important health benefits.

But fasting isn’t the same for men and women. If women try fasting but don’t do it properly, it can cause more harm than good. Why? Because women’s bodies are biologically built for fertility and reproduction. Extended periods without food tell the body that now isn’t a good time for reproduction.

You might be thinking, so what? I don’t want to get pregnant now or maybe ever. But fertility isn’t the only concern. Women need to consider that estrogen and progesterone do more in the body than simply get us pregnant. Estrogen helps us with metabolism, weight loss, mood, anxiety and stress, energy, bone density, and cognitive function, to name just a few. If you’re a woman, intermittent fasting can disrupt estrogen balance and throw a wrench in all these essential physiological processes.

But when you know how to use intermittent fasting in a way that is safe for your unique female biochemistry—that is, when you know how to bio-hack intermittent fasting to improve hormone health instead of harm it—you can reap some amazing benefits.

Keep reading. We'll walk you through the benefits, dangers, and how-to of intermittent fasting for women below.

Women’s Hormones & Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting has been associated with numerous health benefits (more on that below), but it is also linked to hormone disruption in women. Here’s a close-up look at the cascade of hormone imbalances that can start with intermittent fasting.

First, intermittent fasting can disrupt estrogen balance. Estrogen imbalance may show up as:

A disruption in one hormone system in the body can trigger other hormone imbalances. The other major hormone considerations for women when it comes to intermittent fasting are cortisol, the stress hormone, and thyroid hormone. When cortisol is imbalanced, symptoms include:

When thyroid hormones are imbalanced, symptoms include:

  • Weight gain
  • Brain fog
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Dry skin
  • Dry hair
  • Irregular periods
  • Trouble regulating body temperature

So while intermittent fasting may have some benefits, this cascade of negative health effects for women may outweigh any benefit.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

Simply put, intermittent fasting is going for short or intermediate periods of time without food. This “not eating” window can be as short as 12 hours and include sleep time—for example, you could stop eating at 8:00pm one night and not eat again until 8:00am the next morning and call it a fast—or as long as 16, 20, or 24 hours.

People fast in different ways. Some people try to go 12 or more hours without eating everyday. Others try to go 12 or 16 hours without food a couple days a week. Some people don’t eat for a full 24 hours one day each week.

Why Intermittent Fasting is So Popular

Studies have shown that intermittent fasting may help improve certain health conditions, including:

What Makes Intermittent Fasting Trickier For Women?

A woman’s reproductive function is intricately connected to her metabolic function, and vice versa. So anytime a woman’s body gets a “starvation signal” from her environment (like not eating for a stretch of time), it goes into preserve and protect mode, where it holds onto weight (to survive the famine), increases production of the hunger hormones ghrelin and leptin (so that you feel famished and rush to get food ASAP), and slows down non-essential functions like reproduction (so you can keep yourself alive and not waste energy on growing a baby).

Animal studies bear this out: in one study, female rats who engaged in intermittent fasting for 12 weeks had smaller ovaries and experienced more insomnia than male mice. But the researchers found that these changes started in as soon as two weeks after the female mice started intermittent fasting.

How Women Can Use Intermittent Fasting Safely

This doesn’t mean women have to miss out on the benefits of intermittent fasting. Instead, we recommend that women follow some simple rules when it comes to intermittent fasting. This will help you tap into the many benefits associated with intermittent fasting while sidestepping the risks.

  • Don’t fast on consecutive days
  • Instead, pick no more than two or three non-consecutive days in a week to practice intermittent fasting
  • Don’t fast for more than 12 or 13 hours at a time. Going any longer can trigger a negative hormonal cascade
  • Don’t do intense workouts on fasting days
  • Don’t fast when you’re bleeding
  • During your eating window, choose the best diet for your hormonal health
  • If you give this slow and steady approach to intermittent fasting a try for a couple months and feel great, you can consider going for a longer window of time each day without eating (up to 16 hours), but pay close attention to how you feel and drop back to a smaller window—or stop intermittent fasting all together—if you start experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance.

If you start to experience symptoms of hormone imbalance while intermittent fasting, or if the hormone imbalance symptoms you already experience get worse, stop fasting right away.

These symptoms include:

  • Your period becomes irregular or stops
  • You start having problems sleeping or falling asleep
  • You notice changes in metabolism and digestion
  • You feel moody or experience brain fog
  • You notice negative changes in how your hair and skin looks
  • You’re always cold

Do NOT Try Intermittent Fasting If...

  • You have a history of eating disorders
  • You’re pregnant or are trying to conceive
  • You have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or trouble waking up in the morning
  • You have adrenal fatigue
  • You are currently dealing with PMS, PCOS, Fibroids, Endometriosis or other diagnosed hormonal issues

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!

How to Have Perfect Hormonal Health When You Hit 35 (and older)

You may have come to believe that hot flashes, weight gain, and a nonexistent libido are inevitable parts of getting older. Same with with regular ovulation, easy periods, and balanced hormones. But these extreme symptoms are not the norm—and they are NOT what you should expect at this age.

Forget what you’ve seen, heard, and believed up until this point about entering your mid-30s and beyond. Your body does not have a set-in-stone expiration date for producing sex hormones, in fact recent New York Times reported research shows we can delay menopause with food!

You don’t need to fear perimenopause. But you do need to understand what your body is biologically programmed to do during perimenopause and how you can take care of yourself NOW to make this hormonal transition as seamless as possible. (You’ll also want to pay attention to the hormonal transitions happening during this phase if you want to get pregnant in your mid or late 30s or beyond.)

How to Have Easy Perimenopause

The first thing to know? Perimenopause begins much earlier than many women realize: around age 35 and lasts for the next decade or more. And how you experience perimenopause—whether it’s easy for you or riddled with devastating symptoms—is largely determined by the hormonal health you’re in when you hit your mid-30s.That is, if you’re experiencing period problems now—symptoms like severe PMS, painful periods, irregular periods, bloating, acne, fibroids, and heavy bleeding—your hormonal health is compromised and it doesn’t bode well for your next 10 or 15 years. I don’t mean to scare you, but you might be facing some of the horror stories you’ve heard about perimenopause.

On the other hand, if you’re taking care of your hormonal health right now—if you’re engaging cyclical self-care and the key biohacks for balancing and healing your unique female physiology —your transition into perimenopause can be smooth sailing.

So what can you do right now to reclaim your hormonal health and transform perimenopause from a transition to be feared to a milestone that should be celebrated—and barely noticed, at least symptom-wise?Let’s start by taking a close look at what happens during perimenopause.

Perimenopause 101

Let’s clearly define “perimenopause.” It’s a term that refers to the time between your reproductive years and your very last period.  It takes a long time, and even though it sets off old-age alarms for many women—when, as I mentioned above, this phase starts much earlier than most women think it does AND there is nothing shocking, abnormal, or bad about going through this hormonal transition (or about aging in general, but that is for another blog post a different day).

What’s more, so many women are getting pregnant naturally and having children in their late 30s and early 40s. The word “perimenopause” conjures up images of old maids, when in fact many women are waiting until perimenopause to start a family.

Natural hormonal changes DO happen during this time, so it’s important to know what’s going on.

In a nutshell, perimenopause is when a woman’s ovaries begin to move from ovulating like clockwork to not ovulating anymore. This is accomplished by the slow and steady rise of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and fluctuating estrogen levels. Over time, these fluctuating hormone levels become waning hormone levels and they stop signaling the process of ovulation all together (menopause). Think of this as a kind of reverse-puberty.

This era of shifting hormone signaling in the body is why good hormonal health is so important when you’re about to enter this phase of life. If your hormones are out of balance and causing difficult symptoms before you’re in perimenopause (when they should be be having), the addition of the natural hormone fluctuations that occur during perimenopause will not make symptoms any better. Far from it. Your symptoms are likely to get way worse.

Perimenopause can be divided into two phases:

Phase 1 (35 to 45 years old)

This phase is when reproductive hormone production starts to shift and become less consistent. That said, you shouldn’t feel symptoms during this phase if you’re in good hormonal health. You should be ovulating and menstruating regularly and have good muscle tone, skin quality, energy, and sex drive. In other words, you should  still be making enough hormones to feel vital and youthful. If you are experiencing symptoms like difficulty with fertility, vaginal dryness, accelerated skin aging, or dry hair (or all of the above), these are huge messages that your hormones need some TLC. To add insult to injury, these are symptoms that women don’t expect to experience until much later. Dealing with them as young as your mid-30s can put a major dent in your quality of life and indicates you are aging biologically faster than your chronological years.

Phase Two (45 to 55 years old)

During this phase, FSH levels rise to the point where you no longer ovulate. And while that sounds dramatic, this phase will be relatively smooth sailing if you’re taking care of your hormonal health. However, many women let the symptoms they experience in Phase 1 go unaddressed and that compounds their symptoms in Phase 2.

You can use targeted strategies in each phase—before perimenopause, during perimenopause Phase 1, and during perimenopause Phase 2—to heal your hormones and erase pesky perimenopausal symptoms.

If you’re NOT in perimenopause yet… Begin cyclical self-care, stat! The first step is to track your period.The next step is to eat, exercise, and make lifestyle choices in line with your cycle. This is especially important if you’re experiencing any period problems like severe PMS, irregular periods, heavy periods, bloating, acne, fibroids or hormonal migraines. You’ll also want to make sure your liver and detoxification system are in tip-top shape. One of the best ways you can support detox everyday is by eating cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, kale, and Brussel sprouts. If you’re on hormonal birth control, you may want to consider other options. A history of being on the Pill can make perimenopause worse.

If you’re in Perimenopause Phase 1… You’ll want to stick to your cyclical self-care routine, and liver health becomes even more important during this phase. Continue to emphasize phytonutrient-rich vegetables and drink warm water with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice in the mornings. Tending your adrenal health is critical in this stage of life, so you will want to prioritize rest and relaxing activities, but you might also consider taking adaptogens, including:

Maca powder. I recommend maca powder as part of a wider hormonally-supportive diet when you’re age 35 or over and experiencing symptoms of perimenopause. Maca can help with:

Ashwagandha. This well-researched herb has been shown to reduce oxidative stress (the internal process that contributes to cell damage and accelerated aging) and support a healthy stress response. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, ashwagandha was shown to improve stress resistance and participants’ self-assessed quality of life. When it comes to hormones, ashwagandha has been shown to safely improve sexual function and low libido for some women (perhaps because it supports healthy testosterone production). I recommend ashwagandha if you struggle with anxiety and/or if you’re wrestling with low libido.

Holy Basil. This herb supports a healthy adrenal response as well as helping stabilize blood sugar, which is essential for healthy hormone balance. Research also suggests that holy basil can help protect the liver and support liver function. I recommend holy basil if stress and anxiety are an issue and/or if you wrestle with imbalanced blood sugar. If you have a history of taking over-the-counter or prescription medications, you may consider taking holy basil for liver and detox support.

Reishi mushroom. Reishi is a powerful adaptogen that is also full of antioxidants. The antioxidant benefits of reishi are well-studied, and when it comes to hormones studies show that reishi (and other cordyceps mushrooms) may help ease hormone-related symptoms by exerting an anti-androgenic effect in the body.

If you’re in Perimenopause Phase 2…Phase 2 is when FSH levels rise to the point where you no longer ovulate. Because many women experience accelerated hormone aging in Phase 1, they have a rough time in Phase 2. But when hormones are balanced entering this phase, your body should adapt relatively seamlessly by manufacturing slightly less, but a balanced amount, of estrogen and progesterone and testosterone. If you’re having hot flashes, night sweats, no libido, etc., then you likely have unbalanced levels of these hormones.

Take D3 and Evening Primrose Oil. These two supplements are especially helpful in the second phase of perimenopause. Evening primrose oil is a source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an essential fatty acid that influences prostaglandin synthesis and calms perimenopausal symptoms. Vitamin D is foundational for hormone balance and overall health at every stage of life. You can read more about D3 here.

Increase your Zinc intake. Zinc is critical for the production of testosterone production. Having enough testosterone eases the perimenopausal transition. Zinc is bountiful in beans and seeds. You can also supplement with 50mg a day.

Eat enough healthy fat. Cholesterol (yes, the very substance that has been demonized for many years) is what our body uses to make our hormones. You need enough healthy fat in your diet to have enough cholesterol to support adequate hormone production. Your body is slowing down hormone production at this stage, so it’s critical to make sure you have enough of this key building block.

Getting Pregnant in PerimenopauseIf you’re planning to get pregnant after age 35, you have nothing to fear. Even though you’ve entered this new hormonal phase, with the right hormone support can increase your chances of getting pregnant easily and naturally. For my definitive guide on getting pregnant after 35, click here. And if you are in your mid-30s and thinking of starting a family or already trying, consider adding the following supplements:

Vitex. This herb, also called Chasteberry, supports regular ovulation, healthy progesterone levels and robust levels of FSH.

CoQ10. This has been shown to improve egg quality.

Your Guide To Clear Skin All Month Long

The secret to clear skin isn’t just in what you eat and what products you use, it’s also when you do it. That’s right, clear skin all month long is all in the timing.

Yes, other factors matter. Significantly so. Clear skin all month long depends on nutrition, skin care practices, skin care products, lifestyle choices, hydration, sleep and other factors that influence hormone balance.

But one of the key pieces is cyclical skin care, and it is a piece of the clear-skin equation that very few people, including other hormone experts, factor into their advice. As someone who struggled with serious cystic acne all over my face, chest, and back for almost a decade—and who cleared my skin by using nutrition, lifestyle, biohacking, and cyclical self-care to balance my hormones—I love sharing with women how you can balance your hormones to help your skin perform better.

The first step is understanding the skin’s changing needs during the course of your 28-day cycle. Let’s dive in!

Meet your 28-Day Cycle
During your 28-day menstrual cycle, estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone levels naturally rise and fall. When your system is healthy and you’re cycling normally, these fluctuations occur in familiar patterns: during the follicular phase (which is the first days of your cycle up until ovulation) estrogen levels are naturally higher, during the ovulation phase (mid-cycle) estrogen and testosterone rise until they peak, during the luteal phase (which occurs right after ovulation and up until you start bleeding) estrogen and testosterone start to fall and progesterone rises), and just before menstruation and during menstruation phase, progesterone falls again.

How Fluctuating Hormones Affect Skin

Estrogen and progesterone levels affect the thickness of the skin differently each phase of your cycle.  During the follicular phase and especially during ovulation, high levels of estrogen boost collagen, make the skin thicker, and improve elasticity. You can thank the estrogen during this phase for that famed ‘ovulation glow’.  

Testosterone levels also rise during the luteal phase and that helps keep skin thick. But testosterone is a double-edged sword when it comes to skin. Studies show a link between spikes in this hormone and acne.

So this is the crucial point in your cycle when you either become vulnerable to breakouts or go through the second half of your cycle with clear skin. What causes some women to break out and others to barely notice a blemish? The difference is in the body’s ability to efficiently process and eliminate the excess estrogen and testosterone in the system as levels rise.

If your body isn’t processing hormones properly during your luteal phase and eliminating the excess, excess estrogen and excess testosterone accumulate and fuel acne.

This happens in two ways: the excess estrogen causes estrogen dominance and skin inflammation, and the extra testosterone triggers the sebaceous glands to produce more oil.

For women with optimally functioning endocrine systems, these hormonal peaks don’t cause a lot of problems. But for women who can’t process hormones correctly, acne is often the unwanted result.

Premenstrually and during your period, estrogen drops and your skin gets thinner, retains less moisture, and produces less collagen.  

Progesterone rising and falling in the luteal phase can worsen skin conditions if present.

This is why The Cycle Syncing Method® is so effective in addressing these fluctuations, as you'll be eating in ways that improve estrogen and progesterone imbalances.

Signs that Acne is Hormonal

One sign, of course, is when you breakout during the luteal (premenstrual) phase. Hormonal acne can also be diagnosed by where it appears. Breakouts along the chin and jaw lines are a sign of hormonal acne.

Pimples on the temple are another common sign of a hormonal imbalance that stems from liver congestion due to excess estrogen. If you’ve got pimples on your forehead, it’s usually a sign of a gut imbalance.

Your Skin Care Schedule During Your 28-Day Cycle

Here’s how to time your skin care routine to match your hormonal needs throughout the month:

Day 7-12 (follicular phase).If you get a facial with extractions, schedule it during your follicular phase. This is also the time to do any hair removal.

Day 13-24 (ovulation/first half of luteal). Facials are still okay during this time, but it’s best to go for masks, not extractions. Dry brushing is a great way to help the lymph offload the estrogen. You don’t need much in the way of products during this phase.

Day 25-Day 28 (the second half of luteal). This a perfect time for home care with your favorite  products and using oil-based serum to reduce sebum production. Clay masks are also great during this time, and you can use products with lactic acid to shrink pores.

Day 1 - Day 6 (Bleeding). During menstruation, focus on restorative, soothing skin care. Think hydrating and calming masks, and collagen masks.  

NOTE: Don’t have any extractions or hair removal during the second half of the month when skin is thinner and increased blood flow to your capillaries means more post-extraction swelling. Save facial appointments until right after your bleed is over.

Everyday of your cycle. I take Balance Supplements every day of my cycle to make sure my hormones and skin can be at their best throughout the month. Whatever you do to optimize your micronutrients, don’t skip this step! Clear skin starts on the inside and with what we eat and how we supplement.

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!

How to Make The Most of Your Annual OBGYN Visit

When I was doing my undergrad at Johns Hopkins, I planned to become a gynecologist. But my plans changed when I was diagnosed with PCOS and I threw myself into researching nutrition, supplement, and lifestyle biohacks to ease my symptoms. Western medicine didn’t have the tools that would address the root causes of a chronic condition like PCOS, so I struck out on my own.However Western medicine still has important things to offer. Gynecologists bring a set of skills to the table, which are very valuable indeed. I recommend that every woman has a gynecologist and gets an annual checkup. I do.No, you won’t likely hear nutrition and lifestyle advice that is foundational for healing your hormones in the gynecologist’s office (unless you find a very unique integrative practitioner), but you will gain other incredibly valuable things, like access to (and advice on) biometric testing, regular screenings for serious gynecological conditions, and have someone you know, trust, and can get in to see ASAP if a serious problem ever crops up. .To get the most out of your annual visits, however, there are some key things to know before you go.Here’s a step-by-step guide to maximizing your gynecology visits:Step 1: Take the “annual” part of “annual visit” seriouslyIf you’ve decided that a visit once every two or three years is fine enough, think again! Yes, some experts have said that a pap smear might not be necessary every year (and whether you need one annually or not is a decision for you and your doc to make together ), but that is not the only testing that MDs can run, and it is some of the other key tests that make your annual trip worthwhile. (More on those tests in a minute.) So if you’ve been skipping your annual appointment, it’s time to get back on your doctor’s schedule.Step 2: Find the right gynecologist for youThis might be the most important step in this whole list. That’s because the degree of benefit you get from your annual visit is directly related to the relationship you have with your doctor. When it comes to compatibility, it’s essential to raise your expectation on what you deserve. Your doctor might be the smartest person you’ve ever met and also the nicest, but if you have different values when it comes to how you approach health care, don’t hesitate to look for a new practitionerThe first question you want to ask when looking for the right gynecologist for you is: Does this person value what I value? What’s her personal self care practice? For example, some docs are drug-forward. If you also believe in meds as a first approach, this could be a good fit. But if you’re not keen to use pills to address hormonal health issues (and there are good reasons to be skeptical of using pharmaceuticals when addressing hormone issues), you’ll want to look for someone else. In a professional relationship, you are looking first and foremost for someone who shares your values and is interested in taking an approach that you agree with in reaching your health goals.And if you’ve been looking for a doc who is open to non-drug choices but haven’t found one yet, don’t give up. You can find gynecologists who believe that it is your body and your choice, so if you don’t want pills, that’s great. There are docs who will support your desire to work on your symptoms naturally.Step 3: Run some key testsHaving some key tests run every year is one of benefits of your annual visit to the gynecologist. Here are my tips for effective testing:

  • Ask your OBGYN for a hormone panel test that includes estrogen, progesterone, FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH and (lutenizing hormone).
  • Get the hormone panel test taken during the first few days of your cycle (day 3), if possible.
  • Female hormone testing is not reliable if you are taking hormonal birth control! You must be off the pill for at least three months before getting this test
  • Have your doctor run a thyroid panel, including TSH, T3, T4, and reverse T3. Most doctors will just test TSH unless you press them to do a more complete panel.
  • Get a fasting glucose test and HbA1c, both of which measure how your body handles sugar. Knowing your blood sugar status is critical for healing your hormones.
  • Test vitamin D3. Robust levels of vitamin D in the body are required for optimal hormonal health
  • Ask for a complete blood panel (the kind you often get an annual physical). This will look at key biomarkers like iron saturation, anemia, red blood cell status, and more.
  • Get a C-Reactive Protein test, which indicates levels of inflammation in the body.

It’s important to note that the reference ranges you will see on your test results are often wider than the optimal ranges. So you will want your numbers to be in the quadrant closest to the ideal numbers for that test. For example, many standard HbA1c test results indicate that a number under 5.7 is fine, but many functional and integrative practitioners consider that number prediabetic or diabetic. So if your number is 5.5, for example, that is okay, but if it is 5.1 that is better, and if it is 4.8, you’re a balanced blood sugar superstar.You may also be curious about newer types of tests—for example, stool tests that measure the different types of bugs in your gut or breath tests for small-intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)—and these tests can be really helpful if you are having specific gut problems or issues where your microbiome might be affecting your hormones. But be aware that these tests must typically be ordered by doctors, but you are on the hook for conducting them at home and paying for them.Step 4: Use tests to track your progressIf you have an active hormone imbalance, I recommend running these key tests every six months so you can track your progress and monitor how the nutrition, supplement, and lifestyle changes you’ve made are moving the needle on your numbers. If your hormone health is stable, I recommend getting tested every year for maintenance. If your doctor balks at running these tests every year, you can order many of them from direct-to-consumer lab services like Quest labs.Step 5: Don’t become obsessed with the numbersYes, data is good—especially when you have a hunch that something is off in your system and you’re being dismissed), but it can be easy to get fixated on the numbers—and before long they are more a source of anxiety than a helpful measure and tool for guidance. My advice is to treat the numbers more as a guide in helping you become an active listener to your own body. Remember that you are getting the data so you can begin to make diet and lifestyle changes so you can see those numbers change!Think of testing as a helpful guide and a great way to validate and affirm the progress you’re making by using the Cycle Syncing method.Step 6: Let testing become less important over time, as you learn to listen to your bodyIf you keep listening to your body, you may need to rely less on testing over time. At the same time, you may want to continue annual testing even if your numbers have been stable for a long time. This allows you to take action right away if your numbers start to trend in an unhealthy direction.For example, when you first start running tests, you might discover that something is off with your system because the test said so. But, over time, you’ll be able to tell that something is off in your system because you are in tune with your body. You can feel that something off. Then you validate your feelings with testing.Sometimes the changes you’ll see in the numbers will be small, but they give you a warning sign to take action now before things become a crisis. When you see the numbers in black and white, you can take action right away by cycle syncing your food, supplements, and lifestyle. You can get in front of the 8 ball.Simply put, regular testing allows you to better understand how your body works and to respond sooner.Step 7: If you experience a sudden or dramatic change in hormonal health status, call your gynecologist ASAPFood and lifestyle biohacks can be used to address most hormonal health imbalances, but if you suddenly experience shooting pains, or if you feel a mass in your abdomen or have other dramatic symptoms, this isn’t a time for magnesium supplement! It’s time to schedule an appointment with your trusted gynecologist. My greatest hope is that trouble like this never strikes, but if it does, it can make a huge difference to have someone you already know and trust in your corner.Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!

Monthly FLO: The Cycle Syncing System™

Put your period symptoms into remission. Discover how to live in your FLO and get it all done with embodied time management.MonthlyFLO is the first-ever woman-centric health system that syncs with your unique rhythm. It gives you the foundation for solving any hormonal issues you may have over your lifetime.Using the principles of functional nutrition, MonthlyFLO is a specially-sequenced food therapy program that recalibrates your endocrine function. Over three months, you will be guided step-by-step to make simple, cumulative food and lifestyle changes that balance your hormones naturally.Click here to learn more about the life-changing Monthly FLO Program

Safeguard Your Fertility with These Supplements

Getting pregnant right now might be the last thing on your mind. Or maybe you’ve started to think about having a baby in the next couple years. Or maybe you’re ready!No matter where you are on your journey, it’s important to make nutrition and lifestyle choices to protect your future fertility. One in ten women in the United States have trouble getting or staying pregnant — and while some factors are beyond your control, research shows that you can improve your chances of getting pregnant in the future by making the right food, supplement, and lifestyle choices now.If you start researching today’s escalating infertility rates, you’ll learn that many doctors consider the causes “unknown.” But there are some real and modifiable lifestyle components to the fertility puzzle—components that are especially important to consider if you suffer from period problems like irregular periods, heavy bleeding, severe PMS, cramps, or hormonal acne. These symptoms are signs that your hormones are out of balance and that getting pregnant (whenever you’re ready) might be more difficult.Maybe you’re thinking Why wouldn’t I believe the doctors? If the causes are unknown and there is nothing I can do….I understand how you feel. I was told I would never get pregnant naturally—or even with IVF— when I was 20 years old. My PCOS was that severe. But I got pregnant naturally at age 37, after only three tries at home. I know that if I hadn’t been eating, supplementing, and living in a hormone-supportive for the past 15 years, I wouldn’t have gotten pregnant so easily.Today I want to share some of the fertility-enhancing strategies I used to get pregnant naturally at an ‘advanced maternal age.’ My story can be your story. Here’s what you can do today and tomorrow to preserve your fertility for next month, next year, or in 10 years!

Foods for Fertility

Here are some specific food choices you can make to optimize your fertility:Emphasize healthy, high-quality sources of fat. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fat—the kind of fat found in foods like avocados, nuts, seeds, and small, oily fish (like anchovies and sardines)—help reduce inflammation and stabilize blood sugar, two conditions that are important for fertility. And if you haven’t done so already, say no to all trans fats! These sneaky little devils drive up inflammation.Opt for complex carbs (but DON’T go no carb). High or mismanaged blood sugar has been associated in the scientific literature with ovulatory infertility. So fertility-focused eating should emphasize complex carbs that take time to be digested (which keeps blood sugar more stable). Think non-starchy vegetables, whole fruits, and beans. But don’t cut out carbs all together. Very low or no carb diets can make the body think that not enough food is available in the environment and trigger survival mode. When the body is in survival mode, it de-prioritizes non-essential functions, like getting pregnant. After all, how would you care for a child on the ancient savannah if there isn’t even enough food for yourself!Eat your iron. Getting enough iron in your diet, either through food or supplements, has been shown to enhance fertility. High-iron foods include beans, beets, pumpkin, spinach, and tomatoes.Skip the skim. If you’ve read the FLO blog before, you probably know that I don’t recommend dairy products when you’re trying to achieve hormonal harmony, but if you’re interested in protecting and enhancing your fertility, you should be especially wary of low-fat options, like skim milk. Studies have linked consumption of low-fat dairy with reduced fertility. If you tolerate dairy and you allow yourself a bit here and there, make sure it is of the full-fat variety.Skip the soda. Studies show that soda drinkers have reduced fecundity.Skip the coffee. Whether or not caffeine and/or coffee inhibits your chance of getting pregnant (this is widely debated in the scientific community, with some research suggesting it does and other research suggesting it has no effect), research does show a link between coffee consumption and not being able to carry a child to full term. Don’t risk it!

Supplements for Fertility

There are some baseline support supplements that every women who is trying to conceive (or who wants to conceive one day) should consider taking. Here are the fertility supplement basics that I recommend. Every women who hopes to become pregnant one day, whether next week or in the next decade, should consider taking these supplements:

  1. Vitamin D3. Vitamin D is critical for healthy endocrine function and, more specifically, it has been associated with improved success rates for women going through IVF. Optimal vitamin D levels might also help with PCOS and endometriosis, two conditions that can increase infertility.
  2. Fish oil. The omega 3 fatty acids in fish oil drive down inflammation and promote healthy hormone balance. Also, once pregnant, adequate consumption of fish oil is vitally important for normal fetal development.
  3. Probiotic. The importance of a healthy gut can’t be overstated, both for overall health and enhanced fertility.

If you’re experiencing specific hormone-related symptoms, you’ll want to consider additional supplements. Hormone symptoms act as warning signals that your body might not have all the nutrients it needs to conceive and sustain a healthy pregnancy. Here’s what I recommend:Symptom: Low progesterone (irregular cycles, weight gain, hormonal acne, hormonal migraines)Supplement: vitamin B6Function: Helps the ovary make more progesteroneSymptom: Elevated estrogen (severe PMS, swollen breasts, fibrocystic breasts, heavy menstrual bleeding)Supplement: Calcium D-glucarateFunction: Helps the liver metabolize estrogenSymptom: High Cortisol (unremitting stress, excessive thirst, increased urination, changes in libido, accelerated skin aging, high blood pressure)Supplement: B5Function: Gets your adrenals making the right ratio of cortisol to DHEASymptom: Irregular Ovulation, PCOSSupplement: InositolFunction: improves ovulation regularitySymptom: Insomnia, Fatigue, Bloating, ConstipationSupplement: MagnesiumFunction: Miracle micronutrient, essential for over 300 reactions in the bodySymptom: Poor Egg QualitySupplement: CoQ10Function: improves egg qualityAlways remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!Supporting your Fertile FLO, Alisa

Introducing the BALANCE by FLO Living Hormone Supplement Kit

You’ve been asking me for hormone-friendly supplement recommendations, and I finally have created a solution that I am so thrilled to be able to offer to you on your hormonal balancing journey:

Balance by FLO Living Supplements are a complete package that work together to keep your hormone levels healthy. They include a 2 month (2 cycle) supply of the following formulations so you’re never caught short in any phase of your cycle.When you take these 5 supplements daily, you’ll be giving your body excellent micronutrients to support healthier hormone levels. Which means that you’ll start to see your worst period symptoms get better… and even disappear after a while.

Click here to learn more about the BALANCE Bio-Hacking Supplement Kit.

5 Natural Strategies to Balance Hormones and Ease Anxiety

Do you often feel anxious (even when there isn’t all that much to worry about)? Does your anxiety feel bigger than it used to? More pronounced? Or do you feel relatively calm some weeks and unbearably anxious during others? It could be your hormones.We tend to think of anxiety as ‘all in our head,’ but many factors fuel this painful feeling, including external circumstances, imbalanced brain chemicals, nutrient deficiencies, and one often overlooked—though very significant—root cause: hormone imbalances and how they affect the cyclical female brain throughout our 28-day hormone cycle. Just like our bodies and brains shift in how they feel and function during the 24-hour night-day cycle, our hormones shift during our 28-day hormone cycle. And our naturally fluctuating hormones have a profound impact on our bodies, minds, and emotions—including our susceptibility to anxiety— throughout the month.

Your 28-Day Cycle: Why it Matters For Anxiety

We don’t expect to have the same needs and self-care routines at every moment during the 24-hour night-day cycle. For example, it would be weird to eat a 4-course dinner at 2:00am or to consider it normal or to go to bed at 1:00pm in the afternoon (unless we work an overnight shift). Yet we expect our bodies and brains to function the same—and to need the same support day in and day out—over the course of our 28-day cycle. Our hormones are fluctuating during each phase of the cycle, but we don’t modify how we eat, move, or live to tend to those shifting needs. When we don’t live in accordance with our fluctuating hormone needs, we experience period problems like bloating, PMS, and acne. We may also experience symptoms we don’t typically associate with hormones, like depressed mood, brain fog, and increased anxiety. To add insult to injury, hormone-related anxiety can show up in a variety of different ways and at different times (or all the time!). Sometimes, hormone-related anxiety presents itself as fatigue or insomnia during certain phases of our cycle. Sometimes we feel calm during some phases, crazed with anxiety during others.Easing anxiety often requires multiple healing strategies (just like many other health conditions), but one of the best first steps you can take is living in a way that supports your natural hormone shifts. It’s all about eating, exercising, and making self-care choices that line up with your hormonal needs during each phase of the 28-day cycle. Think of it as the 28-day equivalent of making the healthy choices you normally do every 24-hours (many of which you do without thinking because your body just knows it’s right), like going to bed when it’s dark and waking up when it’s light. In this post, I walk you through how to start caring for your fluctuating hormones in ways that help reduce anxiety.

Hormone Imbalances and Anxiety

First, let’s take a look at the hormone-anxiety connection and how imbalanced hormones can contribute to feeling anxious. Here are three key ways hormones affect mood and anxiety:

  1. Your monthly flow is too heavy. Extremely heavy flow during your period—especially when you have heavy flow every month—can lead to anemia (iron deficiency in the blood) and one of the symptoms of anemia is, you guessed it, anxiety. And heavy bleeding is almost caused by estrogen dominance, a condition in which we have more estrogen in our bodies relative to progesterone. (Estrogen dominance is a very common condition, thanks to perfect storm of environmental factors, and you can learn more about it here.) Addressing estrogen dominance can help correct anemia—and reduce anxiety.
  2. You’re low on progesterone. Progesterone is produced by the corpus luteum, which is a hormone-secreting structure that develops in the ovary in between ovulation and the start of your period. Studies have found that progesterone helps improve cognitive function and plays a role in the synthesis of GABA, a calming chemical produced in the brain. Not enough progesterone can mean not enough GABA—and that can translate into more anxiety. Several factors can contribute to low levels of progesterone, including not ovulating (which happens for women with PCOS) or having a luteal phase defect, which is when stress or other hormone imbalances interfere with sufficient progesterone production.
  3. You’re on the insulin and blood sugar roller coaster. Insulin is one of the body’s master hormones and when it gets out of balance—thanks to eating too many sugary carbs— mood can go out of balance with it. Observational evidence links high-glycemic diets with depressed mood and increased anxiety. And animal studies suggest that insulin resistance, which is what happens when the body stops responding to the health-sustaining message that insulin sends to cells, is associated with mood and behavior disorders. But you likely already know this, not from the research but from your own life: if you’ve ever eaten something sugary, or gone too long without eating anything, and quickly plunged from feeling great to feeling sad, irritated, and panicky, you’ve experienced the up and down of the blood sugar and insulin roller coaster—and the anxiety that can come along with it.

Fix Your Hormones, Fix Your Anxiety

Reclaim your sense of calm by reclaiming your hormone balance. Here are my top tips for getting started:

  1. Eat the right carbs at the right time. Your first goal is to stabilize your blood sugar, and the best way to do that is to eat the right carbs at the right time. Start each day with a protein- and healthy fat-rich breakfast within 90 minutes of waking up. A hearty breakfast can help normalize blood sugar throughout the day and promote healthy hormone balance. A 2013 study found that women with PCOS who ate the majority of their calories at breakfast, and fewer calories at each meal throughout the day, had better hormone balance. At lunch, incorporate healthy fats with complex carbs (like black beans) and do the same at dinner. Eating some complex carbohydrates, (like sweet potato) at your evening meal can reduce cortisol spikes at night and promote healthy sleep. You’ll also want to match all the healthy whole foods you choose—whether they are protein, fat, or carbs—with each phase of your cycle. Eating cyclically allows you to biohack your unique female biochemistry and ease hormone-related symptoms like anxiety.
  2. Don’t move harder, move cyclically. Maximizing your hormonal health means modifying your workout routine to fit each unique phase of your cycle. It’s the opposite of always trying to workout harder and faster. It means really paying attention to your body and your cycle and matching your movement to your unique hormonal needs. Different types of movement, and different intensity levels, are appropriate for the different phases of your cycle. (Figure out how to move and how much to move here).) If the idea of tracking your cycle is brand new to you, the MyFLO app makes learning about your cycle easy.
  3. Cut out coffee. I harp and harp and harp on this because ditching caffeine is critically important for hormone balance. And when it comes to giving up caffeine to reduce anxiety, you don’t need to take my word for it. You’ve likely experienced the manic heartracing that comes after too much coffee—and the less frantic feeling that follows a cup of herbal tea. If anxiety is a problem for you, don’t make it worse by ratcheting up your heart rate with a cup (or three) of joe.
  4. Consider ditching the pill. While research on the link between hormonal birth control and mood and anxiety has been inconclusive over the past half century, enough research (and anecdotal evidence) has linked the pill with depression and other mood disorders. The pill has also been shown to deplete mood-supporting vitamins and minerals like vitamin B6, zinc, and magnesium One of magnesium’s super powers is promoting relaxation and calm.
  5. Boost progesterone naturally. The body makes progesterone from a precursor compound called pregnenolone—and pregnenolone is derived from cholesterol. So to produce enough progesterone, we need to have enough cholesterol.

There are ways to boost cholesterol that are healthy and ways that aren’t, and you want to stick to the healthy route. That involves incorporating sources of healthy fat in your diet like avocados, olives, olive oil, nuts, seeds, and small oily fish. Raising your levels of progesterone will also help bring estrogen and progesterone into better balance (though doing a hormone detox to eliminate excess estrogen and fight estrogen dominance is important, too).Bonus! Incorporating more healthy fats at each meal is a great way to promote better blood sugar balance. It’s a two-in-one tip that goes a long way in bringing down anxiety. Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!To your FLO,Alisa

We believe that no woman should suffer simply because she has a period.

And we also know that it’s not always possible to get access to functional and holistic healthcare solutions — sometimes they’re too far away and most of the time they are way too expensive.That’s why we offer phone and Skype consultation sessions with our FLO coaches.All of our expert FLO coaches have been trained by Alisa on top of being certified health coaches and licensed acupuncturists. And they are all qualified to help you find the right next step for you in getting out of hormonal chaos and into your FLO. Work with a FLO Coach and find your customized plan to solve your period symptoms.

Click here to book your counselor consultation

7 Easy Fixes for Period Pain

Ready to be let in on a completely world-changing secret? Healthy periods aren’t painful. Know what else healthy periods don’t have? Heavy or irregular bleeding, big mood swings, acne, and bloating. If you’re 28-day cycle comes with any of these symptoms, here’s the good news: you can biohack your way to a better period in as quickly as a month and a pain-free period in as little as three months. The most effective hack that will solve your period problems quickly is eating, exercising, and living in sync with your 28-day menstrual cycle. (More on that below.)But the first step is to understand why you have period pain (and other PMS problems like acne, bloating, mood swings, and migraines) in the first place.

Here’s are 7 reasons you have period pain:

  1. You’re inflamed. Prostaglandins are hormone-like substances (technically called “lipid autacoids”) that control the body’s inflammatory response. This is a good thing when you need a quick hit of inflammation to trigger the uterine contractions that cause you to shed the uterine lining (bleeding) because you didn’t get pregnant that month. But when too many prostaglandins flood the system, you get too much inflammation—and all the quality-of-life-eroding symptoms that come with it. (Prostaglandin overproduction is why some women get relief by taking NSAIDs like ibuprofen. NSAIDs block the synthesis of prostaglandins.)
  2. Your endocrine system is out of whack. The endocrine system is your body’s hormone system—and it is easily thrown off balance by, well, just about everything: high-sugar diets, environmental toxins, stress, lack of sleep, and medications (including the birth control pill), to name just a few. If your hormones are out of balance, your period will be riddled with symptoms.
  3. You’re drinking coffee. Drinking coffee increases your risk of forming cysts and fibroids, and fibroids increase your risk of period pain and other period problems.
  4. You’re still drinking coffee. Caffeine is broken down by the liver using the enzyme CYP1A2 and it turns out that only 10 percent of the population makes robust levels of this enzyme. Why does that matter for your period? CYP1A2 is also involved in the metabolism of estrogen, so if you struggle with PMS or an estrogen-dominant condition like PCOS, fibroids, or endometriosis, you have reason to suspect that you are one of the 9 in 10 people who don’t make enough of this enzyme. So if you drink coffee or other caffeinated beverages, you’re using up your precious CY1A2 resources on getting rid of coffee and not on getting rid of estrogen.
  5. You have a hidden weight problem. Overweight and obesity are associated with a three-fold risk in experiencing PMS. So for women who struggle with weight loss resistance, adopting a healthy, sustainable approach to weight loss [read: NOT crash diets] can help with hormonal chaos and unwanted symptoms. But in the past two decades, research has shown that some people who present as a “normal” weight when they step on the scale actually have the insides of someone who is overweight or obese. The official term for this is “medically obese, normal-weight individual,” though a lot of practitioners refer this condition as being “skinny fat.” So you can’t just look in the mirror or step on the scale to know what’s happening on the inside. Your painful period might be telling you that you need address internal obesity (and when you do, your period symptoms will get better).
  6. You don’t take stress reduction seriously. We live in a society that places a high value on always being busy. If you ask someone how they’re doing or what’s new and they reply, “I’ve been SO busy,” it often sounds as much like a point of pride as it does a complaint. But we need to reverse our stance on stress. Research shows that the higher the level of our perceived stress, the worse our PMS—and that stress reduction techniques might be effective non-pharmaceutical interventions for easing PMS. So grab your yoga mat, download that meditation app, or make more time for the leisure activity that relaxes you.
  7. You’re not living in sync with your cycle. (This is the biggest factor in painful periods!) You’ve probably read about the importance of the 24-hour circadian cycle—how important it is to get high-quality, consecutive hours of sleep during the night, for example, and to get some safe sun exposure during the day, etc. But you probably haven’t heard about the importance of living in sync with your 28-day cycle—and, for women, that cycle is just as important to tend to as the circadian cycle. Research shows that our 28-day menstrual cycle affects our brain function, emotions, mood, sensory processing, appetite, and even our perception of pain. If you’re not supporting your body’s unique hormonal needs during each of the four phases of the 28-day cycle, you won’t have healthy, pain-free periods.

So what’s a girl to do? The answers are easy, straightforward, and doable right away today. And if you start right now, you can have a better period by next month—and a pain-free period within three months.

Here’s Your Period Rx:

  1. Stomp out inflammation. Eat low inflammatory foods, like cruciferous vegetables, pastured eggs and pastured animal proteins, and nuts and seeds. Reduce the amount of sugar you eat or eliminate it all together. A high-sugar diet drives up the production of advanced-glycation end products, which contributes to inflammation. Two foods that have been shown to help specifically with prostaglandin reduction are the pomegranate the small, oily fish that contain high levels of inflammation-fighting omega-3 fatty acids.
  2. Make “organic” and “clean” a main part of your life. When you’re standing in the grocery aisle or at the makeup counter and the clean products and organic foods are more expensive than the conventional option, it can be easy to make the wallet-friendly choice. But what you need to keep in mind in these moments is the true cost of the choice you’re making. The toxins in these foods and products come into direct contact with the body and alter endocrine function. You may save at check-out, but you are ultimately paying with your health.
  3. Give up coffee. This piece of advice is self-explanatory and, after the first week of withdrawal, not nearly as hard as you think. Within a month you won’t even miss it. Skip caffeinated tea, too.
  4. In case you’re tempted to skip tip #3, allow me to repeat myself: no more caffeine!
  5. Improve your health from the inside out. You might look lean in the mirror, but if you don’t exercise (hence, you don’t have much lean muscle mass) and if you eat a high-sugar diet (and have wonky blood sugar), if you’re chronically stressed out and undernourished (that is, there aren’t enough phytonutrient-rich vegetables on your plate) you might have the blood work profile of someone with overweight or obesity. Looking lean is no guarantee that you will reap the benefits associated with leanness! When you start correcting what’s going on internally, you can see a reduction in symptoms
  6. Find what relaxes you… and make it a regular part of your life. The time for stress reduction is now, not when you finish this big project or after that big presentation. Because guess what? When you finish those things there will just be more to do. The time is now. Your health depends on it.
  7. Start Cycle Syncing. All of the biohacks I just mentioned will only get you so far if you don’t start to live in accordance with your cycle. Eating and exercising for each week-long phase of your 28-day cycle is the foundation of feeling better and having a symptom-free period. For too long, we’ve been living the same way day in and day out. This works for men, but not for women. Syncing your cycle will not only fix your period problems, it will help you find more happiness, energy, and success in life. Simply put, tending to your 28-day cycle is as important as tending to your 24-hour circadian cycle. If the idea of syncing with your cycle is new to you, I have an app and a treasure trove of articles on the blog to help you get started.

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!To your FLO,Alisa

Is Your Period Healthy?

How do you know if your hormones are healthy? The answer is in your 5th vital sign – your period.The color of your flow, frequency of your period, and symptoms you have each month can tell you a lot about your health. There are 5 different V-SIGN TYPES, and knowing which one you have will help you get healthy now and prevent disease in the future.Click here to take The V-SIGN TYPE™ Quiz NOW

7 Strategies to Boost Energy Naturally This Fall

Fall is here, with it’s cooler nights, pumpkin-flavored everything, and that back-to-school-like energy…. at least we should feel like we have ample energy from the summer to get into high gear. If you’re wrestling with hormone imbalances, that surge of autumnal energy might pass you by entirely. Fatigue is a hallmark of hormonal discord, along with other symptoms that contribute to feeling sluggish, like brain fog and insomnia, and it’s going to take more than cooler breezes to get you feeling energized.That’s because the endocrine system, which controls our hormones, regulates our energy flow — and when the endocrine system isn’t in tip-top shape, our energy isn’t optimal either.

3 Hormone imbalances that may be zapping your energy

One major factor that stresses and exhausts the endocrine system is imbalanced blood sugar. When you eat sugar or predominantly carb-based foods, your body responds by producing insulin (insulin is one of the body’s master hormones and it allows the glucose to enter your cells, where it is used for energy). But when we overeat sugar and carbs, our bodies produce an overabundance of insulin. So some of the glucose enters our cells, but all that extra glucose (and the extra insulin released to deal with it) remain in the bloodstream. That is when the hormone problems start. Overexposure to glucose and insulin send your blood sugar levels soaring and then crashing — and it’s that spike that launches a hormonal cascade that keeps you from ovulating—and not ovulating means you’re not producing progesterone, which leads to estrogen dominance and its associated symptoms, including fatigue.Another common hormone imbalance that can leave you feeling hungover and like you’re sleepwalking through your days is adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue is when the stress hormone cortisol is imbalanced.When cortisol is working like it should, we should get three main surges of cortisol during the day, but no surges at night. The opposite happens with adrenal fatigue: we have low cortisol in the morning, but high cortisol at night. Because cortisol is the hormone that gets your body ready for action, this is terrible timing to say the least. It leaves you feeling tired but wired (and unable to sleep) at night — and ready to nap all day when the sun rises in the morning.Melatonin is another of the body’s key hormones. It’s released in response to low light (as the sun goes down, melatonin goes up) and it’s responsible for that predictable sleepy feeling we get at night. Predictable, that is, if our melatonin is working like it is supposed to. A whole slew of things conspire to keep melatonin from being released when it should, from the blue light that pours out of our computer screens to not enough exposure to sunlight during the day. Then there are all the other modern-day impediments to healthy hormone balance, from stress and exposure to environmental toxins to taking certain medication (including the birth control pill), drinking too much caffeine, and getting too few essential micronutrients. So what is an exhausted, de-energized, brain-foggy girl to do—especially right now, when you want to tap into that increased fall energy?

7 Strategies to Boost Energy Naturally

Here are my secret strategies for having your most energized fall ever:Block blue light. Computer, phone, and other device screens emit blue light, which can wreak havoc on the production of melatonin. In general, bright light at night can be disruptive to our melatonin production and our sleep cycle. When possible, skip screens of any kind within two hours of bed. When you must be on a screen before bed, consider adding a blue-light blocking app to your computer or device. These apps, like f.lux, dampen the effect of the hormone-disrupting wavelengths. Get more (safe) sun exposure before noon. Getting even 10 or 15 minutes of sunlight before or around noon helps regulate your circadian cycle and promote healthy melatonin production at night. Take your morning cup of tea out to the backyard or balcony or sit in a sunny south-facing window to support circadian health. Ten to 15 minutes of sun exposure can help promote healthy vitamin D levels, too. Vitamin D deficiency is a root cause of fatigue and low energy. (But don’t go over fifteen minutes of sun exposure without applying a non-toxic sunscreen. You want to find a balance between making vitamin D and protecting your skin from the sun!). Manage stress. Yes, blue light can keep us awake at night. But so can stress. Racing thoughts at night can keep us awake for hours, which causes cortisol levels to stay high when they should be subsiding for the night. The key is to find stress management techniques that work for you, whether that’s meditation, movement, connecting more often with your most supportive friends, or making time for self-pleasure. There’s no one right way to relax. The key is to find what works for you and to make room for it in your life. Carving out time to relax will ultimately boost your energy levelsJust say “no” to coffee. Coffee raises cortisol levels, stresses the adrenals, and depletes essential micronutrients that are critical for battling fatigue and brain fog. We think of coffee as an essential energy booster when it really is the opposite. It can make you feel buzzy and productive for 20 minutes —and then leave you in a slump the rest of the day (while messing up your hormones at a deeper level and making it that much more difficult to wrestle your way out of chronic exhaustion). Nail breakfast. When it comes to using nutrition to promote hormonal harmony, breakfast is your first (and best) starting place. Eating a hearty breakfast — one that is timed to your your 28-day cycle — will set you up for stable blood sugar all day and will help keep your hormones in balance. Specifically, choosing the right kind of carbs during your luteal phase helps prevent energy dips. During your luteal (or pre-menstrual) phase, you need more nourishing and fulfilling good carbs to combat cravings for unhealthy carbsGet your heart pumping. Cardiovascular exercise can help you have more energy (even though it might be the last thing you feel like doing when you’re tired. But the research shows that regular exercise reduces fatigue.Maximize your micronutrients. Eating a diverse selection of phytonutrient-rich whole foods is the first step in getting enough of the key micronutrients that support steady energy levels. But, in many cases (and for a variety of reasons beyond our control, like the depletion of micronutrients from the soil in which our food is grown), supplementation is important. Here are some of the nutrients you should prioritize if boosting and balancing energy is your goal:

  • B-complex. Flagging energy levels are a symptom of vitamin B deficiency. That’s because B vitamins are essential for so many metabolic functions. When you’re deficient, you really feel it. B6 is particularly important for optimal hormone health because it can help boost progesterone production to counteract excess estrogen relative to progesterone (a condition known as estrogen dominance). There are some great whole-food sources of the B vitamins, including grass-fed beef, eggs, and salmon, but most of us can benefit from supplementation — and it’s especially important if you are a vegetarian or a vegan.
  • Magnesium. Magnesium helps promote healthy sleep and, in turn, can be essential for getting our energy back on track. Most of us tend to be low in magnesium because the soil in which our food is grown has become depleted of this essential micronutrient. (Supplemental magnesium can help greatly reduce other period problems, too, like bloating, severe PMS, and hormonal migraines.)
  • Nutrients that support liver detox and estrogen metabolism. These include vitamin C, zinc, selenium, turmeric, green tea extract, and alpha lipoic acid. These micronutrients, especially when taken together, help the liver do its critical work of flushing both toxins and excess hormones from the body. The more efficiently your liver is working, the better your hormone balance will be — and the more robust your energy.
  • Probiotics. A healthy microbiome is necessary for the management of all hormonal conditions, including the imbalances that lead to fatigue. That’s because, much like the liver, the microbiome helps detox estrogen from the body. A healthy microbiome is also essential for helping your body absorb the other important nutrients you need for hormone balance. You can have a perfect diet and supplement routine, but if your body can’t absorb the micronutrients from your food and supplements, you don’t get the benefit!
  • Vitamin D. As I mentioned above, vitamin D deficiency is a root cause of fatigue and low energy. Without enough vitamin D in your body, it can be impossible to feel bright, alert, and energized. It’s especially important to take supplemental vitamin D as fall sets in. We make vitamin D from exposure to the sun, but as the sun’s rays become less intense during the fall and winter months it becomes harder (and in many cases impossible) for our bodies to make enough D.

I designed my Balance Supplements specifically to help women address these key deficiencies, balance their hormones, and reclaim their energy. If you’re ready to feel energized (finally!), I encourage you to use these strategies to feel like your old self again this fall. To your FLO,Alisa

Introducing the BALANCE by FLO Living Hormone Supplement Kit

You’ve been asking me for hormone-friendly supplement recommendations, and I finally have created a solution that I am so thrilled to be able to offer to you on your hormonal balancing journey:

Balance by FLO Living Supplements is a complete package that works together to keep your hormone levels healthy. They include a 2 month (2 cycles) supply of the following formulations so you’re never caught short in any phase of your cycle.When you take these 5 supplements daily, you’ll be giving your body excellent micronutrients to support healthier hormone levels. Which means that you’ll start to see your worst period symptoms get better… and even disappear after a while.

Click here to learn more about the BALANCE Bio-Hacking Supplement Kit.

Say Goodbye to “Period Underwear” Forever: Your Guide to a Lighter Flow

If you deal with heavy periods on a regular basis, you know how firsthand how frustrating they can be. You spend five to seven days (or more) doubling up on pads, changing tampons every hour, and soaking through your pajamas and staining your bedsheets. It’s exhausting, annoying, and potentially embarrassing. You might think that a heavy flow is your lot in life. You were just born that way, you think, so you’ve resigned yourself to a week of misery of every month.But! Overly heavy periods are not destiny. They are a symptom of underlying hormone imbalances—imbalances that can be fixed by looking at the big picture of your diet and lifestyle and making strategic changes that will help you have healthier hormone balance and eliminate heavy bleeding for good. In other words, you can biohack your way to lighter periods and less suffering. And if that sounds daunting, take heed! It’s not! The strategies for alleviating heavy flow are straightforward, and they include one of my favorites: using targeted supplements and key micronutrients to have easier, lighter periods.

Why Your Flow is Heavy

The first step in achieving a lighter flow is understanding why you’re bleeding so much right now. There are three root causes:

  • Excess estrogen. When your estrogen levels are high, the lining of your uterus can become thicker. Estrogen can also be much higher in the body relative to progesterone, which is the hormone that will keep your uterine lining intact for a longer period of time. Excess estrogen has many causes, including the foods we eat, exposure to environmental toxins, chronic and unremitting stress, poor sleep, and toxic cosmetics and body care products. Excess estrogen can also build up in the body when our detox pathways become sluggish (thanks to similar environmental factors). In addition to the heavy bleeding and clots, estrogen overload can also contribute to endometriosis, fibroids, ovarian cysts, or polyps.
  • Lack of uterine tone. Pregnancy can cause the uterus to lose tone, but so can a sedentary lifestyle. While this is primarily a physical issue, it is also influenced by the quality of nutrients you are getting through your diet.
  • Hypothyroidism. One of the signs that your thyroid might not be functioning optimally is excess bleeding. If you also notice you have a lack of appetite, are gaining weight, feel cold most of the time, and are easily fatigued, there’s a chance your thyroid function is below the normal range.

How to Biohack Your Way to a Lighter Flow

Fixing the hormone imbalances that fuel heavy bleeding starts with making strategic changes to your diet and lifestyle. Addressing what you eat (and when you eat it) and making other shifts in how you sleep, when and how you move, and what you put on your body is the absolute first starting place when it comes to alleviating heavy flow. Our 5-step protocol helps you build a solid foundation with your diet and lifestyle so you can eliminate excess estrogen, rebuild uterine tone, restore proper thyroid function, and help boost your detox pathways—with the ultimate goal of achieving a lighter flow. In short, your goal is to align your food and lifestyle with each distinct phase of your 28-day cycle. I call this cycle syncing and it is the only way to truly bring hormones into balance. Woman have unique, fluctuating needs during each week of their cycle and when you match your food and lifestyle to those needs, you start to have a better period.The next crucial step is maximizing the essential micronutrients that support a healthy period. Here are the micronutrients you should focus on to alleviate a heavy flow (and ease other period problems):

I designed my Balance Flo supplements to include all the micronutrients you need to support a healthy flow. Think of them as your personal insurance policy against all the factors that contribute to period problems. If you’re ready to have a better, lighter period—and you want an easy, trusted way to get all your key micronutrients in one place — I encourage you to check out the Balance Flo supplements. They will help you take your hormonal health to the next level!Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!To your FLO,Alisa

Introducing the BALANCE by FLO Living Hormone Supplement Kit

You’ve been asking me for hormone-friendly supplement recommendations, and I finally have created a solution that I am so thrilled to be able to offer to you on your hormonal balancing journey:

Balance by FLO Living Supplements is a complete package that works together to keep your hormone levels healthy. They include a 2 month (2 cycles) supply of the following formulations so you’re never caught short in any phase of your cycle.When you take these 5 supplements daily, you’ll be giving your body excellent micronutrients to support healthier hormone levels. Which means that you’ll start to see your worst period symptoms get better… and even disappear after a while.

Click here to learn more about the BALANCE Bio-Hacking Supplement Kit.

Biohacking isn't just for Boys: The 7 Essential Biohacks for Women

Biohacking is all the rage these days. The idea that we can optimize our physiology with lifestyle and nutrition gets talked about over and over in expert health blogs and on popular podcasts. But you might have noticed that the vast majority of people who talk about biohacking are men. You may also have noticed that most of the scientific research on nutrition and lifestyle is done on men and/or male lab animals.

And that’s just fine… for men. Biohacking is the practice of using food, lifestyle, exercise, and targeted supplementation to enhance health. But men and women have different needs based on their hormones. So what works for men won’t always work as well, or in the same way — or at all — for women.

If you suffer from hormone-related health concerns—like heavy periods, severe PMS, bloating, acne, fibroids, PCOS, irritability, insomnia, low libido, infertility, irregular or missing periods, and/or hormone-related migraines — you can biohack your way to fewer symptoms and better health. But to get the best results, you have biohack for your unique female physiology.

Here are my 7 top biohacks for women who want to solve their period problems and look and feel their best.

Biohack #1: Cycle sync your food

Eating to ease period problems requires synching your weekly meal plans with your 28-day cycle. Women have unique nutritional and energetic needs during each week of the month—unlike men, who can thrive by eating more or less the same way everyday—and you will look and feel your best when you match the vegetables, meats, plant proteins, fruits, and legumes you eat to your shifting hormonal needs. Think of it this way: as your hormones change, so does your menu! If the idea of switching up what you eat each week feels challenging, start with my 4-Week Flo Food Challenge. And if you’re scratching your head (and maybe freaking out a little) because you don’t know what your hormones do or when, don’t panic! Use the MyFLO app to track your cycle and start eating cyclically.

Biohack #2: Cycle sync your exercise

To really optimize your hormonal health, you should shift your workouts to fit your cycle in much the same way as you do your diet. Your body is primed for different kinds of activity across your cycle, just as its looking for different kinds of nutrition through each of the four phases. Ready to get started? Learn what type of exercise is right for each phase of your cycle here.  

Biohack #3: Detox the RIGHT way

If you suffer from hormone imbalances and period problems, it can be tempting to do an extreme detox. The severe restrictions and big promises (Lose 20 pounds overnight! Eliminate all the toxins from your body!) sound like a relief after suffering with hormone-related symptoms for so long. But deprivation plans and strict detoxes backfire for the vast majority of women. Severe calorie restrictions tax our already overburdened adrenal and endocrine systems—and make our hormone problems worse. Don’t get me wrong: a detox can be helpful, but it must be the right kind of detox, one that focuses on clearing the body of excess estrogen. Excess estrogen in the body (relative to progesterone) contributes to everything from severe PMS to PCOS. If you want to detox estrogen, don’t do a juice fast or a cleanse. Do a gentle detox that supports the body’s elimination process by giving it all the nutrients it needs. If you want even more support in doing a safe, nourishing detox, I designed a 4-day Hormone Detox to kickstart your hormonal healing.

Biohack #4: Be very careful with intermittent fasting (if you do it at all)

Most studies on fasting have been done on men and/or have shown mixed results for women. One study found that intermittent fasting helped improve insulin sensitivity in men, but women didn’t get the same benefit. (Good insulin sensitivity is essential for balanced hormones.) At the same time, the study showed that women’s ability to tolerate glucose actually got worse during intermittent fasting. Other research shows that fasting can have a negative effect on cortisol, insulin, estrogen, and progesterone— all the major hormonal players in your body! Studies suggest that intermittent fasting can be very helpful for women (and men) with compromised cellular health (individuals with cancer and/or those going through chemotherapy), but for women in generally good health who are working to balance hormones and heal hormone-related symptoms, I don’t recommend fasting.

Biohack #5: Don’t default to the ketogenic diet

The ketogenic diet, which is a high fat-low carbohydrate diet, is all the rage these days, but research suggests that it can mess with thyroid function— and thyroid health is absolutely essential for healthy hormone balance. Here’s where this biohack becomes sex specific: thyroid problems disproportionately affect women. It’s estimated that one in five women have a thyroid issue, and many of those cases are undiagnosed. If you’re trying to bring your hormones into balance, your best bet is to eat in line with your cycle—and leave the ketogenic diet for individuals with other health issues.

Biohack #6: Ditch coffee

Bulletproof coffee can work well for men, but caffeine is a no-go for women who want to optimize hormone health. Caffeine can increase the development of benign breast disease. For women with PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and fibrocystic breasts, caffeine is a guaranteed way to make more cysts. Plus, caffeine mucks up hormone health in other ways, too. If you’re trying to solve your period problems, don’t fall for the Bulletproof coffee craze.

Biohack #7: Supplement like a girl

Women have unique micronutrient needs, and we can’t expect optimal hormonal health—or optimal overall health—when we follow blanket supplement prescriptions. We need supplements tailored to our unique female physiology. Specifically:

  • While every woman should be supplementing with B vitamins, if you’re suffering from hormone imbalances, you’ll need to be extra aware of your intake. Research has shown that intake of vitamins like thiamine (B1) is inversely related to endometriosis. Another important type of B vitamin, folic acid, is known to be important in managing PCOS.
  • Magnesium is a must for women with hormone imbalances since it improves insulin sensitivity, which has widespread implications for the entire hormone system. And if you’ve ever suffered from hot flashes (whether you’re menopausal or not even close) magnesium has been shown to significantly reduce the symptoms.
  • If you’re suffering with fibroids or any hormone-related health condition, vitamin D is an absolute must. A study funded by the National Institutes of Health found that supplementing with vitamin D reduced the size of uterine fibroids. This may be especially essential for African American women since they’re 3-4 times more likely to develop fibroids and 10 times more likely to be deficient in vitamin D than white women. More generally, vitamin D acts like a master hormone in the body, which is what makes it so critical for all women with hormone imbalances.
  • Probiotics are a must: one study found that in just 12 weeks, probiotics s helped significantly reduced endometriosis pain. I designed my FLO Balance supplements with women’s unique micronutrient needs in mind. They contain everything you need to supplement strategically for optimal hormonal health.

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!

To your FLO,


6 Signs You Have Uterine Fibroids (And How To Biohack Your Way Out of Them)

Endometriosis gets a lot of press these days, with celebs like Lena Dunham and Padma Lakshmi talking openly about their struggles with this painful hormonal condition. PCOS is also getting more recognition, thanks to Star Wars actress Daisy Ridley and a growing awareness of PCOS as a common cause of infertility for American women.

So if you struggle with period problems, but haven’t been diagnosed with endometriosis or PCOS, you might think that having heavy, uncomfortable periods is just something you have to deal with. Or maybe you're confused about the real root cause.

Your symptoms might actually be caused by uterine fibroids. Studies show that most American women will develop fibroids at some point during their lives. And while almost all of these non-cancerous tumors are benign (and some cases are asymptomatic), a lot of fibroids grow large and lead to a host of unpleasant symptoms — symptoms that you might otherwise chalk up to the idea that that’s just how your body works.

Do fibroids affect hormones?

Or, is it the other way around? In fact, fibroids are fueled by hormone imbalances (just like PCOS and endometriosis). So, you can take steps to balance your hormones and ease fibroid symptoms.

One of the most common imbalances when it comes to fibroids is excess estrogen. An overload of estrogen seems to make fibroids grow larger. Having too much estrogen relative to progesterone is a common hormone imbalance because so many things in our environment increase estrogen, including the foods we eat, the foods we don’t eat, exposure to toxins, poor sleep, stress, and other environmental factors. At times, it feels like the world is conspiring to make our estrogen go up. But you can take simple steps to biohack your hormones and bring estrogen and progesterone back into balance. Read on to learn how!

Fibroid Symptoms

Fibroids give rise to some telltale symptoms. Here are some signs that fibroids might be at a root cause of your period problems:

  1. Heavy flow. This is one of those symptoms that can be easily overlooked or assumed is "just how your period goes", but heavy flow can be a sign of fibroids.
  2. Periods that last more than 7 days. If your period tends to run longer than a week, you might think that you just drew the short end of the menstrual stick. But overly long periods can also be a sign of fibroids.
  3. Feeling like you have to pee all the time… but nothing comes out. You might never have thought of this as a symptom of an underlying hormone imbalance, but this too can be a sign of uterine fibroids.
  4. Pelvic pain/pressure. Another potential symptom of fibroids.
  5. Constipation. Constipation can strike for any number of reasons, many unrelated to hormones, but if you experience it in combination with other symptoms, it could be related to uterine fibroids.
  6. Backaches and/or leg pain. Like constipation, a sore back and other aches might strike you as normal and not connected to your endocrine system. But in some cases, just like constipation, this can be connected to fibroids.

Fibroids are often diagnosed during a routine pelvic exam and confirmed with an ultrasound. If you suspect that you have uterine fibroids, consult with a trusted healthcare practitioner. And if you discover that fibroids are an issue for you, Western medicine will tell you that the cause is unknown and that the only “treatment” is taking hormonal birth control. But the Pill doesn’t address the underlying root cause of fibroids, which is hormone imbalance, and it can actually make hormone imbalances worse. In some cases, doctors offer surgery to remove fibroids, but an invasive procedure (with a high risk of generating scar tissue that can complicate future pregnancies) isn’t an ideal choice unless absolutely necessary.

Biohack Your Hormones and Fix Fibroids Naturally

Happily, there’s a lot you can do with nutrition and lifestyle to address the hormone imbalances that underlie uterine fibroids, especially around the connection between estrogen and fibroids. Here’s how:

  1. Understand your cycle. You can help bring hormones into balance by tracking your cycle and shifting what you eat and how much you move, so that your daily routine matches each distinct phase of your 28-day cycle. I call this Cycle Syncing®, and if you’re serious about biohacking your hormones and easing symptoms, this is the first and best place to start.
  2. Eat to balance estrogen. Fibroids are affected by excess estrogen in the body, which makes them grow. (They often decrease in size after menopause, when estrogen in the body is lower). So it’s important to eliminate dairy and meat raised with synthetic hormones that can act like estrogen in the body, and to prioritize foods that help modulate and balance estrogen, like flax seeds, beans, whole grains, pears, and apples.
  3. Balance your microbiome. The microbiome contains a colony of bacteria that helps metabolize estrogen. This colony is called the estrobolome—and when the microbiome is healthy, so is the estrobolome. But when the good and bad bugs in the microbiome are out of balance, the estrobolome can’t do its job efficiently and estrogen builds up. Ditching sugar, dairy, and gluten is the first step in healing the microbiome. (If you’re ready to give up those estrobolome-destroying foods, try my free 4-Day Detox.) Another key to building and maintaining a healthy microbiome is supplementing with a great probiotic.
  4. Support liver function. The estrobolome metabolizes used-up estrogen. Then the liver gets it ready for elimination. So if your liver is sluggish (just like if your microbiome is imbalanced), estrogen can build up in the body. The liver thrives when we eat specific liver-nourishing foods—and it gets clogged and sluggish when we eat high fructose-containing processed foods and when we drink caffeine. You can also use targeted supplements to improve liver function. The supplements in my BALANCE Supplement Kit help support the liver.

Remember that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!

Could it be fibroids? Take simple steps to biohack your hormones and bring estrogen & progesterone back in balance.

Beyond Probiotics: What your Microbiome Needs to Thrive

A healthy microbiome is essential for managing hormonal conditions. Specifically, there’s a group of bacteria in the gut known as the estrobolome that metabolizes and eliminates estrogen from the body. It’s critical that the estrobolome is in good health if you want to heal your hormones.It would be lovely if the balance of good and bad bugs in the gut took care of themselves if they just stayed healthy and in balance on their own. But a lot of unavoidable everyday things can throw a wrench in our internal microbial universe, from taking a necessary course of antibiotics to exposure to certain chemicals or eating a diet high in the white stuff (sugar, flour, dairy).So we have to tend the health of our microbiome (in order to care for our hormones) and this is where probiotics come in. The probiotics in supplements and in certain foods, like sauerkraut and kimchi, help keep the microbiome humming along. But there’s another key factor that supports a healthy microbiome: getting enough of the right micronutrients. Today I’m going to explain the why the microbiome is so important for hormone balance and how you can support a healthy microbiome by getting the right nutrients (in addition to taking a high-quality probiotic).

Microbiomes & Hormones

Your microbiome is the main player in regulating your hormones, especially your estrogen levels. Estrogen-dominance as a result of a poorly functioning microbiome can contribute to all the different symptoms of hormone imbalance, including infertility, PMS, low libido, cramps and heavy bleeding, and PCOS. Plus, it can make you far more susceptible to estrogen-led cancers like breast cancer.Approximately 5 lbs of bacteria live inside of you and the quality of their ecosystem— how diverse and well-balanced the bugs in your gut are – governs your health in many ways. Poor microbiome health has been linked to depression, anxiety, cancer, poor blood sugar balance and diabetes, and many other chronic conditions. Most significantly, when it comes to hormones, an under-functioning bacterial ecosystem caused by bad diet, exposure to chemicals, chronic stress, and micronutrient deficiency, will suppress the good bacteria, promote the bad bacteria, and lead to a toxic build up of hormones as well as other signs of systemic inflammation.Research shows us that addressing the microbiome holistically is the only way to get your immune system, digestive system and endocrine system working smoothly. That means making sure you’re getting enough pre- and probiotics in your food (and via supplements), as well as maximizing your micronutrient intake.

How do I know if I my microbiome needs help?

The term practitioners use to describe an imbalanced microbiome is “dysbiosis.” Here are some key symptoms of dysbiosis:

  1. Bloating and gas
  2. Acne
  3. Funky pooping
  4. Brain fog
  5. Headaches
  6. Frequent illness – from colds to yeast infections
  7. Difficulty losing weight

That’s right: dysbiosis can lead to stalled weight loss. Gut flora is linked to your appetite, digestion, and how easily you feel full. Studies have shown that individuals with obesity have a less diverse microbiome than those who are slimmer, and as people who are obese slim down, their gut flora changes. You need healthy gut flora to break down fats and sugars and get them in transit out of your body, just like you need your gut flora to eliminate excess hormones.

The Micronutrient-Microbiome Connection

You know by now that probiotics are essential for microbiome health. But the microbiome needs micronutrients, too. There’s increasing evidence that sufficient micronutrient intake is important for the health of the gut flora and that micronutrient deficiency and malnutrition has a negative effect on the gut flora. Here’s what the research says about some specific nutrients:Vitamin B12 plays an important role in shaping gut microbial communities.Magnesium deficiency changes the amount of bifidobacteria in the gut.Vitamin D deficiency changes the microbiome in ways that can trigger inflammation.Zinc deficiency is associated with a less diverse microbiome and less bacterial activity.Selenium sufficiency is associated with increases in bifidobacterium in the gut.Malnutrition in children is associated with less healthy microbiome.These important micronutrients, which are essential for gut health and overall health, are part of my Balance Supplements. And even if you eat a healthy diet rich in these nutrients, you might not have optimal levels of the vitamins and minerals you need to promote gut health. Environmental factors beyond our control, from the mineral-depleted soil in which most of our food is now grown to shifts in growing practices that have reduced the number of vitamins and minerals in various foods, can leave us eating a perfect diet and still deficient in certain micronutrients.I include a probiotic in my Balance Supplements, too, because gut health is SO vital to your overall health. And I designed the Balance Supplements in the first place because the supplement industry has very little oversight and I saw so many women waste money on supplements that at best didn’t work and at worse contained dangerous ingredients. The supplement kit contains five formulas, rigorously tested, thoroughly researched, and perfectly suited to meet your gut and hormone health. After years of research, I’ve determined that these are the five essential micronutrients that women need in order to balance hormones, reverse symptoms, and look and feel their best. If you’re ready to feel energized, detoxed, replenished, harmonized, and gutsy, I encourage you to take your micronutrient needs seriously with food and supplements. You deserve to look and feel your best and make sure you’ve optimized your micronutrients is a key part of that equation. To your FLO,Alisa

Introducing the BALANCE by FLO Living Hormone Supplement Kit

You’ve been asking me for hormone-friendly supplement recommendations, and I finally have created a solution that I am so thrilled to be able to offer to you on your hormonal balancing journey:

Balance by FLO Living Supplements is a complete package that works together to keep your hormone levels healthy. They include a 2 month (2 cycles) supply of the following formulations so you’re never caught short in any phase of your cycle.When you take these 5 supplements daily, you’ll be giving your body excellent micronutrients to support healthier hormone levels. Which means that you’ll start to see your worst period symptoms get better… and even disappear after a while.

Click here to learn more about the BALANCE Bio-Hacking Supplement Kit.

My Expert Opinion on Adaptogens for Hormone Health

Adaptogens are all the rage these days. You’ve probably read about these ancient herbs, like ashwagandha and reishi mushroom, and how they can benefit our overworked adrenal glands. The adrenals regulate the fight-or-flight response by producing hormones (like cortisol) and responding to (and being influenced by) other hormones in the body (like insulin). Optimal adrenal health is essential for optimal hormonal health. And research does show that adaptogens have a protective effect when it comes to calming the stress response and promoting adrenal health (and, hence, promoting hormonal health). But there are some important things to consider before you dive headlong into using adaptogens as a panacea for all your stress. Let’s take a closer look at how these herbs work, what you need to consider before taking them, and what you need to know about a few of the most popular adaptogens.

How Adaptogens Work With Your Endocrine System

The magic of adaptogens is that they don’t just do one thing. They can sense what your body needs when faced with a stressor and help balance your stress response. (They’re like the ‘smart’ devices of the plant world, able to read and interpret your needs and help meet them.) That means, generally speaking, that adaptogens help lower your body’s need to produce cortisol in response to stress.In other words, adaptogens are an outside source of stress support that don’t cause any strain on your body. That’s what makes them different from cortisol, which is produced to help us deal with stress but which (when produced in abundance) ages your endocrine and immune systems and negatively affects brain, sex drive, menstrual and reproductive health, and skin elasticity.  When you take adaptogens, your endocrine system is freed from having to make cortisol and can instead produce more progesterone, estrogen, testosterone and human growth hormone.  Cortisol can simply protect you from stress rather than harm you. Your whole endocrine system will work better, you’ll have healthy periods, fertility, and sex drive and won’t age prematurely internally or on the skin.

Two Cautions When it Comes to Adaptogens

One: some adaptogens are phytoestrogenic and some increase testosterone production, so if you are struggling with fibroids, endometriosis, cysts, pcos, you can certainly use them in short courses, but you may want to experiment with one at a time to make sure you don’t have any adverse reactions and take breaks as you feel you are in a less stressful period of time.  Two: Adaptogens are a great tool in your stress-fighting arsenal, but they may not be the best first step if you’ve been stressed for a long time and your inner reserves are really depleted. When your tank is running on empty, your first best step is to make space in your life for self-care that promotes deep healing: eating the right diet for your body,getting 8 or more hours of high-quality, consecutive sleep every night; finding places in life to build better boundaries and practice saying “no” to things that don’t serve you; and tracking your natural, 28-day cycle and learning how to care for your hormones in each distinct phase of your cycle. Adaptogens can be wonderful—they can be a great addition to your hormonal biohacking strategy—but they’re not a substitute for deeper healing and hormone balancing, which is all about self-care and cyclical nutrition and exercise.

The Lowdown on 4 Common Adaptogens

If you’re thinking of trying an adaptogen, you’re probably considering one of these popular herbs. Here’s the skinny on how these four herbs influence your hormones.Maca powder. You may have heard that maca can solve all your period problems, but rarely is one herb or food (even when it is dubbed a superfood, as maca often is) a miracle cure for your hormonal woes. But maca root can help your body adapt to stressful life situations that might otherwise deplete your body’s hormone production and cause symptoms. I recommend maca powder as part of a wider hormonally-supportive diet in three situations (1) after coming off the birth control pill, (2) if you’re age 35 or over and experiencing symptoms of perimenopause and/or you are post-menopause, and (3) after you’ve had a baby and you’re done breastfeeding. In these three situations you might be experiencing several hormone-based issues that maca can help with, including:

  • Low energy levels
  • Low sex drive
  • Brain fog and poor focus or concentration
  • Mood swings and depression
  • PMS symptoms

Ashwagandha. This well-researched herb has been shown to reduce oxidative stress (also known as the internal process that contributes to cell damage and accelerated aging) and support a healthy stress response. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, ashwagandha was shown to improve stress resistance and participants’ self-assessed quality of life. When it comes to hormones, ashwagandha has been shown to safely improve sexual function and low libido for some women (perhaps because it supports healthy testosterone production). Other studies suggest that this herb can dramatically slow down cell division in estrogen-receptor positive breast cancers. I recommend ashwagandha if you struggle with anxiety and/or if you’re wrestling with low libido. Holy Basil. This herb supports a healthy adrenal response as well as helping stabilize blood sugar, which is essential for healthy hormone balance. In fact, I consider blood sugar balance one of the first and most important steps in solving period problems and easing symptoms like acne, PMS, fibroids, bloating, and hormone-related migraines. Research also suggests that holy basil can help protect the liver and support liver function. The liver detoxes excess hormones from the body and helps prevent estrogen dominance. For healthy hormones, you need a healthy liver. I recommend holy basil if stress and anxiety are an issue and you also wrestle with imbalanced blood sugar. If you have a history of taking over-the-counter or prescription medications, you may consider taking holy basil for liver and detox support. Reishi mushroom. Reishi is a powerful adaptogen that is also chock full of antioxidants. These mushrooms have been lauded for their anti-tumor, anti-androgenic, anti-aging, and immune-boosting effects. I don’t believe in superfoods as such — no one food or single intervention can be a miracle cure on its own — but if any plant comes close to deserving the title of a super food, I’d nominate reishi mushrooms. The antioxidant and chemopreventive benefits of reishi are well-studied, and when it comes to hormones studies show that reishi (and other cordyceps mushrooms) may help ease symptoms of PCOS, hirsutism, and acne by exerting an anti-androgenic effect in the body. I recommend reishi mushrooms if you’re struggling with acne, unwanted hair growth, or symptoms related to PCOS. Taking adaptogenic herbs is a generally safe practice that can ease symptoms and improve quality of life. But herbs should only be part of your stress-reduction and hormone-balancing strategy after you’ve addressed some of the bigger lifestyle factors that drive hormone issues, like sleep deprivation, exposure to chronic stressors, exposure to toxins, and being out of touch with your natural hormone cycle. If your tank is running on empty, and has been for a while, start with the big stuff. When you’ve made progress in those areas, it might be time to consider an adaptogen. Remember: Once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that work for you.Love and Ovaries,Alisa

Introducing the BALANCE by FLO Living Hormone Supplement Kit

You’ve been asking me for hormone-friendly supplement recommendations, and I finally have created a solution that I am so thrilled to be able to offer to you on your hormonal balancing journey:

Balance by FLO Living Supplements is a complete package that works together to keep your hormone levels healthy. They include a 2 month (2 cycles) supply of the following formulations so you’re never caught short in any phase of your cycle.When you take these 5 supplements daily, you’ll be giving your body excellent micronutrients to support healthier hormone levels. Which means that you’ll start to see your worst period symptoms get better… and even disappear after a while.

Click here to learn more about the BALANCE Bio-Hacking Supplement Kit.

5 “Amazing” Acne Cures That Actually Do More Harm Than Good

If you suffer from adult acne, you might be willing to try anything to clear your skin. I know firsthand: I suffered from severe cystic acne for many years and I went to my doctor desperate for answers. I was offered one of the most common Western medicine “solutions” for adult acne: the pill. I was assured it would work like a miracle cure for my skin, so I gave it a shot. I was willing to try anything to say goodbye to acne forever. Well, two weeks on the pill and not only did it not help my skin, I was experiencing migraines, vision loss, and heart arrhythmia.

If you’re thinking, “Gosh, well, I’m glad there are other drugs and products I can try!” I have bad news: the other “miracle cures” in the Western medical arsenal fall into the same “do more harm than good” category. But don’t panic! There are simple steps you can take that are far cheaper, far safer, and far more effective than any drug or skincare product.

I want to save you the time and money that I lost—and the frustration I experienced—pursuing acne cures that don’t work. In today’s blog I’m going to walk you through six “miracle” acne cures that don’t actually work (and that almost always make your overall health worse)—and outline what you can do instead.

False Acne “Cure” #1: Hormonal birth control

Hormonal birth control is one of the popular physician-prescribed remedies for acne. Here’s how it works: the pill balances testosterone (and other androgens) in the body with estrogen and progesterone (which are contained in the pill in synthetic form). High levels of androgens can trigger oil production in the skin, so when estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are in better balance, the skin tends to clear up.

But! This handy-dandy “balancing” act brought on by the Pill is all smoke and mirrors. The synthetic hormones in the Pill pave over the deeper imbalances—rather than address them at the root—and when a woman goes off the pill, all of those imbalances come roaring back. The acne comes back with it, often worse than before. At the same time, the pill causes other problems around the body. It disrupts your microbiome (a healthy gut is essential for bringing your hormones back into balance) and depletes you of important, hormone-protective micronutrients.

False Acne “Cure” #2: Antibiotics

Antibiotics are important life-saving drugs; we wouldn’t want to live in a world without them. But even a short course of antibiotics can wreak havoc on gut health, just like the pill. And considering that the average course of antibiotics for acne is three to four months, the impact on your gut can be much greater. So just like hormonal birth control, antibiotics might clear up your skin while you’re on them, but they’re ultimately making one of the root causes of acne worse. (If you need antibiotics for a necessary, non-skin related reason, always follow up a course of antibiotics with a course of probiotics.)

False Acne “Cure” #3: Spironolactone (Aldactone)

Spironolactone is a synthetic hormone that is prescribed to treat hormonal acne. It works by blocking androgens (male hormones) that can contribute to acne along the chin and jawline. If excess androgens play a role in your acne, spironolactone can bring about superficial results. But hormonal acne is always caused by more than one hormone imbalance in the body (as well as other factors)—and spironolactone, by blocking the action of one entire group of hormones, makes other hormonal imbalances (like estrogen dominance) worse.

Estrogen dominance is when estrogen is high relative to progesterone, and it is its own root cause of acne. So while you may experience results while taking sprionolactone, you are fueling a different fire beneath the surface, one that will make your acne come back when you stop taking it—and one that will ultimately make your skin worse. Plus, spironolactone is a synthetic, and just like I don’t recommend synthetic hormonal birth control, I don’t recommend spironolactone. It’s been associated with a long list of side effects—including irregular menstrual bleeding, breast tenderness, gastrointestinal upset, dizziness, headaches, dry mouth, lower back pain, breast lumps, and weight gain (to name just a few).

If you’ve read articles or seen research espousing the relative safety of spironolactone, consider this 2017 study that looked at ten randomized controlled trials on spironolactone safety and found that “all [the] trials were assessed as being at a ‘high risk’ of bias, and the quality of evidence was rated as low or very low for all outcomes.”

False Acne “Cure” #4: Isotretinoin (originally Accutane)

This drug is prescribed as a last-ditch effort to ease hormonal acne (though most conventional practitioners haven’t had patients try diet and lifestyle modifications before suggesting this drug). Isotretinoin is almost always the “plan z” option because its side effects are so severe. In fact, the drug is so toxic that it is only available as part of a registered distribution program called iPLEDGE, which mandates that all isotretinoin prescribers are registered as approved prescribers, all pharmacies that dispense it are registered as approved pharmacies, and all wholesalers that sell it to pharmacies are approved wholesalers!

Why this intense level of regulation? Isotretinoin causes severe birth defects, and even the smallest exposure can trigger changes in a fetus. For this reason, women who use the drug must simultaneously be on hormonal birth control to prevent pregnancy. (This fact alone should keep you away from isotretinoin.)

But the horrors of this drug don’t stop there. The drug has caused some patients to become depressed and suicidal; other studies link the drug to violent and aggressive behavior; and the original patented drug, Accutane, was pulled from the market when many users found that it caused them to develop Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBS). This drug may clear your skin while you take it, but the devastating side effects aren’t worth the risk.

False Acne “Cure” #5: External skin care products

While what you put on your skin is hugely important for skin health (and overall health), no product on its own will fix hormonal acne. That’s because, as the name implies, the root of the problem is what’s happening on the inside of the body. External products can never fully address internal problems and hormone imbalances.

What’s more, the toxins found in most conventional skincare products are endocrine disruptors, which make hormone problems worse. So it’s critically important that you shop for clean skin care and beauty products. Otherwise, your skin care routine becomes a lose-lose-lose situation: you’re not addressing the internal cause of your acne, you're loading your skin with toxins, and—in most cases—you are spending a lot of money on products that promise results but don’t deliver.

So what’s the real solution for acne?

The secret to clear skin is all internal, and it involves three key steps:

  1. Biohack your hormones. Instead of using drugs to suppress symptoms, address the root causes by learning how to biohack your hormones with food and exercise. You’ll want to prioritize hormone balancing foods, understand and manage your blood sugar (poorly controlled blood sugar fuels all hormone imbalances), learn what foods to avoid if you suffer from hormonal acne, and sync your diet and exercise routine to the four distinct phases of your 28-day hormone cycle. If you’re not currently tracking your cycle, get started STAT! Download the MyFLO app to begin Cycle Syncing® your diet and lifestyle so they work for you, not against you.
  2. Optimize your micronutrients. Micronutrient deficiency is one of the root causes of hormonal acne (along with a disrupted gut microbiome). Your vitamin and mineral optimization plan is two-fold. One, avoid things that deplete the body of important skin-health micronutrients—like coffee, certain medications (like the pill), over-exercise, and sleep deprivation. Two, replenish the micronutrients you’re missing. The five formulations provided in our Balance Supplements include essential micronutrients that promote skin health.
  3. Avoid toxic exposures & opt for organic foods. I mentioned above that many conventional skin care products contain endocrine-disrupting chemicals. But these health-damaging toxins live in a host of everyday products, from household cleaning supplies and lawn chemicals to the pesticides and herbicides on non-organic food. Opt for organic food when possible and read labels very carefully. Even some “green” cleaners can contain dangerous ingredients. When you skirt dangerous toxins, you not only protect your delicate endocrine system, your body gets to spend less time detoxing—and more time balancing hormones and healing skin. It’s a win-win!

Debunk 5 popular acne cures that actually make your skin worse! 🤬

What to Do When Your Period Disappears

If you’re a young woman and your period has decided to take a summer vacation (or if it’s been gone for longer than that), you might be panicking. Where did it go? What does it mean that it’s gone? How can I get it back? You might be especially concerned if you hope to have kids one day, though that isn’t the only reason to take missing or problematic periods seriously. Ovulation, which is necessary for menstruation (bleeding), is an essential part of a healthy hormone cycle and a key indicator of a woman’s overall health. The American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists has called on clinicians to think of the menstrual cycle as a vital sign, like blood pressure and temperature.Plus, the symptoms that come along with light, irregular, or missing periods are uncomfortable at best and quality-of-life diminishing at worst. That’s because missing or otherwise wonky periods are almost always accompanied by hormone imbalances, which can give rise to acne, weight loss resistance, bloating, headaches, and mood swings.If this is happening to you, you’re not alone. Missing or irregular periods are common. They happen to a lot of young women, many of whom I’ve counseled in my practice—some of whom have missed periods for months and even years. (I worked with one woman whose period had been missing for 13 years, though by following the FLO protocol she got her period back within three months!)In today’s post, I’m going to outline the root causes of missing periods in young women and, most importantly, I’m going to give you three essential first steps on the journey to getting your period back.

Textbook Causes of Missing Periods

There are “textbook” reasons that periods go missing, including pregnancy, breastfeeding, and, of course, menopause. There’s also engaging in intense exercise everyday, which many women may not know is interfering with their regular menstrual cycle. It’s the same with being underweight. A condition called polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), in which cysts grow on your ovaries can also be a root cause for young women. One of the top triggers for missing periods is coming off hormonal birth control. Stopping the Pill doesn’t guarantee that your period will come zipping back. In fact, without making a concentrated effort through food and lifestyle modifications, many women who quit the Pill do not start bleeding again for months or years.

Hidden Causes of Missing Periods

That brings us to the less talked about (but no less real) causes of missing or irregular periods, including stress. Chronic stress raises cortisol and messes up blood sugar, which disrupts ovulation. Studies also show that women with stressful jobs are at double the risk for anovulation (not ovulating) and menstrual cycle variability. Other research shows that women with high levels of stress around the time of ovulation have a harder time getting pregnant. The other common but often overlooked cause of period problems? Blood sugar dysregulation. Imbalanced blood sugar is associated with infertility, and diabetes drugs like metformin are often prescribed to women with PCOS to trigger ovulation. If you are considering taking metformin for PCOS or infertility, I strongly recommend regulating your blood sugar levels with the FLO protocol and prepping your body for a healthy pregnancy ahead of time. You may discover you don’t need the drugs. (It’s also worth noting that, for many of the women I’ve worked with, Metformin hasn’t worked at all.)

So What’s A Woman With a Missing Period To Do?

Following the full FLO Protocol is important for any woman with a missing or irregular period. The FLO Protocol supports you through the hormone-balancing food and lifestyle strategies that bring proper hormone signaling back online. But there are some powerful first steps you can take today to start bleeding again. Here are my top three strategies for bringing your period back:1. Engage in extreme self-care. That’s right, your new goal is to think of yourself as an Olympic athlete in the sport of relaxing, because the more stress you face externally, the more you need to be intentional about quieting your internal stress response. If you’ve been meaning to get back to your Yoga or Pilates class, do it today. Make sure you schedule dedicated non-work time—write it into your planner if you have to!—and engage in leisure activities you love. If some of the stressors in your life are modifiable, consider making changes that would make life less stressful.2. Balance your blood sugar. The single best (and side effect-free!) way to address blood sugar problems is with food. Emphasize healthy complex (and non-gluten) carbs, eat enough healthy, high-quality fats and proteins, and make sure you front-load non-starchy vegetables in all colors of the rainbow. One great tip for keeping blood sugar steady all day is to eat a low-glycemic breakfast within 90 minutes of waking up. And remember: sugar hides out in a lot of processed foods—even ones you wouldn’t expect. So read labels carefully, and stick to whole foods when you can.3. Fight the urge to be a night owl.Hormones are hugely affected by sleep—or, more specifically, by lack thereof. The 24-hour circadian cycle has a direct influence on, and is directly influenced by, our bodies master hormones. When we’re short on sleep, it’s almost impossible to get our hormones balanced. So make sleep a priority tonight (and every night!).Bringing your period back online is something you can do with nutrition and lifestyle modifications. I’ve seen women who haven’t had periods in years engage the FLO Protocol and start bleeding in three to four months. With the right lifestyle and nutrition changes, this could become your story, too!Love and Ovaries,AlisaGood things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!

First, have you tried Cycle Syncing?Second, has your period gone missing or become very light or irregular?Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good ovary karma and share this article on socialmedia?

Monthly FLO: The Cycle Syncing System™

Put your period symptoms into remission. Discover how to live in your FLO and get it all done with embodied time management.

MonthlyFLO is the first-ever woman-centric health system that syncs with your unique rhythm. It gives you the foundation for solving any hormonal issues you may have over your lifetime.Using the principles of functional nutrition, MonthlyFLO is a specially-sequenced food therapy program that recalibrates your endocrine function. Over three months, you will be guided step-by-step to make simple, cumulative food and lifestyle changes that balance your hormones naturally.Click here to learn more about the life-changing Monthly FLO Program

Need more Hormone Help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a 4-day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.I’ve designed a 4-day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.Click here to get your FREE detox and evaluation.

The Easiest & Most Effective Post-Alcohol Hormone Detox

If you spent the Fourth of July celebrating with friends and family, you might still be feeling the warm fuzzies of spending time with your favorite people, hanging out by the water, and waving sparklers.

But if your holiday weekend included a celebratory drink (or three), you might not be feeling so hot physically or emotionally. You’ve got that familiar holiday hangover, complete with foggy thinking, exhaustion, headache, and feeling blue.

There’s no denying it: drinking can feel fun, relaxing, and sexy in the moment, but the aftermath isn’t pretty. You’re suffering, and so are your hormones.

Studies show that moderate alcohol consumption raises estrogen levels and lowers progesterone—a key hallmark of estrogen dominance, which is a common hormone imbalance for women. And estrogen dominance exacerbates a long list of hormone conditions, including PCOS, fibroids, and endometriosis.

In today’s blog post, I’m going to walk you through how drinking can mess with your hormones and how, if you’ve had a boozy weekend, you can recover quickly and reset your hormones. But before I do, I want you to know that I’m not here to make you feel guilty for the occasional glass of wine! Really! Holidays and special occasions are a part of life—and while regular moderate-to-heavy drinking can slow down your healing if you’re trying to improve symptoms that are related to estrogen dominance, the occasional glass of wine isn’t something to beat yourself up about.

Rather, my intention in this blog is to make sure you start feeling better faster and that your next period is unaffected by your Fourth of July festivities.

How Alcohol Damages Hormones

As I already mentioned, alcohol raises estrogen levels which worsens the symptoms associated with hormonal issues like PCOS, endometriosis, severe PMS, and fibroids. Here’s what else can get all mucked up when we imbibe:

  • Concentration of alcohol tends to be higher in women’s blood after drinking equal amounts as men. That’s because women have significantly smaller quantities of an enzyme that breaks down alcohol in the stomach, which results in women absorbing 30 percent more alcohol in their bloodstream when they drink the same beverage as a man! (Researchers aren’t sure why there’s such a big difference in this particular enzyme.) This means the physical impact of alcohol is much stronger and faster for women than for men.
  • Alcohol forces the liver to run through your store of vitamin C (and other important antioxidants) to break it down, which leaves you vitamin and mineral deficient. This is especially problematic if you know you are already dealing with a deficiency.
  • Although alcohol can make us feel giddy in the moment, it’s ultimately a depressant. Drinking alcohol drains the adrenals and makes you feel more tired and down.
  • Alcohol messes up steady blood sugar, which is so important to hormonal healing. So if you’re dealing with blood sugar dysregulation as a part of your hormonal health issues (and many women are) this is something to consider. What’s more, we don’t always make the best food choices when we’re tipsy, which makes the blood-sugar roller coaster even worse.

So if you’re still feeling the after effects of the Fourth of July, skip the greasy breakfast and try my One-Day Hormone Recovery Protocol instead. You’ll feel better sooner and you won’t be heading toward a terrible round of PMS with your next period.

Your 1-Day Hormone Recovery Protocol

First thing in the morning:

  • Take a B vitamin complex, and have a glass of warm water with lemon. This helps flush your liver.
  • Mix up a 16 oz glass of my favorite liver support juice. Combine a handful of spinach, one carrot, four stalks of celery, half a cucumber, half a bunch of cilantro, one-third a bunch of parsley, half a lemon with rind and half a green apple in a blender or juicer.
  • Eat a breakfast of two poached eggs, a half cup of quinoa, half an avocado and two tablespoons of sauerkraut.

Middle of the day:

  • Eat a big lunch — brown rice, miso glazed salmon and kale or bok choy in soy sauce — to replenish missing micronutrients and balance sodium levels.
  • Take a high-quality probiotic and an omega 3 supplement.
  • Drink coconut water to replenish your electrolytes, and take a magnesium supplement.
  • Step out into the sun for 15 minutes, with no sunscreen, to boost vitamin D3.



  • Drink bone broth or have chicken soup to soothe the inflammation from the booze.
  • Do yoga twists. These moves will help to detoxify your internal organs and prevent a backup of estrogen.
  • Head to bed early to detoxify your brain’s immune system.
  • Take a high-quality magnesium supplement to replenish this essential micronutrient and help promote healthy sleep.

Remember: Once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that work for you.And if your hangover continues to hang around, or if your PMS is a serious issue every month, download my free 4-Day Hormone Detox to get rid of it for good.Love and Ovaries,Alisa

Is it Possible to Have a Perfect Period?

The world is full of fun myths that we know aren’t true but that we like to imagine could be possible— the genie in the bottle, fairies in the forest, the pot of gold at the end of rainbow, and the perfect period. Well, Ladies, I’m here to tell you that the perfect period ISN’T a myth. A healthy, easy period is not just real, it’s likely to be something that you (yes, you!) experience when you understand what your period symptoms are telling you and when you address those symptoms with simple actions and easy strategies. If you suffer every month with heavy bleeding, cramps, periods that go on forever, horrible PMS symptoms like moodiness and cravings, you might assume that women with an easy period are lucky (maybe they found a genie in the bottle and wished for a perfect period) or they won the genetic lottery. Because you’re pretty sure that everything about menstruation is a mysterious process—one that you don’t have any control over—and that you’re just one of the unlucky ones. It’s time to accept your fate and move on. But I can tell you from personal experience (as well as solid science) that you can shift your periods from horrible to healthy, normal and easy. Until I figured out how to eat and live according to my cycle, my period was a nightmare. Fast forward to today. My period is so seamless that I went on the Dr. Oz show to tell him (and the world) how great it is!Today I’m going to tell you what my period is like NOW, so you know what a healthy, normal period SHOULD be like. There is absolutely no reason you should suffer on your period. It is not necessary, inevitable, fated, or unavoidable that you have cramps, heavy bleeding, clots, long periods, irregular periods, or terrible PMS issues.You can have a better period. Actually, you can have a perfect period. Here’s what your cycle can look and feel like:

What is a normal, healthy, perfect period?

  1. Your cycle should last 26-32 days – anywhere in between is fine as long as it is regular and consistent for you.
  2. Your bleed should be the color of cranberry juice from start to finish, with no clots. A nice, strong, flow that isn’t inconveniently heavy and has you running to the bathroom every hour. Your period should really start first thing in the morning, without any brown stains leading up to the appearance of that cranberry red. And it should last 4-7 days, not longer or shorter.
  3. You should be able to feel your uterus in action with some slight sensations or warm feelings, but there should not be any kind of pain that might have you reaching for drugs or hot water bottles.
  4. After your period, leading up to ovulation, you should see the development of cervical fluid, which is an indicator of healthy fertility and necessary for getting pregnant. You might see this in your underwear or when you wipe after using the bathroom.
  5. Rather than PMS, you should notice an increase in upbeat, social energy towards the middle of your cycle, and then, in the second half of your cycle, a more focused, determined energy to get things accomplished.

If you experience a period that is the opposite of this, check out my guide to interpreting and treating your period – this is where I provide specific protocols for each potential period problem you might be facing at this time whether that be clots, extremely light periods, brown staining, super short cycles, cramps, or PMS.Having your period isn’t synonymous with suffering. I want to shout it from the rooftops: You can have the perfect period! In fact, you can even have a better period by next month, and a period just like mine within 3 months. I’ve seen it happen time and time again with the women I’ve worked with through Flo Living. I think every woman deserves the kind of period they can truly brag about.Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!Love and Ovaries,Alisa

We believe that no woman should suffer simply because she has a period.

We believe that no woman should suffer simply because she has a period.

And we also know that it’s not always possible to get access to functional and holistic healthcare solutions — sometimes they’re too far away and most of the time they are way too expensive.That’s why we offer phone and Skype consultation sessions with our FLO coaches.All of our expert FLO coaches have been trained by Alisa on top of being certified health coaches and licensed acupuncturists. And they are all qualified to help you find the right next step for you in getting out of hormonal chaos and into your FLO. Work with a FLO Coach and find your customized plan to solve your period symptoms.

Click here to book your counselor consultation

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Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “MyFLO has been a true game changer for me and my cycle. I now have an increased awareness of my body's needs throughout the month.”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “MyFLO has completely transformed my relationship with my cycle. I am sleeping through the night, intuitively managing my stress, and eating with my cycle.”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “I use MyFLO every day to track my cycle and symptoms. I've managed to significantly reduce PMS symptoms like breast tenderness, and my cycle length has gone down from 40 days to 30 days.”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Boost micronutrient levels

  • Manage blood sugar

  • Reduce stress

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • "My period was missing for 3 years after getting off birth control. MonthlyFLO helped me finally get my period back.”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • I feel more empowered to understand my body and heal my hormones. I no longer accept the patriarchal dismissal and confusion about the female cycle”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “I got my period back after 15 years! Thank all of you for your support. I'm just so grateful!”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “FLO Living has seriously changed my life. It gave me the courage and bravery to get off of birth control, and completely changed my outlook on health. I look and feel better than I ever have in my life”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Detox estrogen

  • Reduce inflammatory foods

  • Improve elimination

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Boost progesterone production

  • Support estrogen elimination with dietary changes

  • Replenish micronutrients

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Reduce Androgens

  • Restore ovulation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Detox estrogen

  • Improve bowel movements

  • Reduce inflammation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Manage blood sugar

  • Address micronutrient deficiencies

  • Restore ovulation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Detox chemical stress

  • Micronutrients to boost egg quality

  • Reduce inflammation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Detox chemical stress

  • Targeted micronutrients to support ovulation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Micronutrients to boost egg quality

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Support immune function of uterus

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Implement Cycle Syncing ®

  • Detox chemical stress

  • Boost micronutrient levels

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Manage blood sugar

  • Detox estrogen

  • Boost progesterone production

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Reduce stress

  • Boost energy

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Restore Micronutrients

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Boost progesterone production

  • Support estrogen elimination

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Micronutrients to boost egg quality

  • Reduce inflammation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Boost progesterone production

  • Increase micronutrient levels

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