
Supplements work best if you are making lasting changes to your health and nutrition. Food is fuel. Flo Living's recipes and advice will guide you to improve your gut health and hormonal well-being.

Alisa Vitti Talks At Google

Alisa Vitti talks at Google!

Alisa was thrilled to be asked to talk to the brilliant women at Google. She spoke about her book, WomanCode, and how being hormonally balanced and healthy can make you more successful at work and life.Check out the entire talk here, and let us know what you think:

Alisa Vitti on the Dr. Oz Show

Health, is now available on the Dr. Oz website. Just click on one of the links below to watch the entire segment. View Part 1 of What Your Period Reveals About Your Health.View Part 2 of What Your Period Reveals About Your Health.View Part 3 of What Your Period Reveals About Your Health.Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,AlisaGood things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!

First, what is the consistency of your period like?Second, is your period problematic - how so? Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good ovary karma and share this article on social ;)

Need more Hormone Help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a 4 day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.Click here to get your FREE detox and evaluation!

5 things you don't know about the WomanCode System

When I started my women’s health coaching practice over a decade ago, I always had a vision for helping as many women as I could gain access to their inherent power and health.

The transformative work I experienced with individuals was too incredible to not spread it around: Clients of mine reported disappearing ovarian cysts, natural conception after years of trying everything, clear skin, painless periods, and creative leaps into their wildest dreams. What could be better than that?

As technology has progressed over the years, I’m thrilled that it has helped me integrate this work into a platform that could indeed reach many more women than I’d be able to on my own. Enter: The WomanCode System.This online program is the big sister of my other baby, WomanCode the book. Together, they are a power team designed to help you live your best life in a way that honors your natural cycles as a woman and helps you achieve what is you most desire.

If you’ve already become a member of the WomanCode System - go you! Click HERE for a fun way to share your story with me.

If you haven’t yet made the leap, I have a few things to share with you so that you are as informed and in-the-know as possible. If you’re dealing with any kind of hormonal imbalance, menstrual issue, fertility challenge, or plummet in the energy and libido department, then this program could be exactly what you need.

Here’s what you might not know about the WomanCode System:

  1. It provides a built in community of women who are going through the same things you are. Did you know that as women we learn and grow better in community? Our biochemistry is wired for support. If you’ve been “on your own” with your health struggles, for too long and not seeing the results you want, this is an important point to consider.
  2. Our FLO expert counselors are always on board to help you. Responses to your online community questions come within 24-48 hours, and if you need a little extra help than that, they are available for private coaching sessions. You can customize the level of support you most need by scheduling these sessions once or twice per month.
  3. You can take a class anytime, anywhere. The program is virtual which means you can live anywhere in the world and follow through with it, as long as you have internet access. You can also do it at your own pace, so feel free to take your time in integrating each lesson before moving on to the next.
  4. You’ll get full access to the FLO Living seasonal cleanses. In addition to the 4-day kick start cleanse I offer in the WomanCode book, the program give you access to 3 more cleanse: Spring, Fall, and the Post-Holiday Detox. You’ll be able to customize your cleanse experience to work with the seasons and cycles around you.
  5. It’s yours for life. Once you sign up, the video lessons are yours forever. For-ev-er. You can retake a lesson if you need a boost in a certain area, and revisit the material anytime you’d like.

Pretty great, huh?Don’t delay any longer! Click here to get started on your WomanCode journey. I’ll be cheering you on every step of the way.



3 Reasons Why You May Be Missing Your Period

Why haven't i gotten my period this month? Why would my period be late if I am a virgin? Is it bad if I didn't get my period in 2 months? Why did my period stop? What does it mean if I menstruate 2 times in 1 month? I'm not pregnant how can I get my period back? 

If your cycle is irregular or your period is late or missing, know that you are not alone! We get so many questions about missing and late periods! It can be frustrating and anxiety-producing, especially if you want to conceive someday. Unfortunately, many women suffer from missing periods. It may be comforting to know that this inconsistency within your menstrual cycle is actually a common issue. But it doesn’t have stay that way!

What does it mean when you miss your period? 

A missing period is an indicator that you are not ovulating. This is obviously a worry if you want to get pregnant, but it should also be a concern even if you have no pregnancy plans in the near future.

Ovulation is the key to female health and vitality. Not ovulating does not only lead to missing periods, but also to all PMS symptoms, acne, moodiness, weight gain and more.

There are different reasons for not ovulating including:

  • pregnancy
  • breastfeeding
  • menopause
  • over-exercising
  • being underweight
  • having cysts on your ovaries (PCOS)
  • progesterone deficiency
  • estrogen dominance

PCOS, Progesterone Deficiency or Estrogen Dominance? 

There are several kinds of PCOS that women can experience on a PCOS spectrum, with specific root causes and specific natural treatments. Your period might be missing because of one of these reasons, so it’s important to rule those out as contributing factors.

The next step is to take a look at your hormonal balance - specifically progesterone and estrogen.

Progesterone deficiency and estrogen dominance/overload are the two main root causes of missing periods, when other factors are not on the table. Your body needs nutritional support via the right foods to create enough hormones, use those hormones, and then process and detoxify excess hormones. This will maintain hormonal balance and ensure your body is able to trigger ovulation. Once you are ovulating, your period will naturally follow. Your body wants to ovulate, that’s what it’s designed to do, but it just needs the right fuel and foundation.

Our FLO Living protocol has helped thousands of women bring back their period, including Ashley who didn’t have a period for 3 years and Stephanie who was missing her period for 2.5 years.

Get started by Cycle Syncing® one part of your diet - like the greens you eat and then layering in the rest of your weekly meal plan. Once you have that down, you can start detoxing your home and your cosmetics bag of endocrine disrupting synthetic hormones. We recommend tracking your ovulation signs - for most women your period will follow approximately 10-14 days after you ovulate - and with the MyFLO app you can track your cycles, even when they are irregular, and get personalized advice on how to regulate them and bring your period back.

Following the Cycle Syncing® Method could make your period return sooner than you think. A combination of changes to your diet, your exercise regimen, and your self-care can make all the difference in rebalancing your hormones, restoring ovulation, and bringing back your period.

Flo Living can help you finally figure out why your period is late or missing.

How to be successful at work - The secret is in your cycle!

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Do you notice that you feel completely different week to week? Are you lost when it comes to the shifts of your hormonal patterns? Do they seem to affect your work life and impact your productivity?

I bet that some weeks you find yourself working late, deeply focused and excited by a new project, wondering where the time went. Yet, other weeks you find it hard to get motivated, feel maxed-out after half a day, and can’t wait to get home to the couch and Netflix. And I bet that if you tracked exactly when you felt each way, you’d see a pattern. That’s because women are cyclical in nature, and how we feel, as well as our strengths, desires, talents, and behavior shifts with our changing hormone patterns. Having female hormones does not mean you lose a week a month to PMS and your period. It just means that by noticing these shifts and then working with your hormones, you can make your hormones work for you. That said, know that there is not one single day or week when women are not just as capable as men (who have a quotidian hormonal pattern) in every work-related capacity. What women’s cyclical nature means is that we can and do work differently depending on what abilities are brought forward by each phase - from detail-orientated focus to creativity to communication skills. Simply, we are not the same day-in-day-out, and this an amazingly valuable piece of knowledge and a wonderful resource from which we can draw to meet our goals. Will you join me in stepping into a new way of thinking? A way that could actually position your period as an advantage?

If you ever wished you could feel great, and be productive, all month long and use your cycle to be even more successful at work, wish no more because the answer is here!You can learn how to leverage your cycle at work and beyond. Including -

  • How to move from “hormonal victimhood” to being a “predictable power-house” - you can learn your hormonal shifts so you know exactly what’s coming and when. You don’t need to feel like you’re being hit by waves, instead you can actually surf the hormonal waves as they come in. Once you understand what’s happening, it becomes very simple to leverage that knowledge to your advantage and have mastery over what was once so overwhelming.
  • Understanding the 4 distinct phases of your cycle and how to leverage each one - your cycle has 4 phases - the follicular phase, the ovulatory phase, the luteal phase and the menstruation phase - and during each your hormones are at a different level and interplay in a different way. This is why I created the MyFLO app - to help you know exactly which phase you're in and what activities are ideal for each phase. Be sure to download it here and get started on cycle - syncing your way to success! You'll know when to project plan, when your negotiation skills are at their peak, when to plan plenty of time to get things done with ease, and when to evaluate your progress. Each phase of your cycle provides you with amazing brain super powers, it's essential to know what those are and when they happen, so you can plan ahead to take advantage of them. As you cycle through these different strengths and strategically leverage these areas of focus during the month, you'll accelerate your progress dramatically all while working smarter not harder. That's essential for us as women, because working on the 24/7 masculine clock leads to an increase in the internal environment that breeds hormonal symptoms.

I truly believe that the first step to success is remembering that you have a body! Working all from the neck up and ignoring what your body has to say just leads to burn out. There are better ways to meet your goals than endless to-do lists and staying late at the office every night. When you��re in your FLO, what you want and need will come more easily to you.The great bonus of the Cycle Syncing strategy for your career is - less stress! You can ease your stress levels by not working against your body and your hormones, always swimming against the stream. If you are in a place where your luteal/pre-menstrual phase and/or your period are wiping you out physically and mentally due to PMS, cramps, depression and more, then you definitely need to get your hormones back on track to be able to take advantage of what they can offer. You are suffering from a hormonal imbalance that is open and responsive to natural remedies. Your pre-menstrual phase and menstruation phase can and should be no worse than any other time of the month, just different. Address your diet, add in supplements, and you can banish your PMS for good, just like many of my FLO Living graduates.

The secret to successful project planning and execution is in your cycle. Your hormonal phases can be your guide, giving you a blueprint to launch, execute, and finish projects of all kinds. Your body can be the best life coach for your career, if you’re open to hear the wisdom. Don’t let another month go by without embracing the inherent power in your panties!

Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!To your FLO,Alisa

Do You Know the Easiest Way to Fix Your Period Symptoms?

You don’t need to keep suffering with annoying symptoms that drain your energy for 1-2 weeks every single month. In fact, you can start having a better period as soon as your next period.MyFLO is the first-ever functional medicine period tracker that ALSO helps you fix your symptoms. MyFLO will help you understand why you have symptoms and what to do to improve them with food. It will also teach you how to Cycle Sync™ the 5 main areas of your life: food, exercise, work, relationships, and sex.Have a Better Period with MyFLOWhen you follow MyFLO’s weekly recommendations, you’ll get rid of frustrating symptoms and learn how to optimize your energy to be more productive and have better relationships.Click here to get MyFLO for iPhoneClick here to get MyFLO for Android

Video of Alisa Vitti's Virtual Book Club

Missed Alisa's Virtual Book Club/Party for WomanCode? Don't worry, you can watch the recording below! Please be sure to leave your questions in the comment section below.

Are you a health nut with wacky periods?


You might consider yourself a “health nut” (and I mean that in the nicest possible way - as someone super enthusiastic about their health) if you can answer “yes” to any of the following questions:

-Have you done the paleo, raw, or vegan diet? Or maybe tried all three?

-Do you put a critical eye on ingredients labels, making sure to only buy what’s natural, non-GMO, gluten-free, sugar-free, and organic?

-Do you subscribe to all the latest health blogs and news outlets?

If it’s a yes, I can totally relate. (In my early days of becoming a health nut, I just about turned orange from drinking too much carrot juice, haha). I have always been the one in my family that gets called the health nut. And I love women that are pro-active about their health, taking it upon themselves to seek out the right treatments and solutions for them, just like I’ve always done. Here’s another question, though: Regardless of your “health nut” status, do you find you’re still experiencing any of the following symptoms?

-irregular or absent periods

-fatigue, low energy

-low libido


-PMS, moodiness

-anxiety, depression

-skin issues

If that sounds familiar, I’d say it’s time to consider if your health-nuttiness is truly serving your hormonal balance.

If you feel like you eat in a way that’s healthy, clean, organic and fresh, plus work out, plus get your 8 hours of sleep a night, but you’re still experiencing hormonal health issues I can understand your frustration. The thing is, a lot of what we are taught to do to be “healthy” can actually harm our hormones. Health nut favorites like juice fasts, everyday cardio, elimination diets - they can all contribute to hormonal imbalances.Your period is your 5th vital sign of your health. Tracking and monitoring your cycle is important and when your period goes missing, your cycles are irregular, or if you have a lot of hormonal symptoms - then that’s a sign your body is trying to flag up a problem and you need to take notice. You may look great, but you may not feel very good. Ticking all the “health nut” boxes can still leave you with some gaps that you’re body is looking to fill for the good of your hormonal health. A great place to start is to do a period audit with my Period Type Quiz. It’s very quick and simple, just answer a few questions relating to your current period experience, and you’ll get immediate thoughts on the root cause of your hormonal health issues and some personalized advice. Your diet and your workout routine needs to be in harmony with your hormonal patterns and support your endocrine system specifically. For stable hormonal balance, your body requires certain nutrients and minerals, as well as a good source of fat, for example, which is often the ingredient that gets cast aside in the quest for healthiness. Women actually need to eat fat to lose weight and to have their period - this is just one example of how much of what we’ve been taught about “healthy living” is not right for female biology. Many of the trendiest, hottest diets just don’t work for women and are actually designed for men and their specific male biology. Some of them - like raw-centric or Paleo eating - may make you feel better in the short term, but this is rarely sustained. The only diet around designed with women in mind is the FLO Living protocol of Cycle Syncing, which is less of a diet and more of a lifestyle shift. Centering your hormonal patterns, your female biology, rather than discounting it as important is the key to living your healthiest life and feeling great. The simplest way to start Cycle Syncing is to use the myFLO app. This guides you phase-to-phase (using your period start dates) on what you need to eat and how you need to work out to support your body every step of the way. The advice is built-in, easy to follow, and will make cycle awareness like second nature in no time. From my experience, it often takes just a few tweaks with diet and a lot more knowledge about the inner workings of your endocrine system to get things balanced again.Every woman’s body is different, our hormonal patterns are individuated, and so everyone’s version of “health nut” needs to be different to accommodate our uniqueness. What’s your unique protocol going to be?Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!To your FLO,Alisa

What Period-Type are you?

How do you know if your hormones are healthy? The answer is in your period!The color of your flow, frequency of your period, and symptoms you have each month can tell you a lot about your health. There are 5 different PERIOD TYPES, and knowing which one you have will help you get healthy now and prevent disease in the future.Click here to take The V-SIGN TYPE™ Quiz NOW

5 Essential Swaps for Your Medicine Cabinet

As important as it is to be eating in a way that supports your hormonal balance, you also have to be aware of the other products and potions you put on and into your body.

So for this week, let’s move the focus from the refrigerator to the medicine cabinet - are you ready, ladies?I'll be discussing my top 5 simple swaps to make your beauty & health products FLO-friendly.Did you ever wonder if there was something else you could take for that headache or the sleepless nights?Or maybe you wonder if the products you’ve been using for a long time are in fact healthy for your hormonal balance?

Find out here.

Good things come in threes:

I want to hear from you!

First: What swap are you making TODAY?Second: Share your #Flobeauty experience with us!Third: You know every one you know is hormonal – spread a little good ovary karma and share this article on social by clicking the buttons below


Need more Hormone Help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a quiz to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.

Click here to get your quiz!

Wondering why the weight still won't come off?

If you’re like many women with endocrine fallout, it may seem like your body is hanging onto an additional five, ten, or twenty pounds for dear life.

You can be eating practically nothing and working out like crazy, but no matter what you do those excess pounds are going nowhere.Sounds familiar?Well, the culprit lies in something that might seem unexpected:

Your liver.

Let me explain.

The liver is responsible for removing toxins from the body and it does this by turning fat-soluble toxins into water-soluble toxins so they can be excreted through your large intestine, kidneys, and skin. However, when you have a hormonal problem, your liver’s function is compromised and can’t work as efficiently at removing these toxins.

Therefore, your body clings to those fat-soluble toxins for dear life! It holds them in your fat tissue in order to protect your liver from a toxic load it won’t be able to handle. But then, unlucky for you, those fat tissues become really difficult to shed - unless, of course, you do what’s necessary to help out your liver.

In WomanCode, I go into much more depth on how to specifically support the liver’s function and remove the stubborn fat cells. I even include a 4-day plan to reset your entire system!

Until you get your hands on the full book, here are a few key things to get started with immediately to get your liver into toxin-clearing action!

  • Fill up on plenty of veggies from the brassica family: cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussel sprouts, and kale.
  • Reach for lemons and oranges, adding lemon to your water as much as possible.
  • Sneak in caraway and dill deeds into your meals. Grind them and rub onto fish, chicken or other meats before baking, combine them with whole grains, or add them to homemade salad dressings

Need more Hormone Help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a quiz to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.

Click here to get your quiz!

You don’t have to be perfect to get balanced {Cracking the Code Pt. 1}

So you slipped up:

You ate the big piece of chocolate cake.You snuck in some coffee at the office.You stayed up way past your bedtime.You had one too many cocktails.

Is your hormonal health destiny doomed to failure?!?

Absolutely not!

One of the questions we often get from you is“what happens if I don’t stick to the protocol perfectly?”

Starting a new “diet” plan is often full of fear and doom and exacerbated perfectionism. You want to get it right. You want to fix yourself. You don’t want to waste your time, money, or hard-working efforts.

Well guess what, ladies --WomanCode is about to change this game completely.

The WomanCode System is not one of those diets that will leave you feeling starved, frustrated, and scared to walk by a bakery.

It’s an entire lifestyle plan and philosophy that gets you to partner with your body, learning the intricacies of your hormones and cycle so that you know how to take care of your body and bounce back from everyday slip-ups.

We know that life isn’t perfect and there will be times when you can’t help but get thrown off course. In fact, it can be fun to get thrown off course once in awhile - right?!?

Because of that we created a “survival kit” section in WomanCode dedicated to helping you counteract the potentially hormone-hazardous events that daily life can bring.

Check out these examples:

You drank too much:

Did you know that a dose of inositol, vitamin C ester, and B-complex taken before bed improves the liver’s ability to detoxify and prevent the morning hangover?

You overdid it on the carbs:

Did you know that a short bout of exercise - walking up and down stairs or a few squats at your desk - right after a meal helps manage glucose and insulin levels and prevent storage of fat?

Get more in-depth tips on common slip-ups plus so much more in WomanCode.

And stay tuned, because we’ll be sending you more tips over the next few days to continue to help you crack the code and get in the FLO of your life!

To being perfectly imperfect,Alisa

I Heart My Moon Cycle

I wanted to let you know that today I’m lifting up my skirt, so to speak, by talking publicly about something I’ve never talked about in this way before.  Something taboo.  Secretive.  Shameful for some of us. It’s something that we, as women, often try to hide.

Do I have your attention?It’s about my moon cycle, my period, my menses — whatever you want to call it.  I’ll be talking about how my own cycles affect my work in the world.  Not to mention my relationships, and my overall view of myself as an empowered, embodied woman.

This conversation is long overdue.Today it feels really good to let my hair down and share more openly about this in a free month-long online event, featuring myself and 27 other feminine leaders, called “I {Heart} My Moon Cycle”.  My friend and colleague, Sara Avant Stover is hostessing this event. In case you don’t know her, Sara is a yogini, women’s teacher and mentor, and the author of the best-selling book The Way of the Happy Woman. This special month stretches for 28 days (one lunar cycle) from February 18-March 17 and is designed to bring more awareness and acceptance of our cycles, from menarche to menopause.Why should you care?  That’s a good question!  As women, we should all be talking more about this than we are. Our bodies have different rhythms and cycles that we can harness in ways that you have probably never been taught…until now.

My own story about my cycles and how they relates to my work in the world went live this morning. Come on over to see what I have to say about this more secretive part of my womanhood.This is taboo stuff, ladies.  Let’s see if we can bring it into the mainstream, and take away the stigma.  

Care to join me? Here’s where to find me there:’s a serious subject, but we’ll have some fun with it, too.  

And you’ll get a lot of information that you can use in your own life and your own relationships. I hope you join me, and let your voice contribute to an emerging women’s movement rooted in the deepest and most powerful parts of us. P.S. “I {Heart} My Moon Cycle” culminates with a free online class and celebration on March 8, International Women’s Day where Sara teaching “What do to on the first day of your cycle (or on the new moon if you’re not bleeding anymore)”— especially if you’re busy professional, mom, or both. She’s a very thorough, inspiring, and gently powerful teacher—I think you’ll really like it! You can join that free class here too

To Protect Your Heart, Attend to Your Hormones

The heart is multi-faceted: both the the center of our circulatory system and the center of our emotional system. We feel things with our hearts, we connect to other people with our hearts, we love from our hearts, and when we follow our hearts, we follow our dreams.But how often do we actually do these things?As women, our hearts should not be overlooked, although they often are. With heart disease being the number one killer of women, we at FLO take it as a sign that even more attention should be on protecting the heart. And the best place to start is by balancing your hormones. Let us explain:What most don’t realize is that mismanaged blood sugar is at the root of heart disease. Elevated sugar in the bloodstream causes triglyceride levels to rise and plaque in the arteries to build up - all to counteract the acidic effects of too much sugar streaming through the blood.On that same note, it’s not a coincidence that most women with hormonal imbalances are dealing with blood sugar imbalances as well. PCOS is one of the more common examples of this connection, but it’s also a factor in other conditions such as PMS, PMDD, ovarian cysts, fibroids, endometriosis, and infertility.Not being aware of your blood sugar is a common form of body-disconnect in women. If you often skip meals, power through your work day without thinking about your body, or find yourself reaching for sugar and carbs often, chances are this is an area that you could use support with!It’s an act of self-love to feed your body in a way that keep your blood sugar balanced, and when you have this foundation you’ll be that much more able to give and receive love freely with others in your life. You’ll also be around for much longer, since how you treat your body in your 20s, 30s, and 40s is a big indicator of how you will age and feel in the future.So do yourself - and your loved ones - a favor and learn how to attend to your hormones as a foundation for heart health!Here are a few ways you can started.3 tips for heart and hormonal health:

  • Don’t skip breakfast! It truly is the most important meal of the day. Not eating breakfast - or eating breakfast that is high in sugar - will set you up for sharp spikes and falls in your blood sugar balance throughout the day. It will not end well. ;)
  • Take a calcium/magnesium supplement at night. The powdered ionic form is best - we love the Natural CALM brand. Studies have shown that magnesium deficiency can lead to high blood pressure, and that supplementing with magnesium can decrease risk of death from heart disease. In addition, both calcium and magnesium are essential for hormonal health and period regulation. Your heart and your ovaries love each other - so help them do their jobs!
  • Connect to your heart daily. Notice the distinction between how you feel and how you are thinking about something. Choose to go with your heart twice a week, for starters! If you need help tapping inwards, a simple meditation we love is to place one hand on your heart, one hand on your belly, and take 3 deep breaths - feeling your belly and chest expanding with each inhale.

We also invite you to check out our WomanCode System if you are someone who’s dealing with hormonal issues and a blood sugar imbalance. We delve deep into sustainable blood sugar management, as well as other key facets of hormonal health. Download our PROGRAM GUIDE to find more about how it all works and what it could do for you!

The Feminine Principle of AND

Do you ever box yourself into either/or thinking?Do you typically feel you’re an “all or nothing” kind of girl?Especially when it comes to our health and self-care, it can be easy to get trapped into one of these modes, which usually serve to keep us stuck and not making the changes we want.“Either I go to the gym at 7am every morning or I won’t go at all.” “I can either keep working 12-hour days, or instead run away to Costa Rica and live in the jungle.”Sound familiar?As we move through this spring season, many of us may find ourselves at major turning points in our lives: graduating from school, ending a relationship, moving to a new place or leaving a job, to name a few. Spring is historically a time of death and rebirth in the world and in our lives, often causing big changes that we may not have been expecting!During these times of growth and evolution, it's important to make sure that we have the right support mechanisms in place to take care of ourselves - and even pamper ourselves - as we move through the process of change. At FLO, we believe that taking really good care of oneself shouldn't be an indulgence - it should be an easy and natural part of our existence. But for many of us who have been taught to take care of the needs of others before our own needs, placing a priority on our own self-care can feel very indulgent indeed.This is why we've created and abide by the Feminine Principle of AND. This means that instead of looking at life as an either/or, we can look at it from a position of abundance and inclusion of more than one option. We can allow ourselves to fully experience our suffering or other aspects of transition, AND we can indulge ourselves by putting all of our juiciest support systems in place, filling us with pleasure and fabulousness.Does this seem like a contradiction?Think about it -Whether you’re going through a major life transition, or just feeling the often stress-producing restlessness of spring, what would most help YOU feel hopeful, juicy, alive?Is it more time with friends, a massage, a dance class, or planning a trip?What are those things that will make you feel good, even if you’re in mourning for a job, a relationship, or the end of school?Write down the first few things that come to mind and share them with us in the comments box below.Take some time just for yourself this week - INDULGE yourself in prioritizing those things in life that make you feel like your most best fabulous YOU.And if time away is something that appears on your list, let us invite you to spend that time away with us!Alisa and the team will be holding a retreat in June at the Omega Institute and we’d LOVE to see you in person and guide you in getting the rejuvenation and balance you’re craving.Click here for more details!

Prevent Hormonal Breakouts: Breaking the Monthly Cycle

Prevent Hormonal Breakouts: Breaking the Monthly Cycle

Long after puberty, many women experience monthly breakouts. Some changes in the skin over the course of a month are normal--after ovulation the increase of progesterone makes breakouts more likely. For the same reason, taking an oral contraceptive high in progesterone can lead to skin trouble all month long. Also, hormonal imbalances can cause the liver to produce the substances that lead to the wrong kind of sebum--the natural lubricant produced by glands in the skin. There are some things you can do every day to prevent hormonal breakouts.If your diet is high in sugar, fat, processed foods, or foods with chemical additives, your body may have a hard time getting rid of these excesses. Your skin's ability to lubricate and self-clean can be impaired. Remember, your body keeps you healthy by processing out anything toxic, and your skin is a major vehicle for detoxification--including the skin on your face.Americans spend around $6 billion on skin care products each year--there's so much advertising encouraging us to turn to the latest chemical-based product for solutions. The trouble is, those products actually add toxins to our bodies, ultimately contributing to deeper levels of organ imbalance and giving our skin even more to deal with.Here's a quick primer to manage and even prevent hormonal breakouts without chemicals:Daily Detox

Prevent Hormonal Breakouts

Flush away toxins and fatty residues and improve liver function:• increase your water• increase leafy green vegetables• increase raw fruit and veggies (be cautious with this in cold weather)Feed Your SkinLike any other organ, your skin needs specific nutrients for health:• vitamins A, C, and E--eat your veggies!• zinc--whole grains, sunflower seeds, raw nuts• essential fatty acids--flax oil, fish oil, evening primrose oilChemical-Free Skin Care• hot towel scrub: rub down your dry skin with a hot washcloth daily to open all the pores on your body for detoxification (besides just the ones on your face)• lavender essential oil and tea tree oil: natural antiseptics and excellent topical treatments for blemishes• food-based masks and peels: coffee & sugar to exfoliate, avocado to moisturize, and papaya for anti-aging and skin repair

We Wish You a Stress Free Holiday Season

How are you holding up this holiday season? Would you like a stress free holiday?(Don't have time to even read this article? You really need some help! Sign Up Here for our Free Holiday Webinar!)

stress free holiday season

It's only the start, but you may already feel the pressure building, both emotionally and physically, to keep up with all your obligations.Added stress puts strain on our adrenals, those thumb-sized glands that sit right above our kidneys and kick in to help our body combat stress. When overworked from being in a constant state of alert, they can throw off our delicate hormonal balance, impacting our health in a negative way.Some signs that you might be suffering with adrenal exhaustion:

  • difficulty waking up in the morning
  • insomnia or difficulty falling asleep
  • relying on caffeine and/or sweets to keep you going
  • foggy-headedness
  • depression
  • low libido
  • getting sick easily, low immunity
stress free holiday season

Do any of these sound familiar?Not to worry - we've set up a special free holiday webinar just for YOU to get back your energy and avoid the stress and overwhelm that this season can bring. Register by clicking here!Contrary to what goes on in our modern culture at this time of year, in nature winter is the time for focusing inward and nurturing the self. The colder weather outside draws us to a place of inner warmth and reflection, which is why the excessive shopping-eating-drinking-family-stress frenzy that kicks in around Thanksgiving time, is so counter-intuitive and detrimental to our health.We know how draining and stressful the holidays can be - on your adrenals and overall health, as well as your wallet - which is why we're hosting this webinar.

Here is more information on the FLO Holiday Webinar & how you can have a stress free holiday season:

A FLO Fan Holiday Webinar

FLO Living’s Food & Lifestyle Strategies to Avoid PMS Hangovers, Sabotaged Fertility Plans and Zapped Energy this Holiday Season

Tuesday, December 18th, 9:00-10:00am PST/12:00 – 1:00 pm EST

Host: Alisa Vitti, HHC, AADP, FLO Living Founder

Bonus: One lucky lady will win a free FLO Hormonal Sync System valued at $297.

PLUS, each caller receives a $50 FLO Gift Certificate to be put towards a purchase at

Sign up now!

"This first science video just opened my eyes -- I saw the light after 5 years!"

Every so often we like to pull stories directly from our online community to share with you the amazing transformations that are happening here at FLO, and to inspire you to see yourself in someone else's success. Today, we hope you enjoy Paula's awakening and get inspired to know that you can heal your body and hormonal imbalances!Hello ladies!After watching the first video in this module I was soooo moved! I've finally understood what's been happening in my body for the last 5 years: the panic attacks after major exercise, the constant fear and anxiety, the "I'm not a morning person" belief that turned into "I'm an owl" belief, the weight gain, the facial and body hair, the sudden cellulite, the painful periods, the grumpiness, the radical feelings, the constant anger. And then the feeling of unworthiness and the lack of confidence that came as a result of this long-lasting state of mind and adrenal fatigue.I cannot count the numerous endocrine doctors I visited, the gynecologists, the dermatologists, the homeopaths, the naturopaths. It's been there all the time. I remember researching about the adrenal glands, and the hypothalamus, and the pituitary gland. I was young and all my theories faded in front of the doctors. I remember having an ultrasound scan of my adrenals done by some doctor, hormonal blood tests, taking a medicine called Aldactone that my body refused after a month, taking the pill in order to get the testosterone under control even if I did not want to take it (and obviously forgetting about taking it so often!).I remember being told it was nothing or being sent to the shrink, skepticism everywhere and being treated like a little girl who has thrown a tantrum. I remember reading Christiane Northrup's book Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, and as amazing as it was, I still felt lost and didn't know where to begin. No one could connect the dots except me, but I guess I wasn't prepared to listen to my body until I discovered Alisa Vitti and FLO living.After beginning the FLO program, I'm not even angry at the doctors or at myself anymore because I'm so happy that it finally makes sense! The answer was there all the time waiting for me to just see it. And that is really what I've been looking for all these years, not just healing, but understanding.I feel so relieved to know I'm not crazy and I don't need a shrink! Now, I understand my story and I understand this can be healed. I'm crying right now, I'm sooo fantastically happy and proud of myself.I’m so looking forward to the future! I feel like I can do anything, be an enhanced version of myself again.I can't stress it enough THANK YOU Flo living team, thank you Alisa Vitti for sharing your story, inspiring us and sharing your knowledge, thanks for the online support I'm getting. This was my best decision ever.~ Paula Muñoz, Designer, Art Director & Filmmaker, Madrid, Spain

Gluten Intolerance and Trying to Conceive

Question: What sticky substance is a part of many readily available foods, but may have hindering effects on your reproductive system when trying to conceive (TTC)?

Answer: Gluten!

Gluten Intolerance and Trying to Conceive

By now if you're not already gluten-free, you’ve probably heard the term. Something that may seem like just another diet fad is actually a much more serious health concern, especially for those of us who already have underlying hormonal sensitivities. Over the past decade, we at FLO have seen the connection between gluten sensitivity and hormonal balance and have helped thousands of women use food as medicine to heal their reproductive health. And, we're so excited to have science on our side! Research has determined that gluten intolerance, or celiac disease, may also be a cause of infertility.

Why gluten is an issue for reproductive health

In people with gluten allergies or sensitivities, when gluten is consumed, the immune system responds by destroying the villi (small, finger-like projections) on the small intestine. This causes malabsorption of nutrients and a slower transit time of food passing through the intestines. Slower transit time means that excess estrogen and other hormones and toxins are not eliminated from the body properly, contributing to a hormonal balance that can interfere with ovulation.

Even if you are at the stage where IVF or IUI is a necessary step, your diet is a still a huge factor! This is why many fertility centers, like The Sher Institute for Reproductive Medicine, recognize the correlation between their patients' fertility and diet, and encourage them to pursue a holistic route of care in combination with the medical support.

Determining if you are gluten-sensitive or not

Now, it's important to mention that you can be gluten-sensitive but not have full blown celiac disease. There are also women who might not have a sensitivity at all. How can you best determine your tolerance to this sticky substance?

Here are some symptoms that indicate you may be at risk of infertility and/or a gluten allgery -

See if any are persistent issues for you:

  • Bloating, gas or abdominal pain
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Chronic fatigue and weakness
  • Indigestion
  • Absent or irregular menstrual cycles
  • Prolonged use of hormonal contraceptives
  • Skin issues
  • Fatigue and/or weakness
  • Irritability or behavior change

What to do next

If you’re having menstrual irregularities, digestive distress, and/or trouble conceiving that seems undiagnosable to doctors, we want to hear from you! There’s a good chance your diet is not supporting your hormonal balance, and our protocol was designed specifically to address this issue. We can help you determine your best route to reproductive health and natural conception!

Sticking with you,


Need more Hormone Help?

If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a 4 day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.Click here to get your FREE detox and evaluation!

7 Tips to Stay Healthy During the Winter Months

Welcome to Winter! Today is the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, and the turning point that marks the beginning of the winter season. This is the perfect time to look inward, embrace the darkness, and check in with our bodies to be sure we are aligning with Mother Nature. The better you take care of yourself now, the better prepared you will be for the transformative, blossoming energy of Spring that is a few months away.

As our Solstice gift to you, we’ve outlined our top 7 tips to stay healthy during the Winter:

1. Nourish your adrenal glands

Yes, yes, you’ve heard us say this many times before! If you haven’t before, now’s the time to listen ;) As the deeply-wired stress-responsive glands and roots of your reproductive health, your adrenal glands need all the support they can get during any stressful time, but especially during the holidays and winter season. As the wisdom of Chinese Medicine tells us, the winter season is when our adrenals and kidneys are most dominant and open to support or damage – depending on how we treat them. Support your adrenal glands with proper nutrition for the season. Include sea vegetables, kidney beans, black sesame seeds, chestnuts, sardines, buckwheat, beets, and miso in your diet.

2. Move your body

Even if you’re out of town for the holidays or stuck inside after a snowstorm, there are plenty of ways to stay active indoors. Start each morning with three sun salutations or download a yoga class off of YouTube. Let loose - turn up the radio and dance to your favorite music! And if you’re up for the outdoors, plan a date and go ice skating with your friends, family or lover.

3. Think before you choose hot drinks

While it can be tempting to grab a gingerbread latte or mocha as refuge from the cold, beware of energy-zapping effect these caffeinated, sugary beverages can have on your adrenals over the long term. Instead, there are plenty of ways to get creative with your hot drink options while still being kind to your body. Spice up your herbal tea and get more antioxidants by adding a handful of dried goji berries in the cup. Have steamed rice milk, nut milk or soy milk with a dash of nutmeg, vanilla and a sweetener of your choice. At Starbucks, go for a tea “Misto” with soy milk. Need some caffeine? Kukicha twig tea and roasted green tea make delicious yet gentle winter options. Relax with your favorite book and sip away.

4. Load up on water inside you

Since Winter represents the Water Element, take extra care in providing your body with quality, pure water frequently throughout the day. Invest in a purifying filter, to rid your water of any impurities and save the earth the carbon footprint of using plastic bottles. Squeeze a slice of lemon and add a dash of cayenne for a liver-cleansing and warming bonus!

5. Bathe in water around you

The perfect way to end a winter’s day? Immerse yourself in a hot bath filled with your favorite salts, herbs and essential oils. It will soothe your skin from the harsh weather and promote detoxification. Light a few candles and play soothing music to promote your deepest relaxation.

6. Give and receive

Feeling drained from frantic gift-shopping that feels overdone or unnecessary? Give in a different way this year and feel fulfilled rather than spent. Make a donation to your favorite charity. A few that we love: Women for Women , and Heifer International.

7. Reflect and set intentions

Set aside 30 minutes for yourself. Click here to open the Intention Setting Worksheet. Winter, being the menstruation phase of the year, is the perfect time for reflection and tuning into your inner wisdom. What have you accomplished in the past year? Where do you see yourself in a year from now? Don’t feel compelled to take action – just start writing and see what you come up with.

Wishing you and your families a magical holiday season!

Stay Healthy During the Winter Months!

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Self Care Ideas - Make a Commitment to Self Care

There's great joy to be had in doing for others, but many of us probably also experience the downside of over-doing and over-

self care ideas

giving: we end up feeling tired and worn out, and sometimes even resentful of the commitments we've made.If this sounds familiar, we'd wager that there's one important person who is getting left out of all of your giving - YOU. We can't stress how important it is to think about your own self care.

Why would I give to myself?

During times of busyness, it's more important than ever to make time to care for ourselves. The busier we are, the more our bodies are operating in "stress mode" - overproducing adrenaline and cortisol (the stress hormones) to keep us going. These hormones serve a necessary function in the instance that a "fight or flight" reaction is needed. But they also put in motion processes that shut down important functions like digestion and elimination - since in a fight or flight situation you want all energy focused on your current emergency.Taking a little time out to care for ourselves gives our bodies a break, and keeps ALL of our different systems functioning properly.

Create a 'Commitment Box'

self care ideas

So how do we find time to give to ourselves and commit to self care? One of our favorite ways is by creating a 'Commitment Box.' If you're familiar with Julie Cameron's amazing book on stimulating the creative process, The Artist's Way, you'll likely be reminded of her Artist's Date exercise, where you commit to doing one playful thing - something just for yourself - each week, as a way of getting your creative juices flowing.It's easy to get started: just rip a piece of paper into as many pieces as you like, and on each piece of paper write down one thing that you can do for yourself. Then find a box or bag in which to store your papers. If you like, you can even decorate your box, so it stands out as something special. Each week, pull out one piece of paper, and make it a commitment to treat yourself during that week with whatever gift you've chosen.

Having trouble getting started?

Self care ideas don't have to be fancy or cost money. They could be as simple as a luxurious bath, an afternoon nap, buying flowers for yourself, giving yourself 30 minutes of uninterrupted time to read your favorite book or 15 minutes to play outside, or even sharing a cup of tea with your best friend. The only requirement is that whatever you include in your box brings you pleasure in some way.

Share your self care ideas

What ideas did you come up with for your box? Are you enjoying including yourself? Discuss your gifts, share ideas for future giving, and ask questions about this exercise in the comments section below. A FLO counselor will respond!FLO Living recognizes the importance of indulgence, pleasure, and sensuality for every woman's menstrual and sexual health. We help you find the right medicinal foods for healing your condition, and we support you to understand, accept, and enjoy your woman's body and your feminine energy.

How to sync up your exercise routine with your cycle

An article in the New York Times "What Exercise Science Doesn't Know About Women," brings up the point that, well, scientists don't really know much about the effects of exercise on women's bodies:

Scientists know, of course, that women are not men. But they often rely on male subjects exclusively, particularly in the exercise-science realm, where, numerically, fewer female athletes exist to be studied. But when sports scientists recreate classic men-only experiments with distaff subjects, the women often react quite differently.In the meantime, female athletes should view with skepticism the results from exercise studies that use only male subjects. As Dr. Rowlands says — echoing a chorus of men before him — when it comes to women, there’s a great deal that sports scientists “just don’t understand.”

So what's a girl to do?

Let us fill in the gaps for you! Your bodies are unique - not only are they different from men's, but they are also different throughout different points of the month.

When it comes to excercise especially, it's so important to change your routine according to where you're at in your cycle. We can't always push as hard as we'd like to, and sometimes the pushing can feel really good.While science works to catch up with us, we'd love to share with you some of our tips on adjusting your exercise routine to match your body's internal rhythms.

Exercise guidance for each phase of your cycle:

  • While bleeding -Women usually fall into 1 of 2 categories: those who need to curl up in a ball on the first day of their periods and those who feel an energy surge. Either way, we recommend giving your body rest during this phase and engaging in gentle movement if anything at all. Even if you feel a rush of energy, it's not always the best to expend it right away - if you keep the energy contained at the beginning of your cycle, it will better serve you throughout the rest of the month. Examples: stretching in bed, light yoga, walking
  • Follicular phase (the week or so after bleeding) - Hone your building energy during this time of the month by trying out new classes, engaging in more social types of exercise like dancing, or simply get really into your regular routine. You'll be feeling lighter and more social after menstruation, so it's a great time to move your body more and try new things. Examples: African dance, jogging, biking
  • Ovulation - As your most fertile time of the month, relish in feeling and looking hot in whatever kind of exercise you decide to engage in! Continue with the exercise you were doing in the follicular phase and better yet, practice some love-making at home with your partner or alone. Examples: dancing, love-making
  • Premenstrual phase (also called Luteal Phase) - The perfect time to get your aggression out through exercise! As your sensitivity gets heightened during this phase, you may also find your frustration and anger levels rising. Better to move it through your body than let it fester inside! If you're one who gets sore breasts, bloating, or other uncomfortable symptoms, anything that involves running or bouncing around might not be the best option. Go for stationary, low-impact, and/or weight-bearing activities. Examples: lifting weights, power pilates, fast-paced yoga, belly dancing
  • Not menstruating at all or very irregular - If you're someone who hasn't had a period for months (or even years) you might want to consider adjusting your workout routine or easing up on it. In some cases of ammenorhea or irregular cycles, exercise is a big factor. Extreme exercise, prolonged workouts, and intense cardio can interfere with your sensitive adrenal glands, forcing them into high stress mode. Stress hormones effect our reproductive hormones majorly, which will impact your cycle. Instead of pushing yourself to the limits, experiment with a different approach. You don't have stop completely, but incorporating some gentle yoga or freeform dancing, and doing in community with other women, will help calm your nerves and restore your hormonal balance, in addition to being fun. Examples: kundalini yoga, restorative yoga, dancing around your bedroom

Ever wonder what’s really going on with your hormones?

We’ve designed a quiz to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance.

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Diva Cup Review - Freedom in your FLO

This month as I start my new cycle, I am reminded of the fabulous freedom I feel since having switched from tampons to the Diva Cup a year and a half ago. So I decided to write this Diva Cup review, in the hopes that my opinion would be helpful to you.For anyone not familiar with the amazing Diva Cup, it’s exactly what it sounds like; a silicone cup inserted into your vagina to collect your flow. The concept itself will give you a whole new perspective on your menstruation.Don’t get me wrong, the initial switch from tampons was a little daunting. When my DC first arrived it sat staring at me on my bathroom countertop for a week. I knew my period was on it’s way, but I also knew that I needed to ease into the relationship with my new pal. It just seemed so big! Needless to say, I embraced my cup and have never looked back! It’s really freeing to leave the house and not have to worry if I have ‘supplies’ with me. You know the story, you were in a hurry, forgot to stock your bag and now you spend every encounter deciding if you should casually ask for a tampon to get you through the day. No need to live like that anymore. As magical as this notion may be, it’s not the only reason I made the switch (obviously some are after the fact discoveries, isn’t it great I get to pass them on to you).

Diva Cup Review

  • It’s non-toxic, unlike many tampons out there that use bleached cotton and add fragrance. Yikes, your vaginal cells are too delicate to taint with bleach and irritate with fragrance.
  • It saves you money! Being the analytical left brain that I am, I had to do the math. Say you typically use around 16 tampons (1 box) per cycle, at $8/box, you will spend $96/year on tampons vs. the $25 (currently on Amazon) for a diva cup that you can use for up to 2 years! That’s a savings of $167/year over two years.
  • No leakage! Even when swimming, biking, and running, I’ve done it all.
  • Seeing your menstrual blood in its natural form is really eye-opening. It’s a view to our insides that you can’t get any other way; something I never really considered before.
  • The DC has measurement markings, so you can track how much you are bleeding. This completely blew my mind. It’s really hard to tell how much you bleed with a tampon, but seeing the blood fill ½ ounce cups brings a new compassion for your body.
  • Even though the cup is inserted into the vagina, I no longer have that ‘plugged up’ feeling that tampons gave me.
Diva Cup Review

Taking care of your cup is not hard either. Wash with plain (no fragrance) glycerin soap after each time you empty it. If you are in a public restroom, have no fear, just wipe out with a piece of toilet paper and clean when you get home. Between cycles I soak my cup in vinegar for a few hours, and I also soak in just boiled water for 20 minutes or so.If it still seems like a strange concept to you, I dare you to face your fear and take the plunge. Who knows where this little life change may lead you.If you struggle with an unhealthy flow laden with cramps or heavy bleeding, the Diva Cup may be a more challenging transition. Find out how to restore your healthy FLO by booking a free 30 minute focus session here.

Female Hormones and Oral Health. Watch your mouth, women!

Ok, we're not just being cute - we really mean it. Watch your mouth, i.e. your oral and dental health!This awesome article from Women's Health magazine, How Your Menstrual Cycle Affects Your Mouth, reminds us that because of our fluctuating hormones, women are at greater risk for dental problems and can be more or less sensitive at different times of the month. Your female hormones DO affect your oral health.Not only that, but there are studies that link oral bacteria with a greater risk for heart disease, which we all know happens to be the number one killer for women.So, ladies, remember these tips:

  1. Care for your pearly whites by brushing and flossing daily (see our resource below for holistic oral health!)
  2. Use your hormonal patterns as a guide for when to schedule your cleanings and when to be extra diligent about your brushing and flossing (see details here)
  3. Make sure you are using functional foods to keep your hormones stable: Less PMS means less mouth stress!
  4. Learn how to use foods to improve immune response and reduce inflammation that can be a precursor to heart disease

Don't just take our word for it - educate yourself!We at FLO Living are all about empowering you with the knowledge about your body and hormonal system so that you can best take care of yourself in the short and long term future. Since your oral health is so linked up to your reproductive system, it's essential to be taking care of both. Contact us at [email protected] if you'd like to set up a time to talk with us in more detail!Our favorite expert on the subject of holistic oral health is Nadine Artemis, whose book Successful Self-Dentistry will give you all the info you need to better care for your mouth and maybe even avoid the dentist. Who doesn't love that??Smile! Your body loves you :)

Spotlight on Skin: 3 sunscreen ingredients to avoid

Is your sunscreen disrupting your hormones?

Say what? I thought my sunscreen was protecting me from the dangerous rays of the sun, but now I have to worry about it harming me too? That’s right, ladies, there are many toxic chemicals lurking in the average product that you see on the shelf.With summer in full swing, it’s freeing to be outdoors enjoying the warmth of sun on your skin. But as important as our daily dose of Vitamin D is, so is our protection from a burn and perhaps more serious illnesses. And with that, comes another caution - beware of the ingredient list on your sunscreen!

Sunscreen ingredients to avoid and why:

OXYBENZONE - Oxybenzone easily penetrates the layers of skin, allowing it to enter your system. It has been linked with endocrine hormone disruption (including reproduction), an increase in endometriosis, cellular level changes, and system toxicity.RETINYL ACETATE (VITAMIN A ACETATE) - Vitamin A in your diet has been proven to protect against HPV proliferation and cervical cancer, but putting it on your skin in the sun does not have the same effects. Studies have shown that vitamin A treated skin exposed to sunlight can increase your risk of cancerous tumor growth.OCTYL METHOXYCINNAMATE (OMC) - Studies have linked to increased levels of estrogen, reduced production of thyroid hormones, and declined immune function.

Ingredients to look for:

AVOBENZONE - Used in products since 1978, avobenzone provides protection against UV-A rays and test results show no hormone disruptions.ZINC OXIDE - Remember the 80s with zinced up lifeguard noses? This mineral shows limited skin penetration, no photoallergy and no hormonal disruption.TITANIUM DIOXIDE - Great for UV protection, this other mineral also has limited skin penetration, no photoallergy and no hormonal disruption.Our environments today have an increased number of industrial-created chemicals that alone not seem toxic but in combination with all the other chemicals (in shampoo, make up, cleaning products, plastics in our home, paint on our walls, finishes on our furniture, I could keep going) and environmental factors (sun exposure) may lead to detrimental effects on our systems. Take control where you can!At FLO living we love using EWG as a resource for product information, all studies cited in this post are results from research done by EWG. Take a peek at their sunscreen guide to 2012.Knowledge is power, and we like you having power!To go even deeper and get an in-depth power session for your body and hormones, sign up for a complimentary 30 minute consultation here.

Flo Counselor Spotlight Jen: Transformative Health

Matthew Kenney Restaurant in Oklahoma City[/caption]

Jen: My Story of Transformative Health

Hi, I am Jen and I am your West Coast based Flo Health Coach! I began my health journey over 14 years ago and it’s why I do the work that I do. As a counselor at FLO Living, my goal is to help others transform, connect to their bodies within and feel what it is like to live a life in balanced health, in both mind and body.This is just a bit of my health history prior to 1999: Appendectomy, Tonsillectomy, Heartburn/GERD, Hiatal Hernia, H. Pylori not to mention years of antibiotics. In 2000, I switched to a whole foods diet and little by little my world was transformed. It was a process but I was soon in best health physically due to my change in diet. I also began doing yoga and became certified in Pilates. I was strengthening my physical core, digestion and also learning more about body awareness and how our bodies have the greatest intelligence!My stress level continued though as I was in the corporate world in Advertising and Media in New York City. Stress affected my hormones and digestion. Stress was definitely the culprit in my hormonal imbalances. It still takes discipline but I have found great success through Meditation and Pranayama. Diet and lifestyle are my mantra and I am still doing the work each and every day to stay in balance. The more I do for my health, the more I am able to connect with the real me.I believe living a healthy and balanced life connects each of us to something greater within ourselves but also connects us to the world around us. It’s about nature and our nature within. I am passionate about Ayurveda and I am currently studying Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine and Shiatsu.For one to one consults, book with me online at to get in the FLO. Cheers!

Beyond Aphrodisiacs: 5 Food Strategies for a Better Love Life

Is there a magic food to rev up your libido?We've all heard of aphrodisiacs - which are wonderful and very powerful - butif certain other aspects of your diet and endocrine system are not balanced, chances are you won't feel a thing just from eating oysters. So what foods can boost your libido and improve your love life?Foods that support your adrenals and rev up your libido are those that keep your blood sugar balanced, your mood stabilized, and your cortisol levels low, while naturally upping DHEA production. If these factors aren’t in place, you are probably feeling tired, depressed, foggy-headed, having difficulty sleeping, getting frequent colds, or some combination of them. Not only from a nutritional perspective will this weaken your sex drive, but also from an emotional perspective – you just won’t have the capacity to thrive.So get started on the road to better health and a better love life.

Here are the 5 food strategies you MUST know about!

  1. Switch to decaf – Caffeine first thing in the morning will zap the life out of your adrenals, leaving you even more tired at that 3 or 4pm lull. If you’re an avid coffee drinker, start by switching to decaf or green tea, then eventually switch over to herbal teas.
  2. Skip the salad at lunch– That’s right! Contrary to popular belief that salads at lunch are the healthy way to go, depriving your body of a whole grain carbohydrate source at lunchtime will bring on sweet cravings later in the day and disturb your blood sugar balance. So throw some brown rice into your salad bowl, or eat a sandwich or sushi rolls.
  3. Take shortcuts with your snacks – Instead of mindlessly munching Cheerios or fruit snacks with your kids, keep balanced snacks around for yourself. Always have on hand protein sources like: organic sliced turkey breast (which provides the building blocks for mood stabilization), whole hard boiled eggs, canned salmon and sardines (skip the tuna! Too much mercury and not enough EFAs). Whole grain quick fixes include: Mary’s Gone Crackers and precooked brown rice bowls from Trader Joes. And don’t forget about sliced veggies with peanut butter or hummus!
  4. Nourish your adrenal glands with supportive foods - Load up on sea vegetables (nori, hijiki, dulse, kelp – which come in flakes that you can easily sprinkle onto your food), black sesame seeds, black and kidney beans. These foods work to nourish your tired adrenals.
  5. Get in your Essential Fatty Acids – Especially if you’re breast feeding, your body can be starved of the EFAs, essential for mood stabilization. If you can’t get in things like avocado, salmon, nuts and seeds, then take a fish oil or flax oil supplement.

Get started now and let us know how you feel in the comment box below!

And don't forget that our expert health coaches are here to support you along the way. If you're looking for personalized support and a step-by-step program to guide you through the process, click here to book your complimentary FLO Focus Session!

better love life

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We can help you address your underlying issues and understand your hormones like never before

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “MyFLO has been a true game changer for me and my cycle. I now have an increased awareness of my body's needs throughout the month.”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “MyFLO has completely transformed my relationship with my cycle. I am sleeping through the night, intuitively managing my stress, and eating with my cycle.”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “I use MyFLO every day to track my cycle and symptoms. I've managed to significantly reduce PMS symptoms like breast tenderness, and my cycle length has gone down from 40 days to 30 days.”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Boost micronutrient levels

  • Manage blood sugar

  • Reduce stress

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • "My period was missing for 3 years after getting off birth control. MonthlyFLO helped me finally get my period back.”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • I feel more empowered to understand my body and heal my hormones. I no longer accept the patriarchal dismissal and confusion about the female cycle”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “I got my period back after 15 years! Thank all of you for your support. I'm just so grateful!”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • “FLO Living has seriously changed my life. It gave me the courage and bravery to get off of birth control, and completely changed my outlook on health. I look and feel better than I ever have in my life”

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Detox estrogen

  • Reduce inflammatory foods

  • Improve elimination

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Boost progesterone production

  • Support estrogen elimination with dietary changes

  • Replenish micronutrients

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Reduce Androgens

  • Restore ovulation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Detox estrogen

  • Improve bowel movements

  • Reduce inflammation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Manage blood sugar

  • Address micronutrient deficiencies

  • Restore ovulation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Detox chemical stress

  • Micronutrients to boost egg quality

  • Reduce inflammation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Detox chemical stress

  • Targeted micronutrients to support ovulation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Micronutrients to boost egg quality

  • Reduce inflammation

  • Support immune function of uterus

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Implement Cycle Syncing ®

  • Detox chemical stress

  • Boost micronutrient levels

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Manage blood sugar

  • Detox estrogen

  • Boost progesterone production

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Reduce stress

  • Boost energy

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Restore Micronutrients

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Boost progesterone production

  • Support estrogen elimination

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Micronutrients to boost egg quality

  • Reduce inflammation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

Heavy bleeding

Flo Care Plan

  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Boost progesterone production

  • Increase micronutrient levels