Back when I was desperately trying to address my own severe case of PCOS, I spent thousands of dollars on an array of products. I tried chlorella supplements, I tried a candida eliminator, I even tried drinking a juice made of carrots and greens every morning that looked just like pond scum and turned my skin orange! So yes, I really mean it when I say I tried everything.I didn’t know it at the time, but the real reason nothing worked was that I wasn’t using supplements correctly. You can’t simply slap a pill or potion on hormonal imbalance and expect it to magically heal the condition. Supplements can and do support major healing, but they have to be used synergistically, meaning the correct formulations must be used in conjunction with the correct diet. What is Biohacking?Biohacking is simply the modification of micronutrients, diet and lifestyle to optimize the functions of the body’s biological processes. For women, this means replenishing micronutrient levels and cycle-syncing diet and lifestyle. And yes, I wrote the book on that. The key difference between biohacking for men and biohacking for women, is that in the case of men, they are trying to maximize energy, concentration, and stamina during their very short 24 hour circadian hormonal pattern. For you, as a woman, you are already maximally efficient by design, so you simply need to nurture your cyclical patterns and endocrine system’s nutritional needs, and you will feel the benefits quickly. This means you can biohack your way to an easy, symptom free period in a very short time!How Supplements Can Enhance Your HealingThe biggest learning that came out of my years-long supplement experimentation was that the proper products are meant to work in harmony with hormone-healthy foods. Sure, any manufacturer can sell a product that says it “blocks estrogen,” but if you ingest that product (assuming it actually does what it says it does — many don’t) and you’re not taking in other important micronutrients, all you’re really doing is investing your money into making really expensive pee. Seriously! That’s what I was doing for years, and along with overpriced urine, the misguided expectations created a lot of frustration and hopelessness. I don’t want you to needlessly suffer the same defeating feelings. I’ve seen so many women throw their money away on useless supplements, only to realize the products aren’t working, which leads them to stop trying to heal altogether. I don’t want you to give up — you can change your hormonal situation. You just have to do it the right way. That’s really why I created this kit. The five essential formulations must be used together because that’s exactly how they should fit into your life; as a supportive, synergistic team. These micronutrients are the ones I’ve relied on for the past 17 years to not only put my serious hormonal dysfunction into remission, but also help maintain my endocrine and overall health over time. These are my go-tos, and they’re exactly what I know will help support you as you take control of your own health and transform your life. Why These Five Supplements Are Non-Negotiable
When it came time to manufacture my kit of essential supplements, I created the five formulations that are truly non-negotiable: B-complex, magnesium, liver detoxifier/estrogen metabolizer, a probiotic, and a D3-omega-3, K blend. One question many clients have is whether or not they need to take a multivitamin, and as you may have noticed, I didn’t include one in my kit. The reasons are simple: most multivitamins contain too much of the wrong nutrients and not nearly enough of the right ones. In my years of research, I narrowed down the overwhelming and seemingly never-ending list of supplements to the true essentials: these are the products that will help your body manufacture the correct hormones and help these chemical messengers communicate in a way that’s maximally efficient and effective. So why are these essentials so essential? The facts speak for themselves. Comprehensive scientific research has demonstrated that these micronutrients are must-have supports for a fully-functioning, healthy hormonal system. Just a few examples of what you’d be missing out on if you don’t incorporate these powerful products:
The truth is, your body contains infinite wisdom. It knows how to balance your hormones. Whatever endocrine disruption you’re experiencing is due to the fact that you’re depleted in a specific area or areas and your body needs to be replenished; you have the natural potential for optimal hormonal function; your body has just lost its way and needs some re-direction and guidance. The supplements in my essentials kit are designed to support and enhance the significant improvements that will result from a targeted nutritional protocol. Whether you have a thyroid condition, endometriosis, PCOS like me, or intolerable PMS that your doctor won’t take seriously, supplementing correctly will speed your body’s ability to create real and lasting balance.These are the micronutrients every menstruating woman needs to have more balanced hormones. I’m so proud to be able to offer you this product. With it, now the FLO Living Hormone Center is the only place on the planet where women can go virtually to test, track, treat, and talk about their hormones and improve their periods naturally. Whether you’re trying to get rid of pesky PMS, offset the effects of synthetic birth control hormones, improve a diagnosed condition like PCOS, Fibroids, etc, or improve your fertility, Balance Supplements are an excellent addition for healthier hormones. And in case you missed it, check out my most popular FaceBook Live to date from this past Thursday! I really dive into why these supplements are the absolute most essential micro-nutrients that you need to support your hormones. Listen Here. If you’re just learning how your period works with the MyFLO period tracker, Balance by FLO Living Supplement Kit will help you take your health to the next level. If you’ve started making changes to your food and lifestyle with MonthlyFLO, the Balance Supplement Kit will give you nutrient support to speed up your hormone balancing. If you’ve graduated from one of our FLO programs, Balance Supplement Kit will give you the nutrient support to stay on track as you continue to eat for all 4 phases and sync with your cycle. These five supplements represent your personal “insurance policy” against endocrine disruptive things you’re doing (knowingly or unknowingly) that are throwing you off balance.If you’re ready to feel energized, detoxed, replenished, harmonized, and gutsy, order the Balance by FLO Living Supplement Kit now! Love,Alisa
You’ve been asking me for hormone-friendly supplement recommendations, and I finally have created a solution that I am so thrilled to be able to offer to you on your hormonal balancing journey:
Balance by FLO Living Supplements are a complete package that work together to keep your hormone levels healthy. They include a 2 month (2 cycle) supply of the following formulations so you’re never caught short in any phase of your cycle.When you take these 5 supplements daily, you’ll be giving your body excellent micronutrients to support healthier hormone levels. Which means that you’ll start to see your worst period symptoms get better… and even disappear after a while.
Click here to learn more about the brand-new BALANCE Supplement Kit.
Explore the Store
Reduce Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) symptoms like painful periods, weight gain, acne breakouts, and unwanted hair with Restore, our PCOS supplement kit.
Optimize your fertility and get your body baby-ready with Nurture, our therapeutic-grade fertility supplement kit.
Support whole-body hormonal balance and regular, PMS-free periods with these five essential micronutrient formulations, designed to be taken simultaneously every day.
Explore the Store
Support whole-body hormonal balance and regular, PMS-free periods with these five essential micronutrient formulations, designed to be taken simultaneously every day.
Feel better and perform more effectively when you support your hormonal health during every phase of your cycle.
A revolutionary roadmap for women to help balance their hormones and care for their bodies, so they can feel their best all month long with Cycle Syncing®.
For those struggling with absent or infrequent periods, heavy bleeding, and other more intense menstrual symptoms
Read Woman CodeFor those struggling with absent or infrequent periods, heavy bleeding, and other more intense menstrual symptoms
Read In the FloAlisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
“MyFLO has been a true game changer for me and my cycle. I now have an increased awareness of my body's needs throughout the month.”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
“MyFLO has completely transformed my relationship with my cycle. I am sleeping through the night, intuitively managing my stress, and eating with my cycle.”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
“I use MyFLO every day to track my cycle and symptoms. I've managed to significantly reduce PMS symptoms like breast tenderness, and my cycle length has gone down from 40 days to 30 days.”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Boost micronutrient levels
Manage blood sugar
Reduce stress
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
"My period was missing for 3 years after getting off birth control. MonthlyFLO helped me finally get my period back.”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
I feel more empowered to understand my body and heal my hormones. I no longer accept the patriarchal dismissal and confusion about the female cycle”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
“I got my period back after 15 years! Thank all of you for your support. I'm just so grateful!”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
“FLO Living has seriously changed my life. It gave me the courage and bravery to get off of birth control, and completely changed my outlook on health. I look and feel better than I ever have in my life”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Detox estrogen
Reduce inflammatory foods
Improve elimination
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Boost progesterone production
Support estrogen elimination with dietary changes
Replenish micronutrients
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Stabilize blood sugar
Reduce Androgens
Restore ovulation
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Detox estrogen
Improve bowel movements
Reduce inflammation
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Manage blood sugar
Address micronutrient deficiencies
Restore ovulation
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Detox chemical stress
Micronutrients to boost egg quality
Reduce inflammation
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Stabilize blood sugar
Detox chemical stress
Targeted micronutrients to support ovulation
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Micronutrients to boost egg quality
Reduce inflammation
Support immune function of uterus
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Implement Cycle Syncing ®
Detox chemical stress
Boost micronutrient levels
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Manage blood sugar
Detox estrogen
Boost progesterone production
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Stabilize blood sugar
Reduce stress
Boost energy
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts
Stabilize blood sugar
Restore Micronutrients
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts
Boost progesterone production
Support estrogen elimination
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts
Micronutrients to boost egg quality
Reduce inflammation
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts
Boost progesterone production
Increase micronutrient levels