The holiday season from Halloween on can test the healthy eating habits of even the most determined of us! It’s the time of year when health bloggers are telling you to swap sweet candy for green apples and we all nod along enthusiastically until we actually find ourselves in the grocery store, faced with aisle upon aisle of our favorite chocolate bars, now made even more tempting by being so small, cute, and fun-sized! There are some important reasons to not go over-the-top when it comes to sugar - mismanaged blood sugar levels are a root cause of hormonal health issues like PCOS, PMS, painful periods, and infertility issues. But I know that depriving yourself completely isn’t a realistic approach at this time of year, instead it should be about balance. So, I’m not here to tell you you can’t indulge in your favorite sugary Halloween treat. It’s a wonderful thing when you’ve been taking care of your hormones with your diet studiously for some time to take a moment to really, truly savor some candy. I get it - when I was a kid I would swap all of my Halloween candies for my friends’ KitKat bars. I looooved those KitKat bars like nothing else. And I do still sometimes sit down and indulge in my favorite chocolate bar - I just find now that I want my sweet fix to be as healthful as possible.
Speaking of kids - now that I have my baby girl, how to approach Halloween in a way that’s best for my family is definitely on my mind. Not long now and she’ll be off trick-or-treating with her friends and bringing back bags full of candy, just like I did. While your child is still under your care, that is, she/he is still at the age when they’ll take your advice and listen to what you think is best, then try to instill in them a sense of the value of real food. Wean them off the regular candies with my favorite alternatives and soon enough they’ll like them more. At least that is what they can find at home, even if at school it might be a different story! They’ll learn the difference and then they can have that educational foundation as they grow up to make their own choices. This Halloween, if your kids come home with bags of regular, processed, junk candy - consider doing a swap with them for my healthier alternatives. Then consider donating the candy they were given. Operation Gratitudesends care packages to troops overseas, including all the treats they may have not seen for months or years. It’s a good way to get rid of at least some of that Halloween haul and teach your kids the importance of sharing at the same time. I know it would be super expensive to hand out my healthy candy alternatives to all the neighborhood kids (if you do still get trick-or-treaters at your door on Halloween night…), so let’s hope some day these companies can compete on their pricing with the big brands and we can all share hormone-friendly treats with our neighbors and friends.
I think the best way to sail through the holiday season from Halloween on, candy-wise, is a 2 step process -
1) Don’t stress about the occasional indulgence with your favorite regular treatsand 2) Plan ahead to satisfy your cravings with healthy candy alternatives that you can enjoy just as much (no green apples, I promise!).Most of these healthy candies can be found at your local WholeFoods or health food store. Buying online can also help you save. Oh, and if anyone finds a company that makes healthy version of my favorite KitKat bars, please let me know! I’m still on the look out for that one.
Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this - the science of your body is on your side!to your FLO,AlisaGood things come in threes:
First, do you struggle with sugar cravings? Second, what are your favorite healthy alternatives? Third, everyone you know is hormonal – spread a little good ovary karma and share this article on social ;)
If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a 4 day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.Click here to get your FREE detox and evaluation!
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Support whole-body hormonal balance and regular, PMS-free periods with these five essential micronutrient formulations, designed to be taken simultaneously every day.
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For those struggling with absent or infrequent periods, heavy bleeding, and other more intense menstrual symptoms
Read Woman CodeFor those struggling with absent or infrequent periods, heavy bleeding, and other more intense menstrual symptoms
Read In the FloAlisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
“MyFLO has been a true game changer for me and my cycle. I now have an increased awareness of my body's needs throughout the month.”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
“MyFLO has completely transformed my relationship with my cycle. I am sleeping through the night, intuitively managing my stress, and eating with my cycle.”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
“I use MyFLO every day to track my cycle and symptoms. I've managed to significantly reduce PMS symptoms like breast tenderness, and my cycle length has gone down from 40 days to 30 days.”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Boost micronutrient levels
Manage blood sugar
Reduce stress
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
"My period was missing for 3 years after getting off birth control. MonthlyFLO helped me finally get my period back.”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
I feel more empowered to understand my body and heal my hormones. I no longer accept the patriarchal dismissal and confusion about the female cycle”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
“I got my period back after 15 years! Thank all of you for your support. I'm just so grateful!”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
“FLO Living has seriously changed my life. It gave me the courage and bravery to get off of birth control, and completely changed my outlook on health. I look and feel better than I ever have in my life”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Detox estrogen
Reduce inflammatory foods
Improve elimination
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Boost progesterone production
Support estrogen elimination with dietary changes
Replenish micronutrients
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Stabilize blood sugar
Reduce Androgens
Restore ovulation
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Detox estrogen
Improve bowel movements
Reduce inflammation
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Manage blood sugar
Address micronutrient deficiencies
Restore ovulation
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Detox chemical stress
Micronutrients to boost egg quality
Reduce inflammation
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Stabilize blood sugar
Detox chemical stress
Targeted micronutrients to support ovulation
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Micronutrients to boost egg quality
Reduce inflammation
Support immune function of uterus
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Implement Cycle Syncing ®
Detox chemical stress
Boost micronutrient levels
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Manage blood sugar
Detox estrogen
Boost progesterone production
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Stabilize blood sugar
Reduce stress
Boost energy
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts
Stabilize blood sugar
Restore Micronutrients
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts
Boost progesterone production
Support estrogen elimination
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts
Micronutrients to boost egg quality
Reduce inflammation
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts
Boost progesterone production
Increase micronutrient levels