I’ve made this prediction before and I’m going to make it again this year: You’re likely to have a really rotten period in January (and probably in February and March, too).If you’ve already gotten your period and you’re thinking How did she know?!?!, well, I can’t see the future. But I CAN see the past, and if your holiday was anything like mine it was full of joy, connection, and good memories, but yours may also have been crammed with stress, travel, disrupted sleep, and more sugary foods and alcoholic beverages than usual. Oh, and it probably left you with very little time for your normal self-care routines, like regular workouts and getting the essential micronutrients that keep your hormones happy. All that travel, stress, and sugar increases the chances that your body won’t make enough progesterone during the luteal phase of your cycle in the coming month(s). Less progesterone means more estrogen in the body relative to progesterone and it is that imbalance — more estrogen with less progesterone to balance it — that strands you with all the stereotypical symptoms of PMS. The same holiday trio of travel, stress, and sugar can delay ovulation in the new year, too. A lot of women worry they’re pregnant after the holidays because their period arrives days late!
You can’t go back and redo the holidays. But you can take steps now to get your period back on track. And now is the time of year when you really want to optimize your hormonal health. If a hormonal imbalance has you feeling less-than-stellar, you won’t have the energy or interest in reaching any other health and wellness goals you’ve set for the new year. In other words, if your PMS is worse than ever in the first quarter of 2019, you’re more likely to rely on old, comfortable, and unhealthy habits to get you through. And any health and wellness resolutions you made for 2019 are less likely to happen!That’s why addressing hormonal imbalances and solving your PMS is the most important step you can take right now when it comes to living healthier in the new year. Being in optimal hormonal health now means that you are more likely, and more able, to reach your other health and wellness goals all year long.
Ready to escape a horrible January (and February and March) period? Here’s what I recommend:Make sure you’re getting the right micronutrients. I’ve been researching the menstrual cycle and hormones for close to two decades and I’ve learned that there are specific micronutrients women need to optimize hormone health. Holiday stress and high doses of sugar and alcohol during November and December can deplete these nutrients. These micronutrients are magnesium, vitamin D3, B vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids and if you aren’t getting enough of these micronutrients in your diet, I recommend taking a supplement. Micronutrient support is one of the best lines of defense against a terrible January period. Do a healthy, short detox. I also recommend doing a four-day hormone detox after the holidays. It’s a quick food program to help clear your system of all the holiday treats that tasted so good going in but are causing hormonal trouble now. I recommend doing this detox right after your last period. Get my complete four-day detox plan for free here. Curb sugar cravings with your food choices. When you finish the detox, prioritize eating complex carbohydrates, cruciferous vegetables, clean sources of protein, and healthy fats to help you with sugar cravings that may have developed over the holidays. If you’ve noticed that your sugar cravings really spiked during the holidays, consider making one or two days each week grain free this month. On those days, emphasize healthy fats like coconut oil, pastured eggs, and avocados, and drink bone broth. Take a fiber supplement to help sweep out the last of the processed flour and sugar. Add a healing juice to your daily routine. I’m not a fan of juice-only cleanses, but adding one healing juice to your daily food plan can turbo-charge your hormone-recovery efforts. Combine a handful of spinach, 1 carrot, 2 stalks of celery, half a bunch of cilantro, one-third a bunch of parsley, half a lemon with rind, half a green apple in a blender or juicer.Prioritize sleep. Try to get back on a regular sleep schedule, where you go to bed around the same time and wake up around the same time each day. Always remember, that once you have the right information about how your body really works, you can start making health choices that finally start to work for you! You can do this – the science of your body is on your side!
If you’re needing some health upgrading, it’s time you started you looking into what’s going on with your hormones.I’ve designed a 4-day hormone detox and evaluation to help you understand exactly what’s out of whack and how you can start getting back to balance so that your hormones no longer have to suffer.Click here to get your FREE detox and evaluation.
Explore the Store
Reduce Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) symptoms like painful periods, weight gain, acne breakouts, and unwanted hair with Restore, our PCOS supplement kit.
Optimize your fertility and get your body baby-ready with Nurture, our therapeutic-grade fertility supplement kit.
Support whole-body hormonal balance and regular, PMS-free periods with these five essential micronutrient formulations, designed to be taken simultaneously every day.
Explore the Store
Support whole-body hormonal balance and regular, PMS-free periods with these five essential micronutrient formulations, designed to be taken simultaneously every day.
Feel better and perform more effectively when you support your hormonal health during every phase of your cycle.
A revolutionary roadmap for women to help balance their hormones and care for their bodies, so they can feel their best all month long with Cycle Syncing®.
For those struggling with absent or infrequent periods, heavy bleeding, and other more intense menstrual symptoms
Read Woman CodeFor those struggling with absent or infrequent periods, heavy bleeding, and other more intense menstrual symptoms
Read In the FloAlisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
“MyFLO has been a true game changer for me and my cycle. I now have an increased awareness of my body's needs throughout the month.”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
“MyFLO has completely transformed my relationship with my cycle. I am sleeping through the night, intuitively managing my stress, and eating with my cycle.”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
“I use MyFLO every day to track my cycle and symptoms. I've managed to significantly reduce PMS symptoms like breast tenderness, and my cycle length has gone down from 40 days to 30 days.”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Boost micronutrient levels
Manage blood sugar
Reduce stress
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
"My period was missing for 3 years after getting off birth control. MonthlyFLO helped me finally get my period back.”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
I feel more empowered to understand my body and heal my hormones. I no longer accept the patriarchal dismissal and confusion about the female cycle”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
“I got my period back after 15 years! Thank all of you for your support. I'm just so grateful!”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
“FLO Living has seriously changed my life. It gave me the courage and bravery to get off of birth control, and completely changed my outlook on health. I look and feel better than I ever have in my life”
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Detox estrogen
Reduce inflammatory foods
Improve elimination
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Boost progesterone production
Support estrogen elimination with dietary changes
Replenish micronutrients
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Stabilize blood sugar
Reduce Androgens
Restore ovulation
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Detox estrogen
Improve bowel movements
Reduce inflammation
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Manage blood sugar
Address micronutrient deficiencies
Restore ovulation
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Detox chemical stress
Micronutrients to boost egg quality
Reduce inflammation
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Stabilize blood sugar
Detox chemical stress
Targeted micronutrients to support ovulation
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Micronutrients to boost egg quality
Reduce inflammation
Support immune function of uterus
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Implement Cycle Syncing ®
Detox chemical stress
Boost micronutrient levels
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Manage blood sugar
Detox estrogen
Boost progesterone production
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Stabilize blood sugar
Reduce stress
Boost energy
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts
Stabilize blood sugar
Restore Micronutrients
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts
Boost progesterone production
Support estrogen elimination
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts
Micronutrients to boost egg quality
Reduce inflammation
Alisha A / 46 years old
Flo Care Plan
Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts
Boost progesterone production
Increase micronutrient levels