The 7 foods that will boost your Sex Drive in 4 weeks

last updated on
June 16, 2023
Alisa Vitti

PLUS I share what kind of sex to have each week of your cycle to have your best orgasms every time!

These days it’s not just aging that can cause your sex drive to take a nosedive. All those factors of modern life that conspire to make our diet poor, our exercise minimal, our sleep unsettled and our stress levels high, not only mess with our menstrual cycle and our fertility, but also our libido. It’s all connected!

Why I want you to have more sex!

When we’re rushing around trying to do our best in all areas of life, sex is often the first thing to get majorly de-prioritized. I think that’s a real shame as sex is not only fun, it’s also great for your health! In fact regular sex plays an important part in regulating your cycle and sustaining your fertility.So, I want to share with you how cycle-syncing both your diet and how you have sex for the next 4 weeks can give your libido and enjoyment a big boost.

Your hormones and your desire

When you are living in your FLO and truly feeling cycle-aware, you might notice that how you feel about your partner, your energy levels, and your interest in sex changes depending what phase you are in at that time. This is perfectly natural. In the first half of your cycle you will feel a growing sense of desire that spikes around ovulation. Then, in the second half of your cycle, the closer you get to your period, the less interested in sex you will feel. That said, with my tips for engaging in the right sex for your phase you might find yourself with a much larger window of high desire.

However, please do remember, it’s okay to simply not feel like it, sometimes! It’s okay to want to take a break, just let your body be your guide.

The SexyFLO guide to turning yourself back ON in just 4 weeks

Follicular phase (before you ovulate, after your period)

Food: Honey. Here’s food you can actually use in and out of the bedroom, if you’re feeling playful! An ancient aphrodisiac, honey contains boron, which helps regulate your hormones, plus nitric oxide, which is released naturally during arousal.Bonus: I suggest having your partner eat celery at the start of each day, as this food makes him send out these crazy-attractive pheromones that will make you much, much more interested in him!

Sex: You’ll want to amp up the touching, massaging, and nonpenetrating foreplay to get mentally and physically readied for sex. Right after your period, your sex drive will be low, so you’ll need a lot of extra attention. This is also a good phase for trying new things, so make extended and creative foreplay a sexual frontier.

Ovulatory phase

Food: Strawberries and figs. Indulge in strawberries, the symbol of Venus, the Goddess of love, at this time. They contain antioxidants and phytochemicals that are nutritious energy support, plus their symbolic power can get you mentally in the mood. Try dipping figs in honey for a sensual treat. The fiber and potassium are great hormone balancers, plus they’ve been associated with sexiness since the times of Ancient Greece.

Sex: Your testosterone and estrogen levels are at their highest, hopefully making you feel very frisky. You are at your most fertile and your body is primed to procreate (so stay safe if you don’t want a baby!). You won’t need a lot of foreplay, so this is the right time for quickies and spontaneity.

Luteal phase (after you ovulate, before your period)

Food: Right after you ovulate try some recipes involving asparagus and artichokes. Asparagus contains aspartic acid, which can help prevent fatigue as well as low libido. Artichokes have an ancient connection to increasing sexual interest that might be sourced in how sexy it can be to dip and eat their leaves!As you get closer to your period try raw dark chocolate, full of desire-boosting magnesium, as it will satisfy your natural cravings, make you feel content, and give you a much-needed energy boost. Another one to bring into the bedroom if you are feeling experimental!

Sex: As you move towards menstruation, testosterone, estrogen and progesterone begin their descent to their lowest levels. You’ll be needing more stimulation now to climax. This is the time to utilize any toys that help you to increase sensation. Or try out my techniques for increasing arousal solo or with a partner.

Menstrual phase

Food: Avocados are full of bioidentical testosterone, which will aid you at this time when your own testosterone is at its lowest ebb. Aztecs believed avocados had the power to incite sexual passion and, in this way, they were not wrong!

Sex: Low pH levels in your vagina at this time can make those prone to infections more susceptible and we know there’s nothing sexy about a UTI! It’s okay to abstain from sex for a few days, regardless. However, if you suffer from period-related cramps or migraines then solo or partnered orgasms can really help as a pain-reliever. Finally, some women feel very turned on during this week due to the increased fluid pressure in the pelvic and pubic area. Go with your FLO and choose to do whatever is right for you!

Food as foreplay

When you’re eating these foods, whether alone or with your partner, I want you to really try to enjoy the experience. Slow down and focus on the pleasure and sensuality of eating. Make the meal a meditative process, even consider it to be part of your extended foreplay. This will bring more awareness to your body and relax your mind. Think about how you can make the most of these libido-boosting foods with your partner and involve him in this new way of engaging in sex and your sexuality.Remember: the potential sexual powers of these foods can only be activated if you are already living in your FLO and building a hormonally-balanced internal ecosystem. Only then will you really feel that buzz!

Integrative Nutritionist, Author, & Founder of FLO Living

Alisa Vitti

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  • Address micronutrient deficiencies

  • Restore ovulation

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  • Micronutrients to boost egg quality

  • Reduce inflammation

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  • Targeted micronutrients to support ovulation

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  • Support immune function of uterus

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  • Detox chemical stress

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  • Manage blood sugar

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  • Boost progesterone production

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  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Stabilize blood sugar

  • Restore Micronutrients

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  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Boost progesterone production

  • Support estrogen elimination

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  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Micronutrients to boost egg quality

  • Reduce inflammation

Alisha A   /  46 years old

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  • Cycle Syncing® Food & Workouts

  • Boost progesterone production

  • Increase micronutrient levels

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